A.A. 2024/25
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Agritech Engineering - Torino
Teaching | Hours |
Lezioni | 40 |
Esercitazioni in laboratorio | 20 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut | Years teaching |
Demarchi Danilo | Professore Ordinario | IINF-01/A | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut |
Barezzi Mattia | Assegnista di Ricerca | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | |
Calvo Stefano | Assegnista di Ricerca | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | |
Garlando Umberto | Ricercatore L240/10 | IINF-01/A | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Minetto Alex | Collaboratore Esterno | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Rodriguez Duarte David Orlando | Ricercatore L240/10 | IINF-02/A | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
SSD | CFU | Activities | Area context | ING-INF/01 ING-INF/03 |
5 1 |
B - Caratterizzanti B - Caratterizzanti |
Ingegneria della sicurezza e protezione dell'informazione Ingegneria della sicurezza e protezione dell'informazione |
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Agritech Engineering - Torino
Teaching | Hours |
Lezioni | 60 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut | Years teaching |
Ferrero Sergio | Professore Ordinario | PHYS-03/A | 27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut |
Dovis Fabio | Professore Ordinario | IINF-03/A | 10,5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Minetto Alex | Collaboratore Esterno | 7,5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Napione Lucia | Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 art.24-B | BIOS-07/A | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
SSD | CFU | Activities | Area context | FIS/03 ING-INF/03 |
4 2 |
F - Altre attività (art. 10) B - Caratterizzanti |
Altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro Ingegneria della sicurezza e protezione dell'informazione |
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Starting from the competences acquired in previous courses on Electronic Circuits and Systems, Programming and in the parallel course on Sensors and Communications, in this course they will be harmonized for learning how to design and build IoT (Internet of Things) Solutions for Agriculture. The course is organized with a theoretical introduction to Smart Systems and their application for building IoT solutions, with in parallel practical laboratories for the setup of experiments where IoTs are used for collecting data, processing them and generate the first presentation of data by user-friendly interfaces. In particular, will be analyzed and used MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) that is a lightweight, publish-subscribe, machine to machine network protocol for message queuing service, designed for connections with remote locations that have devices with resource constraints or limited network bandwidth.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
The course provides the theoretical and practical (through examples from the state-of-the-art of the technological market) foundation for the study of sensors and data transmission with particular emphasis on applications in the agricultural area. To this aim, the course is divided into two separate modules: the first module will introduce the students to the basis of sensor technology and their use for the fabrication of microsensors and microactuators dedicated to the measurement of physical, chemical and biological parameters; examples of measurement, monitoring and control systems will be shown and discussed. The second module will introduce students on fundamentals of data transmission with a particular emphasis to main topics correlated to the use of smart sensors in smart farming and as a consequence needs related to long-range and low-power transmission models and tools.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Starting from the competences acquired in previous courses on Electronic Circuits and Systems, Programming and in the parallel course on Sensors and Communications, in this course they will be harmonized for learning how to design and build IoT (Internet of Things) Solutions for Agriculture. The course is organized with a theoretical introduction to Smart Systems and their application for building IoT solutions, with in parallel practical laboratories for the setup of experiments where IoTs are used for collecting data, processing them and generate the first presentation of data by user-friendly interfaces. In particular, will be analyzed and used MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) that is a lightweight, publish-subscribe, machine to machine network protocol for message queuing service, designed for connections with remote locations that have devices with resource constraints or limited network bandwidth.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
The course provides the theoretical and practical (through examples from the state-of-the-art of the technological market) foundation for the study of sensors and data transmission with particular emphasis on applications in the agricultural area. To this aim, the course is divided into two main topics: the first will introduce the students to the basis of sensors technology and their use for the fabrication of microsensors and microactuators dedicated to the measurement of physical, chemical and biological parameters; examples of measurement, monitoring and control systems will be shown and discussed. The second will introduce students on fundamentals of data transmission over digital communication systems with a particular emphasis to wireless standards applicable to Internet-of-Things applications and smart farming, and, as a consequence, needs related to long-range and low-power transmission standards and tools.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Expected knowledge: - Extraction of data from sensors, with their processing and transmission - Design and implementation of smart systems for building IoT solutions Expected competences and skills: - Ability of analysing a problem and mapping it to the implementation of an IoT solution for Precision Agriculture - Ability of implementating the full AgriFood chain: data collection – processing – transmission – user interface - Necessary skills for designing an IoT system, extracting the specifications and needs from the agriculture domain
