Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Civil Engineering - Torino Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino
Transportation infrastructures represent a strategic asset in satisfying a mobility demand (of passengers and/or goods), allowing the connection of different areas (cities, industrial centers, social aggregation and tourist poles) and guaranteeing, at the same time, adequate social and economic development of the Country in which they are located. Therefore, it is important to improve the quality of the design, construction and maintenance of both new and existing infrastructures.
In such a context, the course aims to provide basic knowledge in the geometrical design and construction of transportation infrastructures such as roads, railways and airports. Particular attention will be given to the safe interaction between moving entities and infrastructures and, more generally, to expected performance levels from the functional and structural point of view. The content and methodological approach of the course are consistent with those used in similar courses in the international context.
Transportation infrastructures represent a strategic asset in satisfying a mobility demand (of passengers and/or goods), allowing the connection of different areas (cities, industrial centers, social aggregation and tourist poles) and guaranteeing, at the same time, adequate social and economic development of the Country in which they are located. Therefore, it is important to improve the quality of the design, construction and maintenance of both new and existing infrastructures.
In such a context, the course aims to provide basic knowledge in the geometrical design and construction of transportation infrastructures such as roads, railways and airports. Particular attention will be given to the safe interaction between moving entities and infrastructures and, more generally, to expected performance levels from the functional and structural point of view. The content and methodological approach of the course are consistent with those used in similar courses in the international context.
The aim of this course is to develop the ability to recognize the technical characteristics of transport infrastructures, as well as the ability to identify the reference theories for evaluating their performance and the actions to be taken to limit the performance decay due to traffic loading and climatic change.
Topics will be presented to develop strong analytical skills, useful for solving problems with typical professional implications.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to know the technical-scientific tools related to the design, construction, maintenance and control of transportation infrastructures introduced during the theoretical lessons. Through the exercises the student must be able to deepen some specific aspects relating to the topics covered in the theoretical lessons and to develop some practical examples.
The aim of this course is to develop the ability to recognize the technical characteristics of transport infrastructures, as well as the ability to identify the reference theories for evaluating their performance and the actions to be taken to limit the performance decay due to traffic loading and climatic change.
Topics will be presented to develop strong analytical skills, useful for solving problems with typical professional implications.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to know the technical-scientific tools related to the design, construction, maintenance and control of transportation infrastructures introduced during the theoretical lessons. Through the exercises the student must be able to deepen some specific aspects relating to the topics covered in the theoretical lessons and to develop some practical examples.
Module 1 - Geometric design of highways
Horizontal and vertical alignment. Safety and design consistency. Cross sections and volume analysis. Application and critical analysis of Italian and ASSHTO design standards. Cross sections on bridges and tunnels. Retaining walls and water drainage systems.
General description of a road project in terms of contents, drawings and technical reports at different design levels.
Road intersections. Types and functional analysis. Specialized lanes.
Module 2 - Geometric design of railways
• .
• Sopraelevazione teorica e aliquote di compensazione dell’accelerazione laterale. Modello di esercizio e velocità della linea.
• Dimensionamento delle curve di transizione/raccordo planimetrico. Profilo altimetrico.
• Sagoma limite e sezioni trasversali delle varie categorie di linea.
• Parametri di controllo della qualità geometrica del binario in esercizio.
Costruzione del corpo stradale
• Il Capitolato speciale d’appalto: norme generali e norme tecniche.
• Classificazione delle terre e selezione ai fini del loro impiego come materiali da riporto (richiami del corso di base). Operazioni propedeutiche all’esecuzioni dei lavori di costruzione del corpo stradale. Sistemazione piani di posa e formazione dei rilevati stradali e ferroviari. Formazione delle trincee e sistemazione delle scarpate. Sottofondi. Dimensionamento idraulico delle opere di raccolta e regimazione delle acque.
• Esercitazione pratica sulla formazione dei rilevati: campo prova, scelta dei mezzi d’opera, controlli di costipamento e portanza.
Sovrastrutture stradali
• Tipologie di sovrastrutture (richiami del corso di base). Requisiti tecnologici e qualificazione dei materiali per sovrastrutture (aggregati, bitumi, miscele bituminose, misti granulari e cementati). Marcatura CE.
• Formazione degli strati costituenti la sovrastruttura di tipo flessibile. Controlli.
• Dimensionamento delle sovrastrutture flessibili col metodo semi-empirico AASHTO.
• Esercitazione pratica sul mix design volumetrico delle miscele bituminose.
• Esercitazione pratica sul calcolo di una pavimentazione flessibile.
Sovrastrutture ferroviarie e apparecchi del binario
• Elementi costitutivi dell’armamento ferroviario e loro classificazione: rotaie, traversine, organi di attacco, massicciata, sub-ballast.
• Termica del binario e luce di posa. LRS e regolazione.
• Apparecchi del binario: tipologie e parametri di controllo.
