A.A. 2024/25
Teaching | Hours |
Lezioni | 34 |
Esercitazioni in aula | 26 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut | Years teaching |
SSD | CFU | Activities | Area context |
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Quantum Engineering - Torino
Teaching | Hours |
Lezioni | 34 |
Esercitazioni in aula | 26 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut | Years teaching |
Proietti Roberto | Professore Associato | IINF-03/A | 34 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
SSD | CFU | Activities | Area context | ING-INF/03 | 6 | B - Caratterizzanti | Ingegneria elettronica |
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Quantum Engineering - Torino
Teaching | Hours |
Lezioni | 48 |
Esercitazioni in aula | 12 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut | Years teaching |
Adami Riccardo | Professore Ordinario | MATH-03/A | 48 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
SSD | CFU | Activities | Area context | MAT/07 | 6 | B - Caratterizzanti | Ingegneria elettronica |
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: This course is for graduate engineers wishing to understand the role and design principles of quantum communication systems and networks, which are anticipated to be key technologies of the 21st century to address post-quantum security and support the development of the Quantum Internet. Upon successful completion of the course, the students will understand the key concepts and technologies underlying the design and performance of a quantum communication link and network. The course will first introduce the basic concepts of classical optical communication networks and quantum physics that form the foundations for quantum optical networks. It will then present the key concepts and applications such as quantum information theory and error correction, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), quantum entanglement distribution and teleportation. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: The course aims at giving a mainly theoretical introduction to classical, quantum and post quantum cryptography. However, mathematical theory will be kept at a minimum. After a short historical introduction, the mathematical bases of quantum cryptography are given, together with examples and exercises. Some emphasis will be given on quantum and post-quantum aspects. Participation and Interaction will be encouraged. Details on some practical realizations will be given.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
This course is for graduate engineers wishing to understand the role and design principles of quantum communication systems and networks, which are anticipated to be key technologies of the 21st century to address post-quantum security and support the development of the Quantum Internet. Upon successful completion of the course, the students will understand the key concepts and technologies underlying the design and performance of quantum communication links and networks by leveraging currently available simulation tools. The course will first introduce the key concepts of classical optical communication networks and review the key principles of quantum physics that form the foundations for quantum optical networks. It will then present the key concepts and related implementation schemes and challenges for emerging quantum realm applications and technologies such as quantum entanglement distribution, teleportation, entanglement swapping and routing, and quantum key distribution (QKD) networks.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
The course aims at giving a mainly theoretical introduction to classical, quantum and post quantum cryptography. However, mathematical theory will be kept at a minimum. After a short historical introduction, the mathematical bases of quantum cryptography are given, together with examples and exercises. Some emphasis will be given on quantum and post-quantum aspects. Participation and Interaction will be encouraged. Details on some practical realizations will be given.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: This course is for graduate engineers wishing to understand the role and design principles of quantum communication systems and networks, which are anticipated to be key technologies of the 21st century to address post-quantum security and support the development of the Quantum Internet. Upon successful completion of the course, the students will understand the key concepts and technologies underlying the design and performance of a quantum communication link and network. The course will first introduce the basic concepts of classical optical communication networks and quantum physics that form the foundations for quantum optical networks. It will then present the key concepts and applications such as quantum information theory and error correction, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), quantum entanglement distribution and teleportation. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: The course aims at giving a mainly theoretical introduction to classical, quantum and post quantum cryptography. However, mathematical theory will be kept at a minimum. After a short historical introduction, the mathematical bases of quantum cryptography are given, together with examples and exercises. Some emphasis will be given on quantum and post-quantum aspects. Participation and Interaction will be encouraged. Details on some practical realizations will be given.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