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Expected knowledge: - development of knowledge of sensor and actuators for farming tools - development of capabilities in design and selection of advanced technologies for smart farming and precision agriculture - development of knowledge in data transmission fundamentals and topics correlated to farming tools Expected competences and skills - ability to identify and select the most suitable technologies for soil, crop, water monitoring based on smart sensors - ability to identify and select the most suitable technologies for long range and low power data transmission - ability to apply the acquired knowledge in a research and/or industrial framework, applying capability and skills in solving problems related to the implementation of systems dedicated to the measurement of chemical, biological and physical parameters useful in agriculture - ability to communicate in a clear and unambiguous way technical aspects related to the design and manufacture of smart sensors both in writing and oral form and to both specialists and non-specialists; - development of self-learning skills to allow the student to continue to learn autonomously new techniques and design methodologies and fabrication techniques for smart farming, not necessarily explained and described during the course.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Expected knowledge: - Extraction of data from sensors, with their processing and transmission - Design and implementation of smart systems for building IoT solutions Expected competences and skills: - Ability of analysing a problem and mapping it to the implementation of an IoT solution for Precision Agriculture - Ability of implementating the full AgriFood chain: data collection – processing – transmission – user interface - Necessary skills for designing an IoT system, extracting the specifications and needs from the agriculture domain
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Expected knowledge: - development of knowledge of sensor and actuators for farming tools - development of capabilities in design and selection of advanced technologies for smart farming and precision agriculture - development of knowledge in data transmission fundamentals and topics correlated to farming tools Expected competences and skills - ability to identify and select the most suitable technologies for soil, crop, water monitoring based on smart sensors - ability to identify and select the most suitable technologies for long range and low power data transmission - ability to apply the acquired knowledge in a research and/or industrial framework, applying capability and skills in solving problems related to the implementation of systems dedicated to the measurement of chemical, biological and physical parameters useful in agriculture - ability to communicate in a clear and unambiguous way technical aspects related to the design and manufacture of smart sensors both in writing and oral form and to both specialists and non-specialists; - development of self-learning skills to allow the student to continue to learn autonomously new techniques and design methodologies and fabrication techniques for smart farming, not necessarily explained and described during the course.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Elements of electronic circuits and systems, and programming techniques, like the ones acquired in the first semester of the AgriTech Engineering curriculum
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Topics covered by the courses of 1st semester are strongly preparatory In addition, students must have an elementary background in: • Classical physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, wave optics, fluidics, elements of structure of matter), solid state physics, chemistry and materials science • Elements of electronic devices and electronic circuits • Elements of signal theory and data transmission
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Elements of electronic circuits and systems, and programming techniques, like the ones acquired in the first semester of the AgriTech Engineering curriculum
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Topics covered by the courses of 1st semester are strongly preparatory In addition, students must have an elementary background in: • Classical physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, wave optics, fluidics, elements of structure of matter), solid state physics, chemistry and materials science • Elements of electronic devices and electronic circuits • Elements of signal theory and data transmission
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
The course is structured in theoretical aspects where the basics of IoT are explained, and a practical part with laboratories where the acquired knowledge is applied. Theoretical aspects (40 hours): - Introduction to IoT systems and their architecture - IoT and data analytics in precision agriculture: benefits and challenges - Crop management system using IoT - Smart irrigation and crop security in agriculture using IoT - The IoT in agriculture for sustainable rural development - Introduction to data-formatting for exchange of information (XML, JSON) - Python scripting for data management - Publish/subscribe communication paradigm (MQTT) - Examples of application of IoT to Agriculture. Laboratories (20 hours): - Implementation of IoT solutions getting real data from the fields where Politecnico’s researcher have their experimental setups - Hardware and Software implementation of smart systems for data analysis, processing and presentation - Development of a project for the final exam.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
First module – Sensors (40 hours) Topics of the first module include: - Introduction to micro electro mechanical devices, basis of fabrication, classification and characteristics. - Smart sensor, microsensors and microactuators (including harvesting). - Main methods for detection of physical, chemical and biological parameters. - Smart systems applied in farming; measurement, monitoring and control systems. - Current trends and open issues. - Analysis of a case study developed at Politecnico Second module – Data transmission (20 hours) Topics of the second module include: - Fundamentals of data transmission (message, sender, receiver, transmission medium, protocols, …) - Types of communication (simplex, duplex, full duplex communication. - Needs in smart farming and field applications (long range, low power communication suystems).
