The Atelier is based on design activity specifically focused on the effects that sustainability has on the architectural design process. The concept of sustainability is assumed in the meaning accepted by the scientific community, which includes broader considerations, connected to the cultural and social implications of the project, alongside assessment indicators and quantitative parameters. T; this concept is here expressed both at the building scale and at the scale of built and natural landscape.
To address the issue of green building design, the Atelier takes as its object of study a building system and its relationship with the peculiarities of the surrounding environmental, cultural, economic, social and landscape context, taking into account the resources and constraints of the site.
The design process will be focused on the functional, spatial, constructive and linguistic aspects, related to the relevant spaces, the external space in its various expressions, the places of aggregation and mobility, and the natural and built environment.
The atelier will be characterized by the definition of a design process that starts from the settlement scale, passes through the building scale and finally reaches the detail according to a process in which the settlement, architectural, construction and technological dimensions are strongly interconnected.
The Atelier is based on design activity specifically focused on the effects that sustainability has on the architectural design process. The concept of sustainability is assumed in the meaning accepted by the scientific community, which includes broader considerations, connected to the cultural and social implications of the project, alongside assessment indicators and quantitative parameters. This concept is here expressed both at the building scale and at the scale of built and natural landscape.
To address the issue of green building design, the Atelier takes as its object of study a building system and its relationship with the peculiarities of the surrounding environmental, cultural, economic, social and landscape context, taking into account the resources and constraints of the site.
The design process will be focused on the functional, spatial, constructive and linguistic aspects, related to the relevant spaces, the external space in its various expressions, the places of aggregation and mobility, and the natural and built environment.
The atelier will be characterized by the definition of a design process that starts from the settlement scale, passes through the building scale and finally reaches the detail according to a process in which the settlement, architectural, construction and technological dimensions are strongly interconnected.
The atelier aims to transmit useful knowledge to develop:
• a cognitive approach in which historical-cultural, socio-economic, architectural and environmental aspects are combined, with the ability to recognize and interact with the main parameters characterizing the project area; hence both in terms of the relationship between the environment and present and planned building forms, and in terms of the correct understanding of the material and intangible, natural resources and the physical environment (climate, light, sound, green system, etc.) characterizing the existing context.
• An evaluation of the different design options from a green perspective and the optimal communication of the final design and technological choices
The skills that the student must acquire are addressed to:
• the development of an overall project of the site, carried out taking into account: the specific context and the surrounding variables (resources, constraints and any vulnerabilities, for example climatic conditions); socio-cultural, environmental and economic sustainability; users; the quality of the built and, in particular, the relationship between the existing site and the newly designed buildings, the interaction between buildings, the open spaces and the services network;
• the definition of a building system, whose design choices must derive from a design process aware of relationships between functional, spatial, constructive and linguistic aspects along with specific attention to the bioclimatic principles, to the user-centered and performance-based approach, to the use of resources and to the aspects of energy efficiency and quality of the environment, acoustic, thermo-hygrometric and lighting, internal and external.
The atelier aims at transmitting useful knowledge to develop:
• a cognitive approach in which historical-cultural, socio-economic, architectural and environmental aspects are combined, with the ability to recognize and interact with the main parameters characterizing the project area; hence both in terms of the relationship between the environment and present and planned building forms, and in terms of the correct understanding of the material and intangible, natural resources and the physical environment (climate, light, sound, green system, etc.) characterizing the existing context.
• An evaluation of the different design options from a green perspective and the optimal communication of the final design and technological choices
The skills that the student must acquire are addressed to:
• the development of an overall project of the site, carried out taking into account: the specific context and the surrounding variables (resources, constraints and any vulnerabilities, for example climatic conditions); socio-cultural, environmental and economic sustainability; users; the quality of the built and, in particular, the relationship between the existing site and the newly designed buildings, the interaction between buildings, the open spaces and the services network;
• the definition of a building system, whose design choices must derive from a design process aware of relationships between functional, spatial, constructive and linguistic aspects along with specific attention to the bioclimatic principles, to the user-centered and performance-based approach, to the use of resources and to the aspects of energy efficiency and quality of the environment, acoustic, thermo-hygrometric and lighting, internal and external.
Students must have good knowledge of the main topics dealt with in the field of urban and architectural design, technological design and environment-related physical science introduced in the 3-year Bachelor’s degree program and in the first semester of the Master degree program. Such are the essential foundations for the expected in-depth analysis process within the Atelier.
