Elenco notifiche

Geographic Information Systems


A.A. 2023/24

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Digital Skills For Sustainable Societal Transitions - Torino



Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 40
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Tutoraggio 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Arco Emere   Ricercatore L240/10 CEAR-04/A 20 20 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/06 6 C - Affini o integrative A11
Geomatics’ techniques and tools allow to manage georeferenced spatial data and to generate added value information and can be applied in multiple application areas (i.e., decarbonization processes, industry 4.0, cultural heritage, etc.) and in response to various challenges (i.e., sustainable mobility, optimization of industrial processes, predictive maintenance, digital twins, innovative dissemination tools). In this context, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a key role, allowing to acquire data, to position them with respect to a reference coordinate system (georeferencing), to structure them effectively, to analyze them, to share them and to generate innovative and effective dissemination products. This course aims to: • describe GIS systems peculiarities and GIS different data types • describe how spatial data can be navigated, queried, visualized and combined into mapping products • showcase methods and tools for creating new data and analysing existing ones • demonstrate the application of these techniques in different areas through practical examples, presented during lessons, and the production of a final report by the students on a topic of their choice.
Geomatics’ techniques and tools allow to manage georeferenced spatial data and to generate added value information and can be applied in multiple application areas (i.e., decarbonization processes, industry 4.0, cultural heritage, etc.) and in response to various challenges (i.e., sustainable mobility, optimization of industrial processes, predictive maintenance, digital twins, innovative dissemination tools). In particular, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a key role, allowing to acquire data, to position them with respect to a reference coordinate system (georeferencing), to structure them effectively, to analyze them, to share them and to generate innovative and effective dissemination products. Being geomatics’ techniques and tools applicable in a vast domain of different applications, they represent an ideal environment where to apply data-driven approaches and to develop problem-solving skills in complex cases and by integrating different specific competences. This course aims to: • describe GIS systems peculiarities and GIS different data types • describe how spatial data can be navigated, queried, visualized and combined into mapping products • showcase methods and tools for creating new data and analysing existing ones • demonstrate the application of these techniques in different areas through practical examples, presented during lessons, and the production of a final report by the students on a topic of their choice.
• Knowledge of the main types of geographical data and the related methods of creating, editing, processing (with hints relating to automation through scripting) and representing • Ability to manage spatial data in different reference and coordinate systems • Ability to communicate issues of spatial relevance in a clear and unambiguous way through the preparation of a report on original themes and which includes cartographic outputs
At the end of this course, the student will be able to: • define the main types of geographic data • explain precision and accuracy concepts in relation with geographic data nominal scale • convert geographic data in different coordinate systems and choose the appropriate coordinate system according to the application • autonomously search for existing geographic data and assess its suitability • use methods for creating, editing, and analyse geographical data • process (with hints relating to automation through scripting) geographic data and evaluate the derived results • organize main elements of a map, choosing the appropriate symbology, scale and coordinate reference system • formulate a report to communicate geographic data analysis outputs in a clear and unambiguous way
Basic computer literacy.
Basic computer literacy
• Introduction (15 hours): o list and description of the main disciplines connected to geomatics o how a GIS works: definitions and components, main capabilities, differences in respect to CAD systems o GIS data: vector geometries (2D and 3D), raster basics, non-spatial tables metadata, storage options o spatial coordinate systems, map projections and related concepts of precision, accuracy, and nominal scale o methods for discovering existing data o instruments for acquiring new data o main types of cartographic products (static and dynamic) • Visualizing, navigating and querying GIS data (20 hours) o the layer concept o moving around a map o layer symbology, classification and labelling o attributes management (including functions for joining data) o info and query (attribute- and location-based) tools o hints on how to manage 3D data o map layout creation • Generating new data or information (20 hours) o editing and analyzing vector data o processing raster data o vector-raster conversion and combination o creating processing workflows • Managing extensions/plugins (5 hours) In the case of classroom training, lessons and exercises will be organized in an informatics laboratory where appropriate hardware and software will be made available to the students. In the case of distance learning, the teacher will provide hardware requirements and the possibility to install locally the required software.
1. Introduction (15 hours): 1.1. list and description of the main disciplines connected to geomatics 1.2. how a GIS works: definitions and components, main capabilities, differences in respect to CAD systems 1.3. GIS data: vector geometries (2D and 3D), raster basics, non-spatial tables metadata, storage options 1.4. spatial coordinate systems, map projections and related concepts of precision, accuracy, and nominal scale 1.5. methods for discovering existing data 1.6. instruments for acquiring new data 2. Visualizing, navigating and querying GIS data (20 hours): 2.1. the layer concept 2.2. layer symbology, classification and labelling 2.3. attributes management (including functions for joining data) 2.4. info and query (attribute- and location-based) tools 3. Generating new data or information (20 hours): 3.1. editing and analyzing vector data 3.2. processing raster data 3.3. vector-raster conversion and combination 3.4. creating processing workflows 3.5. managing extensions/plugins 4. Communicating results (5 hours) 4.1. main types of cartographic products (static and dynamic) 4.2. map layout creation (including atlas) 4.3. hints on how to manage 3D data
