Elenco notifiche

Energy transition and Low-Carbon Architecture B


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 10
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Pagani Roberto
Energy transition and Low-Carbon Architecture B (Architectural technology)
Docente esterno e/o collaboratore   10 20 0 0 3
Ferrara Maria
Energy transition and Low-Carbon Architecture B (Building physics)  
Ricercatore L240/10 IIND-07/B 10 20 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
The seminar aims to investigate some paradigms of the low energy and carbon built environment, as challenging and contemporary topics of environmental design and assessment; the goal is therefore to develop awareness of the most current theories, methods and operational tools, which can be adopted in subsequent teaching courses. The aim of the Architectural Technology is to explore the main topics that characterize the design and the assessment of micro-urban and building systems. Particular attention will be given to the relationships between morphological-settlement setting, languages of architecture, detailed design and material-constructive choices. The topics addressed in the initial part of the seminar are intended to develop students’ critical awareness through the illustration of the cultural models of environmental design that are present in the current debate. The teaching will deal with: environmental resources management at urban and district scale; active and passive technological systems for architecture and their integration into the architectural design; energy and environmental assessment methods and tools for sustainability related to the building life cycle stages. In a complementary way, the aim of the Building Physics is to help explore the tools and scientific bases for understanding the scenarios related to the energy transition processes at different scales, through the critical analysis of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, related technologies, and the evaluation of primary energy and polluting emissions through balance equations. The seminar will also explore the issues of energy sustainability in the building process assessment and environmental protocols, through the presentations of experts and the direct involvement of students. Moreover, the impact of digitalization processes in the energy management of buildings at different levels will be considered.
The seminar aims to transmit knowledge to students for: - understanding some of the contemporary technological challenges related to the energy transition and low carbon architecture; - analyzing and understanding current and future energy scenarios at different levels and in different contexts; - using and enhancing environmental methods and tools for architectural design; - verifying energy-environmental impacts according to international guidelines, regulations and technical standards; - developing energy balance equations at different levels to optimize the energy mix necessary to meet the requirements of energy efficiency, cost and polluting emissions of buildings and neighborhoods. Students will be able to develop the skills acquired through exercises and design activities, according to different areas of analysis and study, from urban to technological detail. The attention paid to the relationship between theory and practice will make it possible to enhance strategies, methodologies and tools in subsequent teaching experiences, especially in design courses.
Students should have good knowledge of the main topics covered in the exams of architectural technology and environment-related physical science envisaged in the 3-year Bachelor’s degree program in architecture (L-17). Therefore, the students should have acquired the ability to: - read and understand the technological characteristics related to the architectural project (needs-requirements-performance); - understand and communicate in the disciplinary language of architecture. - analyze and design the main architectural technical elements; - carry on the thermo-physical characterization of the main architectural technical elements; - analyze and design the built environment according to the basic principles of bioclimatic architecture; - use the representation and communication tools, including multimedia, to provide an in-depth description of problems that are complex or that require a multidisciplinary approach; - apply the basic knowledge of thermodynamics and thermophysics to buildings
The Seminar is structured into the following main topics: 1. Once it was named “bioclimatic architecture” A short history of this culture: the pioneers 2. What is Energy Conscious Design bioarchitecture, passive and active solar, energy monitoring 3. Energy transition in Europe From the first energy planning to the Covenant of Mayors 4. The dissemination of EU Energy Centers in Central Eastern Europe Dissemination of energy demonstration projects and the creation of Energy Centers in EU 5. Looking inside the EU energy demonstration projects From the EU Targeted Energy Projects to Concerto Programme 6. The urbanization in the world: a look to China and its energy transition The EU-China Energy Center. Demo-zones. 7. From sustainable to smart cities Sustainable architecture: utopia or project? The ingredients of smart cities 8. Managing the Climate Change … Energy transition in Europe and in the world. The last COP decisions and consequences 9. How is going to be the future?
The seminar is organized in lectures (30 hours) and workshops (30 hours). External experts can be invited for special topics. The two disciplines will work in strict coordination and several times the two professors can be present at the same time in class. The materials used for the lectures will be made available on the portal.
Literature references, publications and software tools will be provided during the lectures.
Lecture slides;
Exam: Group project;
Active presence in class during lectures, workshops and seminars is a fundamental condition for a successful outcome. Students will be asked to participate with critical thinking and ingenuity. Final exam consists in an oral discussion about all the topics covered in the seminar. The exam will be jointly evaluated by the two disciplines. Final mark is individually assigned, given in x/30 and derived by a credit-based weighted average between the two disciplines evaluations. The maximum mark of 30/30 cum laude will be unanimously attributed
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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