This course is for graduate engineers wishing to understand the role and design principles of quantum communication systems and networks, which are anticipated to be key technologies of the 21st century to address post-quantum security and support the development of the Quantum Internet. Upon successful completion of the course, the students will understand the key concepts and technologies underlying the design and performance of quantum communication links and networks by leveraging currently available simulation tools. The course will first introduce the key concepts of classical optical communication networks and review the key principles of quantum physics that form the foundations for quantum optical networks. It will then present the key concepts and related implementation schemes and challenges for emerging quantum realm applications and technologies such as quantum entanglement distribution, teleportation, entanglement swapping and routing, and quantum key distribution (QKD) networks.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
The course aims at giving a mainly theoretical introduction to classical, quantum and post quantum cryptography. However, mathematical theory will be kept at a minimum. After a short historical introduction, the mathematical bases of quantum cryptography are given, together with examples and exercises. Some emphasis will be given on quantum and post-quantum aspects. Participation and Interaction will be encouraged. Details on some practical realizations will be given.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: After successful completion of the course, the student should have a good understanding of the physics and engineering behind the high-fidelity transmission of individual and entangled photonic quantum systems over a communication channel. The student should be able to give an overview of quantum communication systems, both from theoretical and experimental aspects, with a focus on quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum networks. This means that the student is expected to be able to: • Define basic concepts in optical communication systems and networks. • Explain how information encoding is done at the single-photon level and the different degrees-of-freedom employed. • Define basic concepts in quantum key distribution. • Define entanglement-based quantum cryptography, the concept of device-independence and similar protocols. • Analyze the security models of quantum key distribution systems and related attacks. • Design and analyze the performance of a QKD link using two or more different protocols (with and without coexistence with classical signals over the same fiber) • Describe other entanglement-based techniques such as quantum repeaters, entanglement swapping and quantum teleportation. • Approach the design of a quantum network for QKD or quantum computing applications. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Expected knowledge: basic knowledge of steganography, cryptography, cryptoanalysis. How to use quantum phenomena for coding, and how a classical system can resist to a quantum attack. Expected competence and skills: Basic coding and cryptoanalysis. Use of simple classical and quantum protocols. Ability to follow the continuous progresses in the field, both at a theoretical and at a practical level.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
After successful completion of the course, the students should have a good understanding of the physics and engineering behind the high-fidelity transmission of individual and entangled photonic quantum states over an optical communication network. The student should be able to describe, design and simulate a quantum communication system and network for quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum entanglement distribution and teleportation. Upon successful completion of the course, each student is expected to be able to: ● Define key concepts and architectures in optical communication systems and networks (modulation formats, spectral efficiency, channel capacity and impairments, link budget and receiver sensitivity, switching architectures, routing and spectrum assignment, and software-defined open optical networks) ● Design an error-free classical optical communication system with pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) ● Explain how information encoding is done at the single-photon level and the different degrees of-freedom employed (polarization, time-bin, frequency-bin, path entanglement, etc.) ● Define key concepts and implementations of quantum communication and network devices, such as quantum sources, switches, transmission mediums, detectors ), memories, and stationary qubit-to-photon interfaces ● Define key concepts and implementations of quantum communication networks such as entanglement distribution and swapping for long-distance teleportation ● Design, simulate and analyze the performance of a quantum communication link with different source of impairments (loss, memory decoherence, crosstalk caused by copropagating classical signals over the same fiber) for entanglement distribution, swapping, and QKD applications
