Elenco notifiche

Advanced Technologies and Applications


A.A. 2023/24

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Nanotechnologies For Icts (Nanotecnologie Per Le Ict) - Torino/Grenoble/Losanna

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 42
Esercitazioni in aula 18
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Scaltrito Luciano Professore Ordinario IINF-01/A 12 18 0 0 4

SSD CFU Activities Area context
FIS/03 6 C - Affini o integrative Attività formative affini o integrative
The deepening on technologies at the micro and nano-scale is the basis for the design and manufacture of microelectronic devices, power and high temperature electronics, MEMS/NEMS, microsensors, microfluidics and for the conception of new nanostructured and additively manufactured devices/systems. Technological processes therefore represent a fundamental know-how for both the electronic and the nanotechnology engineer. In this framework, the "Advanced Technologies and Applications" course is conceived as a follow-up of the course "Physics of technological processes" (1st semester), which, as a consequence, is absolutely strongly preparatory. The course provides the theoretical and practical (through examples from the state-of-the-art of the technological market) foundation for the study of materials, advanced technologies and design solutions for the manufacturing of microelectronic devices, micro and nanostructures, microsystems and MEMS/NEMS, with particular emphasis on applications in the ICT area. To this aim, the course is divided into two separate modules: 1) in the first module an overview of different readout mechanisms, layout and architectural solutions for MEMS devices as a function of the specific application is given, so as to provide the student with the minimal tools allowing him evaluating the best suited combination for different devices and applications. Different examples of MEMS and microsystems devices are treated and discussed, thus making the course specifically addressed to those students interested in the application of fabrication and design aspects to micro and nano-scale devices. 2) in the second module particular emphasis will be devoted to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art of micro and nano-scale processes (advanced lithography, laser micromachining, advanced packaging, additive manufacturing, …) and to provide the student with the minimal tools to allow her/him evaluating different materials and different technological processes so as to select the best suited combination for different devices and applications. This course plays a central role in the development of an Engineer expert in micro and nanotechnologies, since it extensively provides the advanced elements for the fabrication and design of the above mentioned devices and it is complementary for the understanding of the other courses of the Master Degree.
Expected knowledge: • development of knowledge that extends and/or reinforces the ones received from preparatory courses (specifically for the technological contents) and allow to mature and/or apply original ideas and design methods to the development of a new technological process flow for the production of integrated circuits, additive manufactured systems, MEMS and microsystems; • knowledge of the physical-chemical behaviour of materials to be used in micro and nanotechnologies. • knowledge of the advanced technologies for microlectronics, additive manufactured systems, MEMS and microstructures fabrication. • knowledge of materials for microlectronics, additive manufactured systems, MEMS and microstructures fabrication. • knowledge of techniques and issues related to the fabrication and verification of nanosystems. • knowledge of the different readout mechanisms, layouts and architectural solutions related to the fabrication and verification of MEMS. • knowledge of the impact of environmental conditions on the performance of MEMS. Expected competences and skills • ability to identify and select the most suited and to apply materials and technologies for the fabrication of microlectronics, additive manufactured systems, MEMS and microstructures. • ability to identify and select the most suited and to apply readout mechanisms, layouts and architectural solutions for the implementation of MEMS and microsystems. • ability to apply the acquired knowledge in a research and/or industrial framework, applying capability and skills in solving problems related to the design, simulation and implementation of microlectronics, additive manufactured systems, MEMS and microstructures, also in the case of new or unfamiliar issues or entered into broader and more interdisciplinary application contexts than the pure engineering sector (medicine, environmental monitoring, food, ...); • ability to integrate technical knowledge and to manage the complexity of the design, economics and manufacturing process flow, to evaluate the quality and robustness of a process flow, its implementation and feasibility, choosing the most efficient solutions from the available options; • ability to communicate in a clear and unambiguous way technical aspects related to the design and manufacture of microlectronics, additive manufactured systems, MEMS and microstructures, both in writing and oral form and to both specialists and non-specialists; • development of self-learning skills to allow the student to continue to learn autonomously new techniques and design methodologies and fabrication techniques for microlectronics, additive manufactured systems, MEMS and microstructures, not necessarily explained and described during the course.