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
The course is structured in theoretical aspects where the basics of IoT are explained, and a practical part with laboratories where the acquired knowledge is applied. Theoretical aspects (40 hours): - Introduction to IoT systems and their architecture - IoT and data analytics in precision agriculture: benefits and challenges - Crop management system using IoT - Smart irrigation and crop security in agriculture using IoT - The IoT in agriculture for sustainable rural development - Introduction to data-formatting for exchange of information (XML, JSON) - Python scripting for data management - Publish/subscribe communication paradigm (MQTT) - Examples of application of IoT to Agriculture. Laboratories (20 hours): - Implementation of IoT solutions getting real data from the fields where Politecnico’s researcher have their experimental setups - Hardware and Software implementation of smart systems for data analysis, processing and presentation - Development of a project for the final exam.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
First topic – Sensors Topics of the first module include: - Introduction to micro electro mechanical devices, basis of fabrication, classification and characteristics. - Smart sensor, microsensors and microactuators (including harvesting). - Main methods for detection of physical, chemical and biological parameters. - - Smart systems applied in farming, measurement, monitoring and control systems. - Current trends and open issues. - Analysis of a case study developed at Politecnico Second topic – Data transmission Topics of the second module include: - Concept of Machine-to-Machine and Internet-of-Things networking - Fundamentals of communication systems (message, sender, receiver, transmission medium, protocols, …) - Elements of the physical and network layer for modern wireless communication standards - Examples in smart farming and field applications (long range, low power communication subsystems). - Fundamentals on Global Navigation Satellite Systems for positioning and navigation
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
The course is structured merging the theoretical (30 hours) and the practical aspects (30 hours), for preparing the students to be able to implement at the end of the course a simple project of an IoT solution, that will be evaluated for the final exam grade. It is considered a visit to a production site, where the researchers of Politecnico are working, for showing in a real environment the technologies explained and used during the course. The course will be held based on slides, available on the Training Portal of Politecnico and in the Portal will be given available also the needed tools for the project development. In case of remote teaching, the theoretical lectures will be given by the standard remote teaching facilities of Politecnico, else, for the labs, will be given available to the students the needed platforms for working at home.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
The course consists of: - lectures covering the topics described in the Course Topics section, delivered by slides and the use of the blackboard (or alternative tools like graphical tablet or similar in case of remote or blended lectures). The slides will be made available to students in pdf format on the Internet Didactic Portal at the beginning of the course; - training in laboratories equipped for the execution and characterization of some technological case studies illustrated during the lectures.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
The course is structured merging the theoretical (30 hours) and the practical aspects (30 hours), for preparing the students to be able to implement at the end of the course a simple project of an IoT solution, that will be evaluated for the final exam grade. It is considered a visit to a production site, where the researchers of Politecnico are working, for showing in a real environment the technologies explained and used during the course. The course will be held based on slides, available on the Training Portal of Politecnico and in the Portal will be given available also the needed tools for the project development. In case of remote teaching, the theoretical lectures will be given by the standard remote teaching facilities of Politecnico, else, for the labs, will be given available to the students the needed platforms for working at home.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
The course consists of: - lectures covering the topics described in the Course Topics section, delivered by slides and the use of the blackboard (or alternative tools like graphical tablet or similar in case of remote or blended lectures). The slides will be made available to students in pdf format on the Internet Didactic Portal at the beginning of the course; - training in laboratories equipped for the execution and characterization of some technological case studies illustrated during the lectures
