A.A. 2024/25
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Meccanica (Mechanical Engineering) - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo (Automotive Engineering) - Torino
Teaching | Hours |
Lezioni | 35 |
Esercitazioni in aula | 15 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut | Years teaching |
Baino Francesco | Professore Associato | IMAT-01/A | 35 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut |
De La Pierre Des Ambrois Stefano | Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 art.24-B | IMAT-01/A | 0 | 27 | 0 | 0 |
Ferraris Sara | Professore Associato | IMAT-01/A | 0 | 13,5 | 0 | 0 |
Gabrieli Roberta | Dottorando | 0 | 13,5 | 0 | 0 | |
Perero Sergio | Collaboratore Esterno | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
SSD | CFU | Activities | Area context | ING-IND/21 ING-IND/22 |
5 5 |
B - Caratterizzanti B - Caratterizzanti |
Ingegneria dei materiali Ingegneria dei materiali |
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Meccanica (Mechanical Engineering) - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo (Automotive Engineering) - Torino
Teaching | Hours |
Lezioni | 35 |
Esercitazioni in aula | 15 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut | Years teaching |
Maizza Giovanni | Professore Ordinario | IIND-03/C | 30 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
Teacher | Status | SSD | h.Les | h.Ex | h.Lab | h.Tut |
De La Pierre Des Ambrois Stefano | Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 art.24-B | IMAT-01/A | 0 | 27 | 0 | 0 |
Ferraris Sara | Professore Associato | IMAT-01/A | 0 | 13,5 | 0 | 0 |
Gabrieli Roberta | Dottorando | 0 | 13,5 | 0 | 0 | |
Perero Sergio | Collaboratore Esterno | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
SSD | CFU | Activities | Area context | ING-IND/21 ING-IND/22 |
5 5 |
B - Caratterizzanti B - Caratterizzanti |
Ingegneria dei materiali Ingegneria dei materiali |
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
The primary aim of this course is to give students basic knowledge of materials, microstructure and processing technologies of interest for automotive and mechanical engineering. The properties of the main classes of materials will be presented, in particular their mechanical and thermal properties. Special attention will be given to steels, cast irons and Al alloys along with their manufacturing processes. Applications of selected classes of steels, Al alloys, cast irons will be discussed, together with the main classes of polymers, aiming to guide students toward material selection, design and quality assessment.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The primary aim of this course is to give students basic knowledge of materials, microstructure and processing technologies of interest for automotive and mechanical engineering. The properties of the main classes of materials will be presented, in particular their mechanical and thermal properties. Special attention will be given to steels, cast irons and Al alloys along with their manufacturing processes. Applications of selected classes of steels, Al alloys, cast irons will be discussed, together with the main classes of polymers, aiming to guide students toward material selection, design and quality assessment.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
The course “Science and technology of materials” (STM) provides the fundamentals of materials science with a focus on the relationships between chemical composition, microstructure, material properties and function. An important engineering outcome of the STM course is the understanding of the criteria for material selection depending on the specific application. Along with the analysis of the science that lies behind, some case studies will be described and discussed to allow the student to understand how properties can affect materials selection and production. Thus, science-led and design-led approaches to materials teaching will be synergistically combined to offer the information that will be needed to achieve a deep knowledge and to enable successful materials selection. Overall, microstructural aspects, mechanical and thermal properties, and a focus on the main classes of non-metallic materials (i.e. ceramics, glasses, polymers and composites) are the main subjects of the STM course.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The TMM course provides the basics of metallic materials science along with the most common processing technologies. A fundamental goal of the proposed teaching course is the understanding of the relationships between chemical composition, microstructure, mechanical/metallurgical properties and processing parameters. An important engineering outcome of the TMM course is the knowledge of the criteria for material selection and soundness assessmen for specific engineering applications. Along with metallurgy science that lies behind, some specific case studies are presented to allow the student to understand how properties can affect materials selection and the manufacturing process.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
