Elenco notifiche

Fluid machinery


A.A. 2023/24

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Meccanica (Mechanical Engineering) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 70
Esercitazioni in aula 30
Tutoraggio 15
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Misul Daniela Anna Professore Associato IIND-06/A 70 0 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-IND/08 10 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria meccanica
Turbomachinery represents a strong topic in the background of a mechanical engineer and the constant attention devoted to the environmental related aspects is to be carefully considered. The subject hence aims at providing the students with the basic theoretical knowledge and with the practical skills needed to face problems related to the performance analysis and the optimal choice of either a thermal or a hydraulic device. The first part of the subject focuses on a quick review of the Thermodynamic and Fluid Mechanic principles, with specific reference to aspects that are mandatory for the analysis of fluid machines and energetic systems. Particular attention will also be devoted to the analysis of the design as well as the off-design performance of machines and to the design and off-design behaviour of power plants.
Turbomachinery represents a strong topic in the background of a mechanical engineer and the constant attention devoted to the environmental related aspects is to be carefully considered. The subject hence aims at providing the students with the basic theoretical knowledge and with the practical skills needed to face problems related to the performance analysis and the optimal choice of either a thermal or a hydraulic device. The first part of the subject focuses on a quick review of the Thermodynamic and Fluid Mechanic principles, with specific reference to aspects that are mandatory for the analysis of fluid machines and energetic systems. Particular attention will also be devoted to the analysis of the design as well as the off-design performance of machines and to the design and off-design behaviour of power plants.
Through the systematic application of the thermo-fluid-dynamics principles to energy systems and to their components, the module provides the students with the ability to: • design turbomachines, engines, and fluid-power systems • design engineering-plant solutions in relation to the specific application • tackle issues related to off design performance • tackle issues related to maintenance problems
Through the systematic application of the thermo-fluid-dynamics principles to energy systems and to their components, the module provides the students with the ability to: • design turbomachines, engines, and fluid-power systems • design engineering-plant solutions in relation to the specific application • tackle issues related to off design performance • tackle issues related to maintenance problems
To fruitfully attend the subject, the student should have previously acquired the basic knowledge from the “Fundamental of Fluid Machinery” and “Fluid Mechanics” courses. More specifically, the following aspects should have been thoroughly acquired: • Fluid Machines theory. • Thermodynamics. • Thermo-kinetic. • Applied Mechanics. • Fluid Mechanics.
To fruitfully attend the subject, the student should have previously acquired the basic knowledge from the “Fundamental of Fluid Machinery” and “Fluid Mechanics” courses. More specifically, the following aspects should have been thoroughly acquired: • Fluid Machines theory. • Thermodynamics. • Thermo-kinetic. • Applied Mechanics. • Fluid Mechanics.
Syllabus of the course • Introduction to fluid machines. Review of the thermodynamics and fluid-dynamics applied to fluid machines. Velocity diagrams, Euler work equation (10.5 h). • Fundamentals of thermodynamics and chemistry of the combustion of fuel/air mixtures (7.5 h). • Blade cascade: velocity triangles, energy transfer in turbomachines, scaling and similitude, performance characteristics (design and off design) (21 h). • Steam turbine plants: single-stage impulse turbine, pressure compounding, blade shapes, velocity compounding. Steam turbine plant control (15 h). • Review on centrifugal and axial turbo-compressors: design and off-design operations (10.5 h). • Review on the hydraulic pumps: cavitation. Hydraulic turbines: Pelton wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine (12 h). • Turbo-gas plants: control techniques (10.5 h). • Volumetric machines: reciprocating compressor, vane compressor, Roots (13.5 h).
Syllabus of the course • Introduction to fluid machines. Review of the thermodynamics and fluid-dynamics applied to fluid machines. Velocity diagrams, Euler work equation (10.5 h). • Fundamentals of thermodynamics and chemistry of the combustion of fuel/air mixtures (7.5 h). • Blade cascade: velocity triangles, energy transfer in turbomachines, scaling and similitude, performance characteristics (design and off design) (21 h). • Steam turbine plants: single-stage impulse turbine, pressure compounding, blade shapes, velocity compounding. Steam turbine plant control (15 h). • Review on centrifugal and axial turbo-compressors: design and off-design operations (10.5 h). • Review on the hydraulic pumps: cavitation. Hydraulic turbines: Pelton wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine (12 h). • Turbo-gas plants: control techniques (10.5 h). • Volumetric machines: reciprocating compressor, vane compressor, Roots (13.5 h).
The student must take care of procuring the Mollier diagram for steam (“Diagramma entalpico per il vapor d’acqua”), CLUT Eds. The diagram is mandatory to solve the proposed exercise and to sit the exam.
The student must take care of procuring the Mollier diagram for steam (“Diagramma entalpico per il vapor d’acqua”), CLUT Eds. The diagram is mandatory to solve the proposed exercise and to sit the exam.
The subject is structured as follows. • Roughly 75 hours of lectures, devoted to the development of the basic knowledge on the design and performance of thermal and hydraulic machines. • Roughly 24 hours of applied lectures, meant to stimulate the acquired competences and to consolidate them through the solution of exercises. These latter will allow the students to further deepen the understanding of the concepts dealt with within the lectures. Tutoring hours might also be foreseen depending on the arrangements of the academic year. Laboratories: lab activities will also be possibly integrated into the course structure. Still, due to logistic issues, these latter will only be offered to the students attending the course for the first time.
The subject is structured as follows. • Roughly 75 hours of lectures, devoted to the development of the basic knowledge on the design and performance of thermal and hydraulic machines. • Roughly 24 hours of applied lectures, meant to stimulate the acquired competences and to consolidate them through the solution of exercises. These latter will allow the students to further deepen the understanding of the concepts dealt with within the lectures. Tutoring hours might also be foreseen depending on the arrangements of the academic year. Laboratories: lab activities will also be possibly integrated into the course structure. Still, due to logistic issues, these latter will only be offered to the students attending the course for the first time.