• Esercitazione sulla termica del binario.
- Fundamentals of geometric design of roads (basic concepts of horizontal and vertical alignment, cross-sections, superelevation, safety barriers and other minor elements)
- Intersections
- Fundamentals of geometric design of railways (curve equilibrium of convoy, transition curves, horizontal and vertical alignment)
- Earthworks (Technical Specifications, soil classification, compaction, embankments, equipment, surface drainage systems)
- Pavement (pavement types, materials and distresses, mechanics of materials, aggregates, foundation layers, bituminous binders and emulsions, bituminous mixtures, equipment for flexible pavement construction, control of pavement works, AASHTO method for the design of flexible pavements)
- Railways (track components, track construction, thermal behavior of tracks, track control)
The course includes lessons and exercises related to the topics covered in the theoretical part. With the only exception of the introductory part of the course, each lesson topic will be followed by exercise sessions aimed at learning calculation methods and skills.
The structure of the course is the following:
Theory – 60 hours
Lectures provide students with the necessary technical and scientific tools related to design, construction, maintenance and control of transportation infrastructures.
Exercises/tutorials – 20 hours
The goal of exercise sessions is to examine in more detail some of the topics presented during lectures and to develop, by means of appropriate calculations, some practical examples.
The exercises will be presented and carried out in the classroom with the assistance of teachers
The course includes lessons and exercises related to the topics covered in the theoretical part. With the only exception of the introductory part of the course, each lesson topic will be followed by exercise sessions aimed at learning calculation methods and skills.
The structure of the course is the following:
Theory – 60 hours
Lectures provide students with the necessary technical and scientific tools related to design, construction, maintenance and control of transportation infrastructures.
Exercises/tutorials – 20 hours
The goal of exercise sessions is to examine in more detail some of the topics presented during lectures and to develop, by means of appropriate calculations, some practical examples.
The exercises will be presented and carried out in the classroom with the assistance of teachers
Slides presented in class (available on the web page of the course)
Suggested textbook:
- Pavement Engineering – Principles and Practice - Mallick, El-Korchi, CRC Press
- Transportation Infrastructure Engineering – A multi-modal integration – Hoel, Garber, Sadek – Thomson Nelson
- Railway Management and Engineering – Profilids- Ashgate ed.
Slides presented in class (available on the web page of the course)
Suggested textbook:
- Pavement Engineering – Principles and Practice - Mallick, El-Korchi, CRC Press
- Transportation Infrastructure Engineering – A multi-modal integration – Hoel, Garber, Sadek – Thomson Nelson
- Railway Management and Engineering – Profilids- Ashgate ed.
Lecture slides;
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
The written exam (about 90 minutes without consulting notes or books) is organized in the following two modules:
1. module with multiple choice questions
2. module with short exercises and open questions
The use of the calculator is allowed but not that of multimedia devices with web access (for example, smartphones, smartwatches and tablets). Access to the written test is subject to the uploading of the final report of exercises in the appropriate section of the course page (at least one week before the date chosen for the exam). More details will be provided during the course.
The written exam aims to verify the abovementioned skills (Expected learning outcomes): the exam, in fact, includes calculation exercises that require. for their resolution, the practical notions assimilated during the exercises but also theoretical questions, which aim to evaluate the knowledge of the essential concepts identified during the theoretical lessons.
Oral exam
To be admitted to the oral exam, students must obtain at least 18/30 in the written exam.
It consists of a discussion of the written test and 1-2 questions on the topics analyzed during the course (duration about 30 minutes), which aim to verify the ability of critical analysis of the topics studied.
Final grade
It is calculated as the weighted average of the marks obtained in the written exam (35%) and in the oral exam (65%). The final grade will also include the evaluation of the exercise report uploaded.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
The written exam (about 90 minutes without consulting notes or books) is organized in the following two modules:
1. module with multiple choice questions
2. module with short exercises and open questions
The use of the calculator is allowed but not that of multimedia devices with web access (for example, smartphones, smartwatches and tablets). Access to the written test is subject to the uploading of the final report of exercises in the appropriate section of the course page (at least one week before the date chosen for the exam). More details will be provided during the course.
The written exam aims to verify the abovementioned skills (Expected learning outcomes): the exam, in fact, includes calculation exercises that require. for their resolution, the practical notions assimilated during the exercises but also theoretical questions, which aim to evaluate the knowledge of the essential concepts identified during the theoretical lessons.
Oral exam
To be admitted to the oral exam, students must obtain at least 18/30 in the written exam.
It consists of a discussion of the written test and 1-2 questions on the topics analyzed during the course (duration about 30 minutes), which aim to verify the ability of critical analysis of the topics studied.
Final grade
It is calculated as the weighted average of the marks obtained in the written exam (35%) and in the oral exam (65%). The final grade will also include the evaluation of the exercise report uploaded.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.