The main aim is to provide the student with a robust background in materials, able to couple scientific and technological knowledge in a synergistic manner, providing general guidelines for translating scientific knowledge into technological tools for mechanical and automotive engineering. The student will learn: - the relation between materials atomic structure and properties; - how to exploit this scientific background in controlling materials properties; - how to select materials to fulfil design requirements; - to develop a confident approach to materials and their properties; - how the main mechanical tests are executed practically; - how to correlate the mechanical and technological properties of alloys with manufacturing technologies, - how to optimally select metals and alloys, including manufacturing processes for the design and construction of mechanical components and structures under specified operating conditions.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The main aim is to provide the student with a robust background in materials, able to couple scientific and technological knowledge in a synergistic manner, providing general guidelines for translating scientific knowledge into technological tools for mechanical and automotive engineering. The student will learn: - the relation between materials atomic structure and properties; - how to exploit this scientific background in controlling materials properties; - how to select materials to fulfil design requirements; - to develop a confident approach to materials and their properties; - how the main mechanical tests are executed practically; - how to correlate the mechanical and technological properties of alloys with manufacturing technologies, - how to optimally select metals and alloys, including manufacturing processes for the design and construction of mechanical components and structures under specified operating conditions.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
The primary aim of the STM course is to provide the student with a basic background of materials science to understand the synergistic coupling between materials and technology and, finally, its translation into useful guidelines to select materials for applications of interest in mechanical and automotive engineering. The student will learn how: - crystal structure and properties are interlinked one another; - materials properties and microstructure change during processing; - to control the final materials properties; - to select materials and production/manufacturing processes upon design requirements or service conditions; - to develop an engineering approach to link materials, properties and processes; - to extract mechanical properties from laboratory test.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The primary aim of the integral STM/TMM course is to provide the student with a basic knowledge of materials science to understand the synergistic coupling between materials and technology and, finally, its engineering translation into useful guidelines to select materials and manufacturing processes of interest to mechanical and automotive engineering. The student will learn how to: - interlink crystal structure and materials properties - extract mechanical properties from laboratory tests - understand the changes of materials properties and microstructure upon processing - predict the final component performances after processing to meet specifications - select materials and manufacturing processes upon design requirements or service conditions; - develop an engineering approach to establish a link between materials, properties, processes and performances.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
The student is required to have a robust, basic knowledge of Chemistry and Physics.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The student is required to have a robust, basic knowledge of Chemistry and Physics.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
The student is required to have a basic knowledge of Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The student is required to have a basic knowledge of Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
The course is developed along Lessons, Exercise and Lab Training. Science and Technology of Materials (STM): Introduction on metals, polymers, basic notions on ceramics, glasses and composites. Correlations structure/property of materials, Crystalline structure and defects, Amorphous structure, Plastic deformation. (10 hours). Mechanical and thermal properties, their relation to materials structure (20 hours). Phase diagrams use and examples (10 hours). Polymers, glasses: properties, uses and related technologies (10 hours). Technology of Metallic Materials (TMM). Brief review of metallic bonding theory: electronegativity, anisotropy and allotropy, Humé-Rothery rules; solid solutions, intermetallic and interstitial compounds. Extended treatment of lattice defects in metals. Multiscale of microstructure; inspection and diagnostics by microscopy. Strengthening mechanisms. Corrosion of metals and alloys and their protection methods. Tensile test; the Ludwik-Hollomon law; extraction of formability parameters from tensile test curve. (20h). Manufacturing of alloys. Manufacturing by casting technologies, Homogeneous/ heterogeneous nucleation and phase growth upon solidification; casting microstructure and defects, semi-solid casting; solid-state phase transformations. Manufacturing by plastic deformation (hot, warm and cold forming); stress relieve, recrystallization, grain growth; superplastic forming; forging, rolling, extrusion. Cold sheet forming: deep drawing, hydroforming; influence of processing methods on microstructure and mechanical properties. Sheet formability tests; FLD curves. Manufacturing by powder metallurgy. Overview of welding, alloys weldability, welding defects. (10h) Ferrous alloys: European nomenclature; basic phase diagrams: metastable Fe-Fe3C, Fe-N, Fe-Ni, Fe-Cr; production of steels; influence of alloying elements; equilibrium and non equilibrium phases in steels; their microstructure and distinctive properties. TTT curves and CCT curves: origin, interpretation and their application to heat treatment of steels. Annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering. Hardenability and Jominy test; thermomechanical heat treatments: austempering and martempering. Embrittlement and residual stresses upon cooling. Surface hardening of steels: induction and laser hardening, carburizing, nitriding and carbonitriding treatments. Stainless steels. Example of selection of steels for mechanical applications. Cast irons: European nomenclature of cast irons; equilibrium Fe-C phase diagram, microstructure and mechanical properties of grey, ductile, white cast irons; heat treatment method and mechanical properties. (15h) Non ferrous metals: alluminum and alluminum alloys; European nomenclature, classification. Casting alloys: influence of alloying elements; Al-Si phase diagrams. Methods of microstructure refinement. Wrought alloys. Strengthening by heat treratment: aging, underaging and overaging. Mechanical properties. Selection criteria of alloys for mechanical applications. Overview of magnesium and magnesium alloys; titanium and titanium alloys; copper and its alloys.