Therefore, the students are asked to have acquired skills in previous curricular experiences to:
• know the consolidated techniques of representation and communication of the project, both with reference to the more traditional forms of communication (perceptive, design sketches, physical models, etc.), and with reference to digital representation techniques (virtual modeling and rendering etc.);
• know how to set up independently the reading of the morphological characters of the city and the territory through the techniques of cartographic, historical and perceptive reading;
• be able to set up independently the reading of the technological features of the building (building components, materials and construction systems, etc.) and the analysis of the main environmental and climatic variables at urban and single building levels;
• be aware of design choices consistent with the energy and ecological transition
• know how to develop the project at urban and building scale (with reference to the typological and spatial aspects of buildings, structural typologies, etc.).
Students must have good knowledge of the main topics dealt with in the field of urban and architectural design, technological design and environment-related physical science introduced in the 3-year Bachelor’s degree program and in the first semester of the Master degree program. Such are the essential foundations for the expected in-depth analysis process within the Atelier.
Therefore, the students are asked to have acquired skills in previous curricular experiences to:
• know the consolidated techniques of representation and communication of the project, both with reference to the more traditional forms of communication (perceptive, design sketches, physical models, etc.), and with reference to digital representation techniques (virtual modeling and rendering etc.);
• know how to set up independently the reading of the morphological characters of the city and the territory through the techniques of cartographic, historical and perceptive reading;
• be able to set up independently the reading of the technological features of the building (building components, materials and construction systems, etc.) and the analysis of the main environmental and climatic variables at urban and single building levels;
• be aware of design choices consistent with the energy and ecological transition
• know how to develop the project at urban and building scale (with reference to the typological and spatial aspects of buildings, structural typologies, etc.).
The social, economic, demographic and climatic changes underway in recent decades have triggered strong environmental transformations that can be read both in urban and extra-urban contexts. Precisely because of these changes, an increasing number of territorial infrastructures (public services, residential fabrics, mobility spaces) are changing the uses and the roles they had at the time of their construction. The reorganization of these infrastructures involves the organization of space, in particular through ordinary transformations and adaptation, in terms of morphology, technology, functionality and environment, to the new conditions.
In Italy, this is particularly evident with regard to territorial public infrastructures (in particular, the school infrastructure) which, due to demographic changes, are at the center of a reorganization effort by public institutions. The atelier will therefore focus on the transformation and expansion of the buildings that consitute these territorial infrastructures, in order to regenerate them to respond to the new issues posed by socio-cultural, demographic and environmental changes.
The project will focus on the issue of the renewal of buildings in a urban context with strong settlement and environmental problems to focus on proposals for the regeneration of building stock through retrofit operations on existing buildings and possible interventions to replace architectures or insert new volumes.
The developed project will use an adaptive approach and consequently will contemplate scalable and incremental solutions oriented towards the themes of circularity and renewability.
The atelier deals with the following topics:
- analysis and interpretation of the context at the urban and micro-urban scale;
- designing criteria at the urban scale;
- criteria for the circulation and the organization of the space in relation to pre-existing architectural and environmental features;
- criteria for evaluating the sustainability of the project at the site and building scale;
- definition and communication of sustainability aspects in relation to user needs and project requirements; - criteria for retrofitting existing buildings;
- project of new building with attention to constructive, technological and environmental control aspects;
- bioclimatic design strategies and integration of passive and active solar technologies;
- project of the life cycle of the building and the envelope components;
- stationary and dynamic thermal performances of the opaque and transparent building envelope;
- building day- lighting project;
- building acoustic insulation project,
Performance calculations will be performed using appropriate software to verify the parameters and indexes required by current legislation.
The social, economic, demographic and climatic changes underway in recent decades have triggered strong environmental transformations that can be read both in urban and extra-urban contexts. Precisely because of these changes, an increasing number of territorial infrastructures (public services, residential fabrics, mobility spaces) are changing the uses and the roles they had at the time of their construction. The reorganization of these infrastructures involves the organization of space, in particular through ordinary transformations and adaptation, in terms of morphology, technology, functionality and environment, to the new conditions.
In Italy, this is particularly evident with regard to territorial public infrastructures (in particular, the school infrastructure) which, due to demographic changes, are at the center of a reorganization effort by public institutions. The atelier will therefore focus on the transformation and expansion of the buildings that consitute these territorial infrastructures, in order to regenerate them to respond to the new issues posed by socio-cultural, demographic and environmental changes.
The project will focus on the issue of the renewal of buildings in a urban context with strong settlement and environmental problems to focus on proposals for the regeneration of building stock through retrofit operations on existing buildings and possible interventions to replace architectures or insert new volumes.
