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Theory and design of steel and composite structures


A.A. 2023/24

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Civil Engineering - Torino
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 30
Esercitazioni in aula 30
Tutoraggio 30
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Tondolo Francesco   Professore Associato CEAR-07/A 30 60 0 0 4

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/09 6 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria civile
The course provide training in the analysis, design and assessment of steel and composite (steel/concrete) structures.
The course provide training in the analysis, design and assessment of steel and composite (steel/concrete) structures.
The student will have to acquire knowledge on the structural functioning of steel and composite structures through the use of theoretical models that describe their behavior in order to be able to select the most suitable design choice. They will learn from the conceptual design of the structure, to the design of the single element including the connections and draw up the calculation in a proper technical documentation. During the course, the student will have to refine their language properties, with reference to the specific technical terminology, to effectively describe and support their design decisions.
The student will have to acquire knowledge on the structural functioning of steel and composite structures through the use of theoretical models that describe their behavior in order to be able to select the most suitable design choice. They will learn from the conceptual design of the structure, to the design of the single element including the connections and draw up the calculation in a proper technical documentation. During the course, the student will have to refine their language properties, with reference to the specific technical terminology, to effectively describe and support their design decisions.
The course contents requires background knowledge on structural analysis and design of structures, semi-probabilistic method for the safety evaluation, structural effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete, physical and mechanical basic characteristics concrete and reinforcing steel for concrete.
The course contents requires background knowledge on structural analysis and design of structures, semi-probabilistic method for the safety evaluation, structural effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete, physical and mechanical basic characteristics concrete and reinforcing steel for concrete.
The course covers the following topics: general design criteria: advantages and disadvantages of steel structures, description of the typical structural solutions, general principles related to the choice of the structural solution, pre-dimensioning criteria; construction products for steel structures; classification of cross sections; single elements at ultimate limit state: tension, compression, bending, shear and torsion, buckling; uniform built-up compression members; welded connections: welding procedures, defects and controls, butt welds, fillet welds; bolted connections: shear and tension bolted connections, flanged connections; most typical joints between steel elements: beam-to-beam, beam-to-column, column-to-column, bracing member joints; column base joint, beam splices; fatigue; composite steel concrete structures: advantages and structural analysis, behavior in bending, connections systems.
The course covers the following topics: general design criteria: advantages and disadvantages of steel structures, description of the typical structural solutions, general principles related to the choice of the structural solution, pre-dimensioning criteria; construction products for steel structures; classification of cross sections; single elements at ultimate limit state: tension, compression, bending, shear and torsion, buckling; uniform built-up compression members; welded connections: welding procedures, defects and controls, butt welds, fillet welds; bolted connections: shear and tension bolted connections, flanged connections; most typical joints between steel elements: beam-to-beam, beam-to-column, column-to-column, bracing member joints; column base joint, beam splices; fatigue; composite steel concrete structures: advantages and structural analysis, behavior in bending, connections systems.
The course includes lectures, practical classes with exercises related to the topics of the course, and classes on a specific assignment on a steel structure for groups of 3-4 students (drawings and report). The assignment will contribute to the final grade.
The course includes lectures, practical classes with exercises related to the topics of the course, and classes on a specific assignment on a steel structure for groups of 3-4 students (drawings and report). The assignment will contribute to the final grade.
Slide used during the course. G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, C. Bernuzzi, R. Landolfo, STRUTTURE DI ACCIAIO Teoria e progetto, Editore: Hoepli, Anno edizione: 2019 Bernuzzi C and Cordova C, Structural Steel Design to Eurocode 3 and AISC Specifications, Editore: Wiley, 2014. EN 1993-1-1: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. EN 1993-1-8: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of steel joints. EN 1994-1-1: Eurocode 4. Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.
Slide used during the course. G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, C. Bernuzzi, R. Landolfo, STRUTTURE DI ACCIAIO Teoria e progetto, Editore: Hoepli, Anno edizione: 2019 Bernuzzi C and Cordova C, Structural Steel Design to Eurocode 3 and AISC Specifications, Editore: Wiley, 2014. EN 1993-1-1: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. EN 1993-1-8: Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of steel joints. EN 1994-1-1: Eurocode 4. Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.
Lecture slides;
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
... Compulsory individual oral exam with discussion of group assignment. The exam consists of an oral test with presentation and discussion of the assignment developed during the course and has the purpose of verifying the level of knowledge and understanding of the topics covered. The evaluations are expressed out of thirty and the exam is passed if the score reported is at least 18/30.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
Compulsory individual oral exam with discussion of group assignment. The exam consists of an oral test with presentation and discussion of the assignment developed during the course and has the purpose of verifying the level of knowledge and understanding of the topics covered. The evaluations are expressed out of thirty and the exam is passed if the score reported is at least 18/30.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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