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The course is developed along Lessons, Exercise and Lab Training. Science and Technology of Materials (STM): Introduction on metals, polymers, basic notions on ceramics, glasses and composites. Correlations structure/property of materials, Crystalline structure and defects, Amorphous structure, Plastic deformation. (10 hours). Mechanical and thermal properties, their relation to materials structure (20 hours). Phase diagrams use and examples (10 hours). Polymers, glasses: properties, uses and related technologies (10 hours). Technology of Metallic Materials (TMM). Brief review of metallic bonding theory: electronegativity, anisotropy and allotropy, Humé-Rothery rules; solid solutions, intermetallic and interstitial compounds. Extended treatment of lattice defects in metals. Multiscale of microstructure; inspection and diagnostics by microscopy. Strengthening mechanisms. Corrosion of metals and alloys and their protection methods. Tensile test; the Ludwik-Hollomon law; extraction of formability parameters from tensile test curve. (20h). Manufacturing of alloys. Manufacturing by casting technologies, Homogeneous/ heterogeneous nucleation and phase growth upon solidification; casting microstructure and defects, semi-solid casting; solid-state phase transformations. Manufacturing by plastic deformation (hot, warm and cold forming); stress relieve, recrystallization, grain growth; superplastic forming; forging, rolling, extrusion. Cold sheet forming: deep drawing, hydroforming; influence of processing methods on microstructure and mechanical properties. Sheet formability tests; FLD curves. Manufacturing by powder metallurgy. Overview of welding, alloys weldability, welding defects. (10h) Ferrous alloys: European nomenclature; basic phase diagrams: metastable Fe-Fe3C, Fe-N, Fe-Ni, Fe-Cr; production of steels; influence of alloying elements; equilibrium and non equilibrium phases in steels; their microstructure and distinctive properties. TTT curves and CCT curves: origin, interpretation and their application to heat treatment of steels. Annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering. Hardenability and Jominy test; thermomechanical heat treatments: austempering and martempering. Embrittlement and residual stresses upon cooling. Surface hardening of steels: induction and laser hardening, carburizing, nitriding and carbonitriding treatments. Stainless steels. Example of selection of steels for mechanical applications. Cast irons: European nomenclature of cast irons; equilibrium Fe-C phase diagram, microstructure and mechanical properties of grey, ductile, white cast irons; heat treatment method and mechanical properties. (15h) Non ferrous metals: alluminum and alluminum alloys; European nomenclature, classification. Casting alloys: influence of alloying elements; Al-Si phase diagrams. Methods of microstructure refinement. Wrought alloys. Strengthening by heat treratment: aging, underaging and overaging. Mechanical properties. Selection criteria of alloys for mechanical applications. Overview of magnesium and magnesium alloys; titanium and titanium alloys; copper and its alloys.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
The STM course includes theoretical lectures (35 h per student) and exercises (15 h per student). The main topics of the STM course are: - General introduction to engineering materials (metals, ceramics, glasses, polymers, composites); - The basic structure-property relationship of materials; - Crystalline and amorphous structure; - Lattice defects in solid materials; - Mechanical properties (elastic and plastic behaviour) and their relation to crystal structure; - Thermal properties and their relation to crystal structure; - Phase diagrams: theory, practical examples, and applications; - Focus on non-metallic materials (ceramics, glasses, polymers, composites): properties, uses and related processing technologies.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The Technology of Metallic Materials (TMM) course runs along lessons and in-class training exercises. It briefly reviews metallic bonding, Humé-Rothery rules, as well as slip planes and directions taken from the STM course. Formation of alloys: solid solutions and compounds; microstructure of alloys; strengthening mechanisms of alloys; atomic diffusion theory, heat transfer and applications (8h). Corrosion of metals, protection methods, stainless steels (3h). Manufacturing (by casting, hot and cold plastic deformation) of ferrous and non ferrous alloys; fabrications defects and causes of embrittlement (7h). Bulk and surface heat treatment of steels; EU/ISO and AISI/SAE nomenclature of steels; phase diagrams of Fe-Fe3C, Fe-N, Fe-Ni, Fe-Cr, Al-Si systems; fundamentals and applications of TTT and CCT diagrams and prediction of phases on fast cooling; hardenability and Jominy test; selection criterion of steels for mechanical applications (10h). Brief introduction of alluminum and alluminum alloys, classification and nomenclature of supply tempers; overview on magnesium alloys; titanium alloys; copper alloys; selection criteria of non-ferrous alloys and inherent processes for mechanical applications (2h).