The developed project will use an adaptive approach and consequently will contemplate scalable and incremental solutions oriented towards the themes of circularity and renewability.
The atelier deals with the following topics:
- analysis and interpretation of the context at the urban and micro-urban scale;
- designing criteria at the urban scale;
- criteria for the circulation and the organization of the space in relation to pre-existing architectural and environmental features;
- criteria for evaluating the sustainability of the project at the site and building scale;
- definition and communication of sustainability aspects in relation to user needs and project requirements; - criteria for retrofitting existing buildings;
- project of new building with attention to constructive, technological and environmental control aspects;
- bioclimatic design strategies and integration of passive and active solar technologies;
- project of the life cycle of the building and the envelope components;
- stationary and dynamic thermal performances of the opaque and transparent building envelope;
- building day- lighting project;
- building acoustic insulation project,
Performance calculations will be performed using appropriate software to verify the parameters and indexes required by current legislation.
The Atelier will be composed of two types of activity: lessons (that will introduce the topics previously discusses) and design activity, where those arguments will be applied to the case study.
The frontal teaching will be finalized to provide the notions and useful references for the achievement of the proposed objectives. The design exercise will be an opportunity to experiment the interaction between different disciplines related to the Atelier.
Some moments of collective discussion will be scheduled, with guests from the real context taken into consideration, as well as with experts and companies in the building sector.
The Atelier includes an inspection of the project site to be defined. This site inspection, in addition to directly introduce places and architectures significant for the purpose of design, will provide the opportunity for the student to produce materials (notes, photographs, drawings, interviews) useful for the development of the project themes.
The Atelier will be composed of two types of activity: lessons (that will introduce the topics previously discusses) and design activity, where those arguments will be applied to the case study.
The frontal teaching will be finalized to provide the notions and useful references for the achievement of the proposed objectives. The design exercise will be an opportunity to experiment the interaction between different disciplines related to the Atelier.
Some moments of collective discussion will be scheduled, with guests from the real context taken into consideration, as well as with experts and companies in the building sector.
The Atelier includes an inspection of the project site to be defined. This site inspection, in addition to directly introduce places and architectures significant for the purpose of design, will provide the opportunity for the student to produce materials (notes, photographs, drawings, interviews) useful for the development of the project themes.
Specific bibliography will be provided during the course, in order to address the students’ work in a more specific way, according to the themes raised during the course and specific interests. Regular reading of current international architectural sources (reviews, websites, books) is required to nurture individual design research
Architectural and Urban Design:
Hertzberger, Herman. Lessons for students in architecture. Vol. 1. 010 Publishers, 2005.
Forty, Adrian, and Adrian Forty. Words and buildings: A vocabulary of modern architecture. Vol. 268. London: Thames & Hudson, 2000.
Bergevoet, Tom, and Maarten Van Tuijl. The flexible city: sustainable solutions for a Europe in transition. Nai010 Publishers, 2016.
Sim, David. Soft city: building density for everyday life. Island Press, 2019.
Environmental Technological Design:
Dahl P.J., Pollo, Thiebat F., Micono C., Zanzottera G., RE:WATERFRONT. A sustainable architectural approach / Un approccio sostenibile al progetto di architettura, MIlano:Franco Angeli, 2019
El Khouli S., John V., Zeumer M., Sustainable Construction Techniques, Detail Green Books, 2015.
Gauzin-Muller D., Architettura sostenibile, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano 2003.
Grosso M., Piardi S., Peretti G., Scudo G., Progettazione ecocompatibile dell'architettura, Sistemi Ed., 2005.
Lavagna M., Life Cycle Assessment in edilizia. Progettare e costruire in una prospettiva di sostenibilità ambientale, Hoepli, 2008.
Olgyay V., Design with Climate, Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism - New and expanded Edition, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2015 (ed. Italiana Olgyay V., Progettare con il clima, Franco Muzzio Editore, 1990).
Building Physics:
Lechner, N. (2009). Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects, Third Edition, 698 pages. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
Desideri, U., & Asdrubali, F. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of energy efficiency in buildings: a life cycle approach. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Watson, D., editor (1993), "The Energy Design Handbook". AIA Press, Washington DC.
Online material:
• Reinventing Cities C40 Guidelines
• Slide del progetto IDES-EDU (
Specific bibliography will be provided during the course, in order to address the students’ work in a more specific way, according to the themes raised during the course and specific interests. Regular reading of current international architectural sources (reviews, websites, books) is required to nurture individual design research
Architectural and Urban Design:
Hertzberger, Herman. Lessons for students in architecture. Vol. 1. 010 Publishers, 2005.
