Elenco notifiche

Professional Training


A.A. 2023/24

Lingua dell'insegnamento


Corsi di studio

Corso di Laurea in Architettura (Architecture) - Torino

Organizzazione dell'insegnamento
Didattica Ore
Docente Qualifica Settore h.Lez h.Es h.Lab h.Tut Anni incarico
Cornaglia Paolo Professore Associato CEAR-11/A 0 0 0 0 9

SSD CFU Attivita' formative Ambiti disciplinari
*** N/A *** 12 D - A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente
The curricular internship is aimed at students who intend to undertake a period of training in an institution, a study or a company, to enrich their knowledge and acquire the professional skills that are needed concretely in a work environment. The internship is designed to formalize a first contact with the world of work in public and private companies: architectural and/or engineering firms, municipal technical offices, Superintendence, etc. In general, the internship experience allows you to carry out professional activities with a strong application content. 300 hours of planned activity give the opportunity to enhance the knowledge already acquired in the university context, relating them to the needs of a firm or an institution, acquiring the ability to perform specific tasks, to meet deadlines, to manage different software and in dealing with customers and colleagues. The activity at architectural and/or engineering firms is an opportunity to carry out a direct experience in the field of architectural design: the activities may relate to different phases of design, from that of conception, to the final and executive design. The proposed activities may allow to deepen the relationship between architectural, structural and plant design and may relate to the phases of execution of the works, as well as the relationship with companies in the sector. The activity in the Municipalities and Superintendence can also help to clarify the regulatory framework of reference and the main practices and procedures. In particular, in public offices, trainees can gain experience in the realisation of public works, planning and management of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, the drafting of administrative acts and, in general, notions regarding construction, management of public property, urban and territorial planning. The reference for the host organizations the Company Tutor, who directs the internship activities. The reference for the University is the Academic Tutor, who takes care of the procedures of initial validation and evaluation and registration at the end..
The curricular internship is a training activity that can be evaluated as 12 Training Credits (6 CFU of the second year + 6 CFU of the third year), corresponding to 300 hours of work in hosting company. The internship takes place in the third year of the course as an alternative option instead of free credits suggested in your academic study course. The internship can be carried out at institutions, firms or companies already has a valid agreement with the “Politecnico di Torino” or that can be accredited on the proposal of the student (https://careerservice.polito.it/aziende/attivare_un_tirocinio). The proposed institution, firm or company must meet the following requirements: in the company there is at least one engineer/architect regularly enrolled in the Order of Architects/Engineers since at least 3 years (this requirement is not necessary for employees of public companies); the company must not have any family ties with the student; the company must not be owned by a teacher of Politecnico in charge for an exam you still have to pass. The internship cannot be carried out within the structures of the Politecnico (with the exception of the Laboratories already included in the proposals for internship), being aimed specifically at the meeting with the working environment. It is not possible to obtain recognition of activities already carried out: the internship consists of an activity formulated from scratch taking into account the needs of students in relation to the proposal of companies and institutions. Finally, the internship can also be carried out abroad.
GUIDELINES The curricular internship is a training activity worth 12 Credits (6 CFU of the second year + 6 CFU of the third year), corresponding to a workload of 300 hours in the hosting company. You can do your internship during your third year as an alternative to the free choice credits suggested by your study course. You can do your internship at institutions, firms or companies which already have a valid agreement with Politecnico di Torino or that will sign one upon proposal of the student: https://www.polito.it/en/innovation/relationships-with-businesses/internships-and-thesis The host institution, firm or company must meet the following requirements: the company must have at least one engineer/architect regularly enrolled in the Order of Architects/Engineers since at least 3 years (this requirement is not necessary for employees of public companies); the company members must not have any family ties with the intern; the company must not be owned by a teacher of Politecnico in charge for an exam you still have to pass. You are not allowed to do your internship at Politecnico (with the exception of the Laboratories already included in the proposals for internship), since the objective of the internship is to help you connect with the labour market. You can also do your internship abroad. Additional Information You can find the instructions on the platform that you need to use to upload your training project and to report the internship progress till its completion, can be found at: https://www.polito.it/en/education/applying-studying-graduating/internships-and-thesis/curricular-internships-in-italy https://www.polito.it/en/education/applying-studying-graduating/internships-and-thesis/curricular-internship-abroad The academic tutor is assigned automatically and is chosen from among the professors who are also Internship Coordinators following the completion of the training project. You are allowed to do your internship in a blended mode (presence and remote work), however it is not possible to carry out the activity completely remotely .At the end of the internship, you will have to write a report (2 pages) that needs to be signed and stamped by the company tutor. Internship Coordinators: Prof. Gustavo Ambrosini, Prof. Maria Cristina Boido and Prof. Paolo Cornaglia You are not allowed to obtain the recognition of activities that you have already carried out. The internship is considered as an activity formulated from scratch. However, you are allowed to request the recognition of professional skills in substitution for your free choice credits. Please follow the procedure explained in the "Student Guide": free choice credits ---> other learning activities ---> other learning activities outside the University.
Meetings with companies/firms/institutions are planned during the "TIME FOR JOB" events (https://careerservice.polito.it/eventi), which offer the opportunity to get to know companies and evaluate internship offers. Alternatively, you can consult the available internship offers from the web portal. Instructions on the platform through which students can insert their internship project and track/report the internship progress till its completion, can be found at: https://didattica.polito.it/pdf/Procedura_Lato_Studente.pdf
- The student fills in the Formative Project online; - the Company Tutor evaluates and approves the Formative Project; - the Academic Tutor validates the Formative Project; - during the internship, the student fills in the timesheet; - when the activity is over, the student prints out the timesheet and draws up a short report in which he or she provides an exhaustive summary of the activities carried out during the training course; - the student submits timesheet and report to the Company Tutor for signature; - the student scans the signed documents and uploads them to the web portal in pdf format; - the Academic Tutor verifies the documentation provided and digitally records the completion of the procedure. The internship does not give rise to a vote but is considered as "passed" once the verification and registration procedure has been completed.
Modalità di esame: Elaborato scritto individuale;
Exam: Individual essay;
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Individual essay;
Rules for the Professional Training are available at the following address: http://stagejob.polito.it/students/architecture
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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