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
- Course Slides - AI, Edge and IoT-based Smart Agriculture, 1st Edition - November 10, 2021, Editors: Ajith Abraham, Sujata Dash, Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Biswaranjan Acharya, Subhendu Kumar Pani, Elsevier - Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Automation in Agriculture, Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Bhupendra Singh, Sushabhan Choudhury, ISBN 9781032428741, CRC Press
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
The didactic material (slides for the lectures) will be distributed in pdf format by the teacher and uploaded on the Didactic Portal before the course start. Suggested but not mandatory additive readings and books will be specified by the teacher. Selected scientific papers will be uploaded on the student portal.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
- Course Slides - AI, Edge and IoT-based Smart Agriculture, 1st Edition - November 10, 2021, Editors: Ajith Abraham, Sujata Dash, Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Biswaranjan Acharya, Subhendu Kumar Pani, Elsevier - Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Automation in Agriculture, Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Bhupendra Singh, Sushabhan Choudhury, ISBN 9781032428741, CRC Press
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
The didactic material (slides for the lectures) will be distributed in pdf format by the teacher and uploaded on the Didactic Portal before the course start. Suggested but not mandatory additive readings and books will be specified by the teacher. Herrero, R. (2022). Fundamentals of IoT communication technologies. Cham: Springer. Selected scientific papers will be uploaded on the student portal
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto prodotto in gruppo;
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula);
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group essay;
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Exam: Written test;
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
The exam is based on a project where the students will develop a simple IoT solution, decided with the professor. The project is developed in groups of 2-3 people. The students will be requested to prepare a written report, that will be discussed in an oral session. The final grade will be done evaluating the written project, with the presentation and the discussion during the oral session.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Written proof Expected learning outcomes - Understanding of the covered topics and ability to grasp the fundamental aspects of the various technologies. - Ability to compare (advantages/disadvantages) the different technological tools for the application of sensors and data transmission in smart farming. - Ability to compare, identify and logically use the best technological tools in order to optimize the use of natural resources. Criteria, rules and procedures for the examination - The exam is aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of the topics listed in the official program of the course and the ability to apply the theoretical contents for the solution of simple case studies in smart farming. - The exam involves a written proof including both multiple-answer questions and open questions and short exercises. No books, notes or any other didactic material is allowed.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group essay;
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Exam: Written test;
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (IoT for Agriculture)
The exam is based on a project where the students will develop a simple IoT solution, decided with the professor. The project is developed in groups of 2-3 people. The students will be requested to prepare a written report, that will be discussed in an oral session. The final grade will be done evaluating the written project, with the presentation and the discussion during the oral session.
Sensors and Data Transmission/IoT for Agriculture (Sensors and Data Transmission)
Written test; Written proof Expected learning outcomes - Understanding of the covered topics and ability to grasp the fundamental aspects of the various technologies. - Ability to compare (advantages/disadvantages) the different technological tools for the application of sensors and data transmission in smart farming. - Ability to compare, identify and logically use the best technological tools in order to optimize the use of natural resources. Criteria, rules and procedures for the examination - The exam is aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of the topics listed in the official program of the course and the ability to apply the theoretical contents for the solution of simple case studies in smart farming. - The exam involves a written proof including both multiple-answer questions and open questions and short exercises. No books, notes or any other didactic material is allowed.