Elenco notifiche

Innovative geomatic techniques for structure, infrastructure and environmental monitoring


A.A. 2023/24

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 18
Esercitazioni in aula 12
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Belcore Elena   Ricercatore L240/10 CEAR-04/A 9 6 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
During the course, some Geomatics techniques will be described. In particular, it will be shown applications related to: • structural monitoring and control of natural risks; • integrated systems for monitoring the territory and structures based on terrestrial techniques, mobile mapping system and use of UAVs; • implementation of multi-temporal analyses for the management of areas subjected to natural risks (in particular related to hydrogeological instability, tectonic activities); • control of structures through terrestrial topographic techniques (automatic and robotic total stations, laser scanning, spirit leveling) to support models for assessing the behavior of structures and their state of damage; • expeditious georeferenced video inspection for road and railway infrastructures in order to understand if there are cracks (and what size they are) or to analyze their conditions (e.g., presence of humidity using hyperspectral and thermal multispectral data)
The course will be divided into three main modules of 10h each: 1. Geomatics techniques for structural monitoring: some Geomatics techniques related to structural monitoring will be described and shown, including the use of GNSS and inertial instruments (accelerometers and gyroscopes); 2. Monitoring techniques for land and territory: geomatics techniques useful for land monitoring will be described, addressed and analyzed, such as laser scanner systems (both terrestrial and aerial or manual and mobile mapping systems), terrestrial or aerial photogrammetry as well as the use of drones for the transport of sensors (such as photogrammetric ones, thermal, multispectral and hyperspectral cameras) useful for achieving the purposes previously described. Particular attention will be paid to the statistical analysis of the significance of the estimated displacements, a very important topic for the correct identification of movements and deformations. This course will also address aspects related to the multi- temporal analysis of the collected data; 3. Statistical analysis and inference on the obtained results. AI principles for photogrammetric data classification. The teaching activity is carried out with lectures and lab activities for data processing and analyses. Moreover, external measurement campaigns are also provided (for a total of about 6 hours) during which students can have a practical feedback of what it is shown during the theoretical part.
Mixed mode
Written report presentation
P.D.1-1 - December
Proposed timetable: 13 dicembre 2023 09:00-13:00 e 14:30-16:30 (6h) 15 dicembre 2023 09:00-13:00 e 14:30-16:30 (6h) 20 dicembre 2023 10:00-16:00 (6h) 22 dicembre 2023 09:00-13:00 e 14:30-16:30 (6h) 12 gennaio 2024 09:00-13:00 e 14:30-16:30 (6h)