Elenco notifiche

Fracture Mechanics and Applications Using Discrete Element Methods (insegnamento su invito)


A.A. 2023/24

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Lacidogna Giuseppe Professore Associato CEAR-06/A 2 0 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
The goal of the present course consists in revisiting some topics of Fracture Mechanics using Discrete Element Methods to give another point of view on the complexities related to systems failure.
The goal of the present course consists in revisiting some topics of Fracture Mechanics using Discrete Element Methods to give another point of view on the complexities related to systems failure.
Guest lecture: Ignacio Iturrioz - Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil, (UFRGS) Mechanical Department The comprehension of fractures in solids presents some concepts that are complex to understand, such as Autosimilarity, the Size Effect, and Criticality, among others. This aspect will be investigated after giving the classic topics related to Fracture Mechanics. Two versions of the Discrete element approach will be presented during the course to illustrate the concepts mentioned. 1- (3hs) Brief revision of fracture mechanics concepts I: Definition of fracture mechanics parameters, linear G, K, and non-Linear COD, J integral. cod, J. Integral. The critical distance approach of Taylor, and other bi-parametric approaches. The size effect and the concept of the fragility number will be also presented. 2- (3hs) Acoustical Emission Technics and the possibilities to identify usign this information when the monitored system collapse is imminent. The theoretical basis of the Discrete Element Strategies: (i) Simple Models: Bundle Model, the Stick-slip Model, The Fuse Model. 3- (3hs) The Discrete Element Strategies: (ii) The Lattice Discrete Element Method. (iii) The numerical Method based on Peridynamics. The theoretical basis behind these methods will be presented. Comparison between the two last methods. A discussion relating to how to calibrate these models is presented. 4- (3hs) Comparison between the two last methods. A discussion relating to how to calibrate these models is presented. Applications using the three strategies illustrate how these numerical tools could be an insight into the concepts related to the failure of systems. The examples will be defined by the function of the student profiles. 5- (3hs) Evaluation Activity: Practical tasks, Exam, Answer questions.
Guest lecture: Ignacio Iturrioz - Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil, (UFRGS) Mechanical Department The comprehension of fractures in solids presents some concepts that are complex to understand, such as Autosimilarity, the Size Effect, and Criticality, among others. This aspect will be investigated after giving the classic topics related to Fracture Mechanics. Two versions of the Discrete element approach will be presented during the course to illustrate the concepts mentioned. 1- (3hs) Brief revision of fracture mechanics concepts I: Definition of fracture mechanics parameters, linear G, K, and non-Linear COD, J integral. cod, J. Integral. The critical distance approach of Taylor, and other bi-parametric approaches. The size effect and the concept of the fragility number will be also presented. 2- (3hs) Acoustical Emission Technics and the possibilities to identify usign this information when the monitored system collapse is imminent. The theoretical basis of the Discrete Element Strategies: (i) Simple Models: Bundle Model, the Stick-slip Model, The Fuse Model. 3- (3hs) The Discrete Element Strategies: (ii) The Lattice Discrete Element Method. (iii) The numerical Method based on Peridynamics. The theoretical basis behind these methods will be presented. Comparison between the two last methods. A discussion relating to how to calibrate these models is presented. 4- (3hs) Comparison between the two last methods. A discussion relating to how to calibrate these models is presented. Applications using the three strategies illustrate how these numerical tools could be an insight into the concepts related to the failure of systems. The examples will be defined by the function of the student profiles. 5- (3hs) Evaluation Activity: Practical tasks, Exam, Answer questions.
In presenza
On site
Presentazione orale - Presentazione report scritto
Oral presentation - Written report presentation
P.D.2-2 - Settembre
P.D.2-2 - September