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Expected knowledge: basic knowledge of steganography, cryptography, cryptoanalysis. How to use quantum phenomena for coding, and how a classical system can resist to a quantum attack. Expected competence and skills: Basic coding and cryptoanalysis. Some post-quantum protocols. Use of simple classical and quantum protocols. Ability to follow the continuous progresses in the field, both at a theoretical and at a practical level.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: After successful completion of the course, the student should have a good understanding of the physics and engineering behind the high-fidelity transmission of individual and entangled photonic quantum systems over a communication channel. The student should be able to give an overview of quantum communication systems, both from theoretical and experimental aspects, with a focus on quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum networks. This means that the student is expected to be able to: • Define basic concepts in optical communication systems and networks. • Explain how information encoding is done at the single-photon level and the different degrees-of-freedom employed. • Define basic concepts in quantum key distribution. • Define entanglement-based quantum cryptography, the concept of device-independence • and similar protocols. • Analyze the security models of quantum key distribution systems and related attacks. • Design and analyze the performance of a QKD link using two or more different protocols (with and without coexistence with classical signals over the same fiber) • Describe other entanglement-based techniques such as quantum repeaters, entanglement swapping and quantum teleportation. • Approach the design of a quantum network for QKD or quantum computing applications. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Expected knowledge: basic knowledge of steganography, cryptography, cryptoanalysis. How to use quantum phenomena for coding, and how a classical system can resist to a quantum attack. Expected competence and skills: Basic coding and cryptoanalysis. Use of simple classical and quantum protocols. Ability to follow the continuous progresses in the field, both at a theoretical and at a practical level.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
After successful completion of the course, the students should have a good understanding of the physics and engineering behind the high-fidelity transmission of individual and entangled photonic quantum states over an optical communication network. The student should be able to describe, design and simulate a quantum communication system and network for quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum entanglement distribution and teleportation. Upon successful completion of the course, each student is expected to be able to: ● Define key concepts and architectures in optical communication systems and networks (modulation formats, spectral efficiency, channel capacity and impairments, link budget and receiver sensitivity, switching architectures, routing and spectrum assignment, and software-defined open optical networks) ● Design an error-free classical optical communication system with pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) ● Explain how information encoding is done at the single-photon level and the different degrees of-freedom employed (polarization, time-bin, frequency-bin, path entanglement, etc.) ● Define key concepts and implementations of quantum communication and network devices, such as quantum sources, switches, transmission mediums, detectors ), memories, and stationary qubit-to-photon interfaces ● Define key concepts and implementations of quantum communication networks such as entanglement distribution and swapping for long-distance teleportation ● Design, simulate and analyze the performance of a quantum communication link with different source of impairments (loss, memory decoherence, crosstalk caused by copropagating classical signals over the same fiber) for entanglement distribution, swapping, and QKD applications
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Expected knowledge: basic knowledge of steganography, cryptography, cryptoanalysis. How to use quantum phenomena for coding, and how a classical system can resist to a quantum attack. Expected competence and skills: Basic coding and cryptoanalysis. Some post-quantum protocols. Use of simple classical and quantum protocols. Ability to follow the continuous progresses in the field, both at a theoretical and at a practical level.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: Linear algebra, fundamentals of quantum mechanics. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Elementary algebra, finite-dimensional linear algebra, basics of quantum mechanics (superposition principle), binary system, basic logical gates (And, or, not, nand, xor).
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Linear algebra, probability theory, fundamentals of quantum mechanics, quantum information, photonic devices, Python programming language (variable declaration and types, if statements, loops, maps, Boolean logic, classes)
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Elementary algebra, finite-dimensional linear algebra, basics of quantum mechanics (superposition principle), binary system, basic logical gates (And, or, not, nand, xor).
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: Linear algebra, fundamentals of quantum mechanics. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Elementary algebra, finite-dimensional linear algebra, basics of quantum mechanics (superposition principle), binary system, basic logical gates (And, or, not, nand, xor).
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Linear algebra, probability theory, fundamentals of quantum mechanics, quantum information, photonic devices, Python programming language (variable declaration and types, if statements, loops, maps, Boolean logic, classes)
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Elementary algebra, finite-dimensional linear algebra, basics of quantum mechanics (superposition principle), binary system, basic logical gates (And, or, not, nand, xor).