Topics covered by the course of "Physics of technological processes" (1st semester) are strongly preparatory • Elementary physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, wave optics, fluidics, elements of structure of matter) • Elements of modern physics • Elements of electronics • Elements of electronic devices • Elements of chemistry and materials science • Knowledge of the microfabrication technologies (see "Physics of technological processes" Course Program) • Knowledge of the micro and nano-scale characterization techniques (SEM, TEM, AFM, Raman, XRD, XPS, profilometry, ...)
First module – MEMS devices (23 hours): • Micro pressure sensors (2,5 hrs) • Micro accelerometers (2 hrs) • Acoustic sensors (3 hrs) • Flow sensors (1 hr) • Microfluidic devices (4 hrs) • Chemical sensors (1,5 hrs) • Biosensors (1,5 hrs) • MEMS for biomedical applications (2 hrs) • MEMS for genomic applications (2,5 hrs) • MEMS testing (3 hrs) Second module – Advanced technologies (37 hours): • Advanced lithographies: projection systems, photoresists and photomasks, DUV, immersion lithography, multiple patterning, EUV, Resolution Enhancement Techniques (11,5 hrs) • Polymeric Additive Manufacturing: overview, advantages and challenges, materials and techniques (SLS, FDM, SLA, DLP, CLIP, 2PP, LOM, 3DP, AJP, …), composite materials, volumetric 3D printing, 4D printing, applications (11,5 hrs) • Laser Micromachining: sources, technologies and applications (9 hrs) • Advanced Packaging (6 hrs) No distinction to be reported for the content of the course according to the fact that it will be carried out in presence or remotely.
The course consists of: - lectures covering the topics described in the Course Topics section, delivered by slides and the use of the blackboard (or alternative tools like graphical tablet or similar in case of remote or blended lectures). The slides will be made available to students in pdf format on the Internet Didactic Portal at the beginning of the course; - seminar lessons provided by subject matter experts operating in leading Companies in the area - training in laboratories equipped for the execution and characterization of some technological processes illustrated during the lectures
The didactic material (slides for the lectures) will be distributed in pdf format by the teacher and uploaded on the Didactic Portal before the course start. All the lectures will be moreover recorded and related videos made available on the Didactic Portal. Suggested but not mandatory additive readings and books will be specified by the teacher. Among them: - “Microsystem Technology”, W. Menz, J. Mohr, O.Paul, Wiley-VCH ed. - “Field guide to optical lithography”, Chris A. Mack, SPIE Press - “Microlithography - Science and Technology”, Third Edition, Edited by Bruce W. Smith and Kazuaki Suzuki, CRC Press
Lecture slides; Text book;
Exam: Written test;
Expected learning outcomes Understanding of the covered topics and ability to grasp the fundamental aspects of the various technologies, devices and related characteristics, fabrication technologies and materials. Ability to compare (advantages/disadvantages) the different technological tools for the manufacture of a device or a complex multifunctional system. Ability to compare (advantages/disadvantages) the different readout mechanisms for the implementation of a specific sensing (or actuating) MEMS device. Ability to compare, identify and logically use the best readout mechanism, architecture, layout solutions and technological tools in order to optimize the performance (sensitivity, linearity range, robustness, ...) of a MEMS device. Ability to compare, identify and logically use the best technological tools or the best set of technological parameters in order to optimize the manufacturing process of a device, the yield of a process or other suggested requirements for the specific addressed needs. Ability to build a logical path by assembling the various technological processes, for the construction of a micro and nano-scale device. Criteria, rules and procedures for the examination The exam is aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of the topics listed in the official program of the course and the ability to apply the theoretical contents for the solution of simple exercises and problems (for instance related to the solution and optimization of lithographic processes or for the implementation of MEMS devices). The exam involves a written proof including both multiple-answer questions and open questions and short exercises. The total allotted time is 60 mins. No books, notes or any other didactic material is allowed. No negative points for the wrong multiple-answer questions, while missing answers will be considered as "0 points" on the cumulative result of the final mark. The assessments are expressed in thirtieths and the exam is passed if the mark is at least 18/30. The maximum achievable mark is 30 cum laude. The type of proposed questions aims to test the student ability to understand and revision the topics covered in class lectures, with particular reference to the ability to compare similar technologies, compare results or processing parameters of technological processes or performance of different materials and compare devices, readout mechanisms, architectural and layout solutions, results or processing parameters of technological processes or performance of different materials for the implementation of MEMS devices and microsensors. The main evaluation criteria of the exam consist in the correctness of the tests and problems solutions, the completeness and synthesis of the responses to the open questions and the correctness of the employed technical language. The exam results are communicated directly to students at the end of the written exam revision by the teacher.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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