The GIS software used in the course is QGIS, last stable version.
The GIS software used in the course is QGIS, the version suggested is the last long term release (LTR). It is advisable to bring your own laptop and mouse to class.
The course will be delivered as classroom training in an informatics laboratory, allowing to efficiently mix lessons and related exercises. In case this is impossible due to existing restrictions, the course will be delivered as distance teaching, keeping the same structure.
The course will be delivered as a strongly integrated mix of lessons and related exercises, i.e. lessons and exercises will be conducted back-to-back in order to immediately showcase the application of the theoretical concepts. Students are strongly invited to use their own hardware during the lessons. Information about the required software and related hardware requirement will be provided at the beginning of the course. In the final report, students are required to develop a project for the use and analysis of geographical data in an area and on a theme of their choice, relevant to the educational objectives of the degree course.
• Mario A. Gomarasca, Basics of Geomatics, Springer, 2014, EAN: 9789400789517 • Material provided by the teacher
Material provided by the teacher Further suggested readings: • Mario A. Gomarasca, Basics of Geomatics, Springer, 2014, ISBN: 9781402090141 • Kenneth Field, Cartography, ESRI Press, 2018, ISBN: 9781589484399 • Ghilani, C. D. and P. R. Wolf, Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics - Chapter 3, Hall Publishers, 2014 • QGIS User Guide (https://docs.qgis.org/3.28/en/docs/user_manual/index.html) • Tips & Tools for writing a scientific report by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/scientific-reports/)
Lecture slides;
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto individuale; Elaborato scritto prodotto in gruppo;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual essay; Group essay;
... The exam will be oral and will focus on the presentation and subsequent discussion of a report in which students, individually or in small groups of maximum 3 people, will have to demonstrate the application of conceptss, methods and analyses presented during the course. The written document must be a descriptive and self-explanatory text, designed to provide a complete picture of the objectives, methods, and results. It is advisable to follow the instructions in the document Knowing how to communicate (https://didattica.polito.it/tesi/SaperComunicare.pdf), as regards the production of a technical-scientific report (section 2). The level of detail of the report must be a good compromise between the readability of the document and the need to provide the reader with the tools not only to understand the analysis, but also to be able to reproduce (and possibly improve) the proposed procedure. The subject of the paper should be agreed in advance with the teacher: in this case, the material necessary for the assessment must be delivered 1 week before the exam date. If the object is not agreed, the material needed for the assessment must be delivered within 2 weeks from the date of the exam. All the topics covered during the course and, if necessary, their application using the adopted GIS software, installed in the laboratory or on student’s PC, are an integral part of the oral exam. The judgment criteria used to compose the final grade include the evaluation of: • the ability to produce a concise, coherent and unambiguous written paper (45%) • the ability to expose the contents of the paper clearly and in accordance with the indicated time (25%) • the theoretical knowledge relating to the topics covered during the lessons (30%)
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual essay; Group essay;
The exam will be oral (in a dedicated classroom) and will focus on the presentation and subsequent discussion of a report in which students, individually or in small groups of maximum 3 people, will have to demonstrate the application of conceptss, methods and analyses presented during the course. The written document must be a descriptive and self-explanatory text, designed to provide a complete picture of the objectives, methods, and results. The TOC of the report must contain the following sections: • Abstract/summary (optional), in which you briefly summarize all the content of the report • Introduction, where you describe the topic and scope/objective/goal of your analysis and describe the chosen area of interest • Datasets description, where you provide at least basic metadata of all external datasets you used • Methods, for presenting the analyses and workflow you performed • Results, to discuss the main outcomes • Mapping outputs, that can be either included in the report or delivered as attached files No template is provided and you are free to adopt any style/format you deem appropriate for presenting your work and results: but please follow well established general rules such as: • start with a title page with title, logo(s), authors, course name, date, etc. • clearly report and reference in the text all the bibliography/sitography used • enumerate all figures/tables/formulas (with caption, if necessary) and reference them in the text • consider to insert an index if the report size requires The level of detail of the report must be a good compromise between the readability of the document and the need to provide the reader with the tools not only to understand the analysis, but also to be able to reproduce (and possibly improve) the proposed procedure. The subject of the paper should be agreed in advance with the teacher: in this case, the material necessary for the assessment must be delivered 1 week before the exam date. If the object is not agreed, the material needed for the assessment must be delivered within 2 weeks from the date of the exam. All the topics covered during the course and, if necessary, their application using the adopted GIS software, installed in the laboratory or on student’s PC, are an integral part of the oral exam (expected to last approximately 30 minutes). The judgment criteria used to compose the final grade include the evaluation of: • the ability to produce a concise, coherent and unambiguous written paper (55%) • the ability to expose the contents of the paper clearly and in accordance with the indicated time (10%) • the theoretical knowledge relating to the topics covered during the lessons (35%)
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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