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: Classroom lessons will cover the following topics (CFUs are indicative, and variations are possible): • Introduction to optical communication systems and networks (1.5 CFU) • Introduction to classical and quantum information theory and error correction (1 CFU) • Quantum key distribution (QKD) communication systems and protocols (DV-QKD, CV-QKD, MDI-QKD) (2 CFU) • Coexistence of quantum and classical communication links over the same fiber (0.5 CFU) • Introduction to quantum networks and their applications (QKD networks, entanglement distribution, teleportation, etc.) (1 CFU) QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Historical ciphers: Cesare, Vigenere, One Time Pad, Hill. Cryptanalysis of classical ciphers. Modular algebra. Kerchoffs principle. Security and attacks of classic ciphers. Block Ciphers and Stream ciphers. Basics of Galois theory. Public Key Cryptography: RSA, Rabin, ElGamal, elliptic curves cryptography. Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Main cryptographic protocols: authentication, digital signature, blind signature, zero-knowledge proof. Some notions of quantum mechanics: pure and non-pure states, density operator, partial trace, non saparability, entanglement, EPR, Bell inequalities. Quantum cryptography and exchange of keys. Post-quantum cryptography.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Classroom lessons will cover the following topics (CFUs are indicative, and variations are possible): ● Introduction to quantum communication and networks (0.2 CFU) ● Classical optical communication for quantum networks (1.6 CFU) - modulation formats, spectral efficiency, and channel capacity; linear and non-linear impairments in optical fiber systems; link budget and receiver sensitivity for IM-DD signals; switching architectures, wavelength routing and spectrum assignment; software-defined open optical systems ● Technologies and protocols for entanglement distribution networks (0.8 CFU) - Stationary qubit-to-photon interfaces; Quantum memories and repeaters; Entanglement generation, distribution and teleportation; Entanglement swapping and purification; Synchronization in quantum networks; ● Technologies and protocols for Quantum Key Distribution (0.5 CFU) - Discrete variable (DV)-QKD (Polarization, Phase, Twin Field QKD, …); Continuous variable (CV)-QKD; Trusted nodes; ● Coexistence of quantum and classical signals over the same fiber (0.3 CFU) ● Quantum packet switching (0.2 CFU) ● A series of Netsquid labs to implement and simulate the different communication and network concepts described above (1.7 CFU) ● Group projects (0.7 CFU)
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Historical ciphers: Cesare, Vigenere, One Time Pad, Hill. Cryptoanalysis of classical ciphers. Modular algebra. Kerchoffs principle. Security and attacks of classic ciphers. Block Ciphers and Stream ciphers. Basics of Galois theory. Public Key Cryptography: RSA, Rabin, ElGamal, elliptic curves cryptography. Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Main cryptographic protocols: authentication, digital signature, blind signature, zero-knowledge proof. Recalling Some notions of quantum mechanics and information theory: pure and non-pure states, density operator, partial trace, non separability, entanglement, EPR, Bell inequalities. Quantum cryptography and exchange of keys (QKD). BB84 protocol. General QKD. Quantum Conference Key Agreement. QKD with imperfect devices. Beyond Point-to-Point QKD. Notions of continuous variable QKD. Notions of Post-quantum cryptography.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: Classroom lessons will cover the following topics (CFUs are indicative, and variations are possible): • Introduction to optical communication systems and networks (1.5 CFU) • Introduction to classical and quantum information theory and error correction (1 CFU) • Quantum key distribution (QKD) communication systems and protocols (DV-QKD, CV-QKD, MDI-QKD) (2 CFU) • Coexistence of quantum and classical communication links over the same fiber (0.5 CFU) • Introduction to quantum networks and their applications (QKD networks, entanglement distribution, teleportation, etc.) (1 CFU) QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Historical ciphers: Cesare, Vigenere, One Time Pad, Hill. Cryptanalysis of classical ciphers. Modular algebra. Kerchoffs principle. Security and attacks of classic ciphers. Block Ciphers and Stream ciphers. Basics of Galois theory. Public Key Cryptography: RSA, Rabin, ElGamal, elliptic curves cryptography. Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Main cryptographic protocols: authentication, digital signature, blind signature, zero-knowledge proof. Some notions of quantum mechanics: pure and non-pure states, density operator, partial trace, non saparability, entanglement, EPR, Bell inequalities. Quantum cryptography and exchange of keys. Post-quantum cryptography.