Forty, Adrian, and Adrian Forty. Words and buildings: A vocabulary of modern architecture. Vol. 268. London: Thames & Hudson, 2000.
Bergevoet, Tom, and Maarten Van Tuijl. The flexible city: sustainable solutions for a Europe in transition. Nai010 Publishers, 2016.
Sim, David. Soft city: building density for everyday life. Island Press, 2019.
Environmental Technological Design:
Dahl P.J., Pollo, Thiebat F., Micono C., Zanzottera G., RE:WATERFRONT. A sustainable architectural approach / Un approccio sostenibile al progetto di architettura, MIlano:Franco Angeli, 2019
El Khouli S., John V., Zeumer M., Sustainable Construction Techniques, Detail Green Books, 2015.
Gauzin-Muller D., Architettura sostenibile, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano 2003.
Grosso M., Piardi S., Peretti G., Scudo G., Progettazione ecocompatibile dell'architettura, Sistemi Ed., 2005.
Lavagna M., Life Cycle Assessment in edilizia. Progettare e costruire in una prospettiva di sostenibilità ambientale, Hoepli, 2008.
Olgyay V., Design with Climate, Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural Regionalism - New and expanded Edition, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2015 (ed. Italiana Olgyay V., Progettare con il clima, Franco Muzzio Editore, 1990).
Building Physics:
Lechner, N. (2009). Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects, Third Edition, 698 pages. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
Desideri, U., & Asdrubali, F. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of energy efficiency in buildings: a life cycle approach. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Watson, D., editor (1993), "The Energy Design Handbook". AIA Press, Washington DC.
Online material:
• Reinventing Cities C40 Guidelines
• Slide del progetto IDES-EDU (
Modalità di esame: Elaborato grafico individuale; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Elaborato progettuale individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Individual graphic design project; Group graphic design project; Individual project; Group project;
Attendance at lectures, seminars and other activities of the Atelier is considered a necessary condition to be able to positively develop the planned activities.
The group’s design (drawings, models, writings, diagrams, tables, etc.) and the individual contribution will be the subject of final discussion and review in progress during the Atelier. In particular, for the progress of the project, intermediate verifications are foreseen with relative evaluation.
At the end of the Atelier there will be a moment of presentation of the works carried out with collective discussion and final evaluation. Although the Atelier activity provides for the possibility of working in groups of 3-4 students, the final evaluation is always individual and also takes into account ongoing reviews and discussions, intermediate evaluations, individual participation throughout the duration of the Atelier.
The design of the project at the required scales of representation and its oral presentation will be the focus of the Atelier examination.
For all modules, the exam will consist of an oral test and a review of the project according to evaluation criteria that will take into account the product and final oral exam (i.e. 20% analysis at urban scale; 70% building design and detailed design; 10% results presentation and communication) along with the training process of each student during the Atelier. The final evaluation assigns a single vote in relation to the individual disciplines related to the Atelier, weighted according to the credits of each.
The ability to develop an architectural project in a given time, which represents a specific skill in the architect's work, will also be verified during the examination that will take place - preferably - in the first exam session expected, immediately following at the Atelier.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Individual graphic design project; Group graphic design project; Individual project; Group project;
Attendance at lectures, seminars and other activities of the Atelier is considered a necessary condition to be able to positively develop the planned activities.
The group’s design (drawings, models, writings, diagrams, tables, etc.) and the individual contribution will be the subject of final discussion and review in progress during the Atelier. In particular, for the progress of the project, intermediate verifications are foreseen, with evaluation.
At the end of the Atelier there will be a presentation of the works carried out with collective discussion and final evaluation. Although the Atelier activity provides for the possibility of working in groups of 3-4 students, the final evaluation is always individual. Also, it takes into account ongoing reviews and discussions, intermediate evaluations, and individual participation throughout the Atelier.
The project's design at the required scales of representation and its oral presentation will be the focus of the Atelier examination.
For all modules, the exam will consist of an oral test and a review of the project according to evaluation criteria that will take into account the product and final oral exam (i.e. 20% analysis at urban scale; 70% building design and detailed design; 10% results presentation and communication) along with the training process of each student during the Atelier. The final evaluation assigns a single vote to the individual disciplines related to the Atelier, weighted according to the credits of each.
The ability to develop an architectural project in a given time, which represents a specific skill in the architect's work, will also be verified during the examination that will take place - preferably - in the first exam session expected, immediately following at the Atelier.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.