The virtual classrooms and the notes from previous academic year will be made available on the web portal together with the course slides. The notes from the classes will be made progressively available of the Material tab of the course main page (Dropbox). The saturation tables for steam will be made available in the Material tab of the course main page. The texts for the applied lecture will be made available in the course material whereas the following book will have to be procured by the students and will serve for the exam preparation. • Applied lectures reference book - C. Dongiovanni, D. Misul, “Exercises on Thermal and Hydraulic Machines”, CLUT Eds, Torino. Bibliography The following books can be used as references to further deepen the course topics understanding. • M.J. Moran, H.N. Shapiro, “Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics”, 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons. • S.L. Dixon, C.A. Hall, “Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery”, 6th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier. • Lecture Slides • S.A. Korpela, “Principles of Turbomachinery”, Wiley & Sons.
The virtual classrooms and the notes from previous academic year will be made available on the web portal together with the course slides. The notes from the classes will be made progressively available of the Material tab of the course main page (Dropbox). The saturation tables for steam will be made available in the Material tab of the course main page. The texts for the applied lecture will be made available in the course material whereas the following book will have to be procured by the students and will serve for the exam preparation. • Applied lectures reference book - C. Dongiovanni, D. Misul, “Exercises on Thermal and Hydraulic Machines”, CLUT Eds, Torino. Bibliography The following books can be used as references to further deepen the course topics understanding. • M.J. Moran, H.N. Shapiro, “Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics”, 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons. • S.L. Dixon, C.A. Hall, “Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery”, 6th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier. • Lecture Slides • S.A. Korpela, “Principles of Turbomachinery”, Wiley & Sons.
Slides; Dispense; Libro di esercitazione; Esercizi risolti; Video lezioni tratte da anni precedenti;
Lecture slides; Lecture notes; Practice book; Exercise with solutions ; Video lectures (previous years);
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam;
... The exam booking on the web portal, within the deadline, is mandatory. The exam is made up of a written test and of an oral test. The final mark is the mathematical average of the marks achieved for the written and the oral parts. Written test (duration: 2 h 30 min) The written test aims at evaluating the students’ competences in terms of formula application and problem solving. The students will be asked to solve two exercises featuring a difficulty level like that of the exercises proposed during the applied lectures. Each exercise sums up for 15 points out of 30. The following penalty scale will be adopted in marking the exam paper: • major conceptual mistake - 4/5 points • minor conceptual mistake – 2/3 points • calculation mistake – 1 point During the written test, the students are only allowed to use a scientific calculator, the paper steam Mollier chart, the saturation tables, and a formula sheet to be written on a A4 paper and to be prepared by the students. The use of notebooks, smart phones, cell phones or any other electronic device is strictly forbidden. Should any candidate use any un-authorized electronic devices (regardless of whether it is switched on or off, online, or offline), he/she will be immediately withdrawn from the exam. The candidate can withdraw from the written test at any time up to the hand-in time. Any candidate who is not satisfied with the written test result can withdraw from the exam. Oral test The oral test aims at verifying on a deeper basis the acquired theoretical and practical oriented knowledge. During the oral exam, the student will be required to prove his/her knowledge on the subject basics (definitions, demonstrations, equations) as well as to be able to deal with problems derived from practical applications. The oral test is mandatory and will deal with the topics dealt with within the lectures. The oral test can be accessed only provided that a minimum score of 15/30 is achieved in the written test. A failure in the oral test will lead to the exam failure.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam;
The exam booking on the web portal, within the deadline, is mandatory. The exam is made up of a written test and of an oral test. The final mark is the mathematical average of the marks achieved for the written and the oral parts. Written test (duration: 2 h 30 min) The written test aims at evaluating the students’ competences in terms of formula application and problem solving. The students will be asked to solve two exercises featuring a difficulty level like that of the exercises proposed during the applied lectures. Each exercise sums up for 15 points out of 30. The following penalty scale will be adopted in marking the exam paper: • major conceptual mistake - 4/5 points • minor conceptual mistake – 2/3 points • calculation mistake – 1 point During the written test, the students are only allowed to use a scientific calculator, the paper steam Mollier chart, the saturation tables, and a formula sheet to be written on a A4 paper and to be prepared by the students. The use of notebooks, smart phones, cell phones or any other electronic device is strictly forbidden. Should any candidate use any un-authorized electronic devices (regardless of whether it is switched on or off, online, or offline), he/she will be immediately withdrawn from the exam. The candidate can withdraw from the written test at any time up to the hand-in time. Any candidate who is not satisfied with the written test result can withdraw from the exam. Oral test The oral test aims at verifying on a deeper basis the acquired theoretical and practical oriented knowledge. During the oral exam, the student will be required to prove his/her knowledge on the subject basics (definitions, demonstrations, equations) as well as to be able to deal with problems derived from practical applications. The oral test is mandatory and will deal with the topics dealt with within the lectures. The oral test can be accessed only provided that a minimum score of 15/30 is achieved in the written test. A failure in the oral test will lead to the exam failure.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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