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Classroom lessons will cover the following topics (CFUs are indicative, and variations are possible): ● Introduction to quantum communication and networks (0.2 CFU) ● Classical optical communication for quantum networks (1.6 CFU) - modulation formats, spectral efficiency, and channel capacity; linear and non-linear impairments in optical fiber systems; link budget and receiver sensitivity for IM-DD signals; switching architectures, wavelength routing and spectrum assignment; software-defined open optical systems ● Technologies and protocols for entanglement distribution networks (0.8 CFU) - Stationary qubit-to-photon interfaces; Quantum memories and repeaters; Entanglement generation, distribution and teleportation; Entanglement swapping and purification; Synchronization in quantum networks; ● Technologies and protocols for Quantum Key Distribution (0.5 CFU) - Discrete variable (DV)-QKD (Polarization, Phase, Twin Field QKD, …); Continuous variable (CV)-QKD; Trusted nodes; ● Coexistence of quantum and classical signals over the same fiber (0.3 CFU) ● Quantum packet switching (0.2 CFU) ● A series of Netsquid labs to implement and simulate the different communication and network concepts described above (1.7 CFU) ● Group projects (0.7 CFU)
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Historical ciphers: Cesare, Vigenere, One Time Pad, Hill. Cryptoanalysis of classical ciphers. Modular algebra. Kerchoffs principle. Security and attacks of classic ciphers. Block Ciphers and Stream ciphers. Basics of Galois theory. Public Key Cryptography: RSA, Rabin, ElGamal, elliptic curves cryptography. Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Main cryptographic protocols: authentication, digital signature, blind signature, zero-knowledge proof. Recalling Some notions of quantum mechanics and information theory: pure and non-pure states, density operator, partial trace, non separability, entanglement, EPR, Bell inequalities. Quantum cryptography and exchange of keys (QKD). BB84 protocol. General QKD. Quantum Conference Key Agreement. QKD with imperfect devices. Beyond Point-to-Point QKD. Notions of continuous variable QKD. Notions of Post-quantum cryptography.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: Theoretical lectures will be complemented by practice classes, which will be devoted mostly to small design projects on classical and QKD systems by leveraging existing simulation tools (e.g. VPI Photonics). The course might also take advantage of flipped classes and team-based learning projects. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Blackboard and slide lecture, with written material, links, exercises made available on the Portale della Didattica.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
The course will consist of a balanced mix of lectures and software lab sessions devoted to the design of quantum/classical communication systems and networks by leveraging existing simulation tools (e.g., Netsquid, QuREBB). The course will also make use of flipped classes and team-based learning projects.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Blackboard and slide lecture, with written material, links, exercises made available on the Portale della Didattica.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: Theoretical lectures will be complemented by practice classes, which will be devoted mostly to small design projects on classical and QKD systems by leveraging existing simulation tools (e.g. VPI Photonics). The course might also take advantage of flipped classes and team-based learning projects. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Blackboard and slide lecture, with written material, links, exercises made available on the Portale della Didattica.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
The course will consist of a balanced mix of lectures and software lab sessions devoted to the design of quantum/classical communication systems and networks by leveraging existing simulation tools (e.g., Netsquid, QuREBB). The course will also make use of flipped classes and team-based learning projects.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Blackboard and slide lecture, with written material, links, exercises made available on the Portale della Didattica.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: • The slides and the handouts used by the Professors during the classes will be available on the POLITO Didattica web portal. • Quantum Communication, Quantum Networks, and Quantum Sensing, 1st Edition - July 14, 2022; Author: Ivan Djordjevic; Academic Press 2022. • Quantum Key Distribution Networks, A Quality of Service Perspective, 1st Edition – Springer, 2022 • Quantum Key Distribution, An Introduction with Exercises, Springer, 2021 • J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: • Paar, Pelzl, "Understanding cryptography", Springer 2009 (lecture by Paar are available on YouTube) • Smart, "Cryptography made simple", Springer 2016
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
The slides and the handouts used during the classes will be available on the POLITO Didattica web portal. The following books provide a useful reference for the topics discussed during the course. Classical optical communication systems, networks, and protocols: - Springer Handbook of Optical Networks, Springer, 2020 - J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet Quantum optical communication networks: - “Quantum Communication, Quantum Networks, and Quantum Sensing” by Ivan B. Djordjevic - "Quantum Networking" by Rodney Van Meter
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Paar, Pelzl, "Understanding cryptography", Springer 2009 (lecture by Paar are available on YouTube) Smart, "Cryptography made simple", Springer 2016 Grasselli, “Quantum Cryptography: from Key Distribution to Conference Key Agreement”, Springer 2021. Ramona Wolf, “Quantum Key Distribution”, Springer 2021
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: • The slides and the handouts used by the Professors during the classes will be available on the POLITO Didattica web portal. • Quantum Communication, Quantum Networks, and Quantum Sensing, 1st Edition - July 14, 2022; Author: Ivan Djordjevic; Academic Press 2022. • Quantum Key Distribution Networks, A Quality of Service Perspective, 1st Edition – Springer, 2022 • Quantum Key Distribution, An Introduction with Exercises, Springer, 2021 • J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: • Paar, Pelzl, "Understanding cryptography", Springer 2009 (lecture by Paar are available on YouTube) • Smart, "Cryptography made simple", Springer 2016
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
The slides and the handouts used during the classes will be available on the POLITO Didattica web portal. The following books provide a useful reference for the topics discussed during the course. Classical optical communication systems, networks, and protocols: - Springer Handbook of Optical Networks, Springer, 2020 - J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet Quantum optical communication networks: - “Quantum Communication, Quantum Networks, and Quantum Sensing” by Ivan B. Djordjevic - "Quantum Networking" by Rodney Van Meter
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Paar, Pelzl, "Understanding cryptography", Springer 2009 (lecture by Paar are available on YouTube) Smart, "Cryptography made simple", Springer 2016 Grasselli, “Quantum Cryptography: from Key Distribution to Conference Key Agreement”, Springer 2021. Ramona Wolf, “Quantum Key Distribution”, Springer 2021
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Slides; Dispense; Libro di testo; Esercizi risolti; Esercitazioni di laboratorio; Esercitazioni di laboratorio risolte; Video lezioni dell’anno corrente; Materiale multimediale ; Strumenti di simulazione; Strumenti di collaborazione tra studenti;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Slides; Esercizi;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Lecture slides; Lecture notes; Text book; Exercise with solutions ; Lab exercises; Lab exercises with solutions; Video lectures (current year); Multimedia materials; Simulation tools; Student collaboration tools;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Lecture slides; Exercises;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa; Elaborato progettuale individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo; Elaborato progettuale individuale; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Individual project; Group project;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Group graphic design project; Individual project; Group project;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: The written exam is based on 2-3 problems (like those that will be solved during the course) and a few theoretical open and multiple-choice questions. The written exam will last two hours, and it will be scored on a full scale up to 25 points. The evaluation of the written exam is based on the correct development of the proposed exercises and correctness of the results. The theoretical questions will be judged according to the completeness of the answers, but also on the ability of the students to reply in a concise way. This written exam is a “closed-book exam”. Formulas needed will be provided together with the written test. The students who will get a score above 15/30 at the written exam can ask for an optional oral exam, where the questions will mostly regard the theoretical aspects of the course. The oral exam will allow to modify the score of +- 5 points. During the semester, the Teacher will propose some optional individual or team-based projects that the students may use to gain an additional 3 points for the final score. The final exam score will be the sum of the written test, optional oral test and optional projects, If this final sum is above 32, the student will get “30 cum laude”. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Written exercise on the topics of the course.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Written test; Group research and presentation; Group project; Optional oral exam. The final evaluation is based on four parts. The first part is based on a group presentation. During the course, the teacher will briefly introduce a few advanced topics currently under investigation in the research community. The students will form groups of three to four people and will be assigned to prepare a 30-min presentation on one of the selected topics. The overall quality of the presentation will be evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5 points. The second part of the exam is based on a simulation project that builds upon the labs performed during the course. This part will be scored on a scale from 1 to 10 points. The project will be assigned in the second-last week of the course and must be completed within a week of the end of the course. The third part of the exam is based on a written test with exercises as well as open and multiple-choice questions. The written test will last up to 1.5 hours, and it will be scored on a scale up to 15 points. The evaluation of this part is based on the completeness of the answers, but also on the ability of the students to convey the necessary concepts in a concise way. This written exam is a “closed-book exam”. Students that wish to improve their overall grade can ask for an optional oral exam (which can give +- 5 points). The final exam grade will be the sum of the written test, presentation, and optional oral exam scores.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Prova scritta della durata di tre ore con due esercizi sul programma del corso, ciascuno dei quali fornsice, se svolto correttamente nella sua interezza, quindici punti. Prova orale su richiesta dello/a studente o del docente. La durata orientativa della prova orale è di trenta minuti, con possibile prolungamento di altri trenta minuti per unamigliore definizione del voto.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Individual project; Group project;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam; Group graphic design project; Individual project; Group project;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam;
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography
QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS: The written exam is based on 2-3 problems (like those that will be solved during the course) and a few theoretical open and multiple-choice questions. The written exam will last two hours, and it will be scored on a full scale up to 25 points. The evaluation of the written exam is based on the correct development of the proposed exercises and correctness of the results. The theoretical questions will be judged according to the completeness of the answers, but also on the ability of the students to reply in a concise way. This written exam is a “closed-book exam”. Formulas needed will be provided together with the written test. The students who will get a score above 15/30 at the written exam can ask for an optional oral exam, where the questions will mostly regard the theoretical aspects of the course. The oral exam will allow to modify the score of +- 5 points. During the semester, the Teacher will propose some optional individual or team-based projects that the students may use to gain an additional 3 points for the final score. The final exam score will be the sum of the written test, optional oral test and optional projects, If this final sum is above 32, the student will get “30 cum laude”. QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY: Written exercise on the topics of the course.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Communications and Networks)
Written test; Presentation; Optional project and oral exam. The final evaluation is based on three parts. The first part is based on a presentation. During the course, the teacher will briefly introduce a few advanced topics currently under investigation in the research community. The students will be assigned to prepare a presentation on one of the selected topics. The overall quality of the presentation will be evaluated on a scale from 1 to 9 points. The second part of the exam is based on a written test with exercises as well as open questions. The written test will last 2 hours, and it will be scored on a scale up to 21 points. The evaluation of this part is based on the completeness of the answers, but also on the ability of the students to convey the necessary concepts in a concise way. This written exam is a “closed-book exam”. Students that wish to improve their final grade can ask for an optional oral exam or lab project assignment. The final exam grade will be the sum of the written test, presentation, and optional test scores.
Quantum Communications and Networks and Quantum Cryptography (Quantum Cryptography)
A mandatory three-hour written exam consisting of two exercises on the programme of the course. If correctly and completely solved, each exercise provides 15 points. During the written exam students can use books and notes, but not pc’s or other electronic devices. An additional oral exam can be provided upon request of the student or of the teacher. The approximate duration of the oral exam amounts to 30 minutes, with possible extension of further 30 minutes, if needed for a more precise definition of the grade. The oral examination is to be carried out without materials like books, notes, electronic devices.