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
STM: numerical exercises and/or open questions on phase diagrams, on mechanical and thermal properties of materials. TMM. In laboratory: tensile, hardness and impact tests. Metallography: preparation of samples and observation with optical microscope. Exercise classes: the topics of practical relevance will be explored as case studies through exercise. 30 min videos on steel production and on the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties will be shown for better insight. The Program CES-EDUPACK will be introduced and exploited to solve a few mechanical applications.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
STM: numerical exercises and/or open questions on phase diagrams, on mechanical and thermal properties of materials. TMM. In laboratory: tensile, hardness and impact tests. Metallography: preparation of samples and observation with optical microscope. Exercise classes: the topics of practical relevance will be explored as case studies through exercise. 30 min videos on steel production and on the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties will be shown for better insight. The Program CES-EDUPACK will be introduced and exploited to solve a few mechanical applications.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
In addition to theoretical lectures to all the class (35 h), practical and training exercises are run in parallel in smaller groups about crystallography, phase diagrams, mechanical and thermal properties of materials (15 h per student).
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
In addition to theoretical lecture (30h), plenary exercise classes and training classes involving the solution of numerical problems (20h) are scheduled in parallel with the TMM theoretical classes to: a) initially practicing with the prior learning of theoretical STM fundamentals on crystal lattice, alloy formation (Humé-Rothery law), Miller's Indices, then to support the theoretical TMM classes by more practically estimating of: b) work hardening of metals and alloys based on the tensile test curve, c) microstructure compostion and final mechanical performance of steels from equilibrium Fe-Fe3C metastable phase diagram and from d) non-equilibrium transformation cooling (TTT, CCT) diagrams ; as well as to be more acquainted with e) corrosion phenomena in metals, alloys and stainless steels; and finally to provide useful guidelines for d) materials selection of main ferrous and non-ferrous alloys for engineering and automotive applications. Tutorial classes are also scheduled and delivered upon students' request during the teaching period (4h). A final interactive tutorial is delivered to all students at the end of the TMM course to clarify individual questions or doubts, and more importantly to help them cross-link all theoretical subjects along with the solved exercises and training classes to entirely and successfully achieve the TMM teaching objectives (3h).
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
The teaching material will be available in the form of slides (STM) lecture notes In addition, the following textbooks are suggested as guideline as well as for in-depth study. STM: W. D. Callister "Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction" – John Wiley & Sons, Inc. TMM: • Structure and Properties of Engineering Alloys, W.F. Smith, McGrawHill, 2^ Ed., 2004. • R.A. Higgins - Materials for engineers and technicians: applied physical metallurgy, 6th ed., Arnold, 2006. • M. Ashby – Materials Engineering Science Processing and Design, BH, 1st Ed., 2007. • Meyers-Chawla - Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 2009. • Z. Marchiniak, J.L. Duncan, S.J. Hu, Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming, BH, 2nd Ed., 2002. • M.F. Ashby, D.R.H. Jones, Engineering Materials 1: An introduction to properties, applications. and design, B/H ed., 2012.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The teaching material will be available in the form of slides (STM) lecture notes In addition, the following textbooks are suggested as guideline as well as for in-depth study. STM: W. D. Callister "Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction" – John Wiley & Sons, Inc. TMM: • Structure and Properties of Engineering Alloys, W.F. Smith, McGrawHill, 2^ Ed., 2004. • R.A. Higgins - Materials for engineers and technicians: applied physical metallurgy, 6th ed., Arnold, 2006. • M. Ashby – Materials Engineering Science Processing and Design, BH, 1st Ed., 2007. • Meyers-Chawla - Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 2009. • Z. Marchiniak, J.L. Duncan, S.J. Hu, Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming, BH, 2nd Ed., 2002. • M.F. Ashby, D.R.H. Jones, Engineering Materials 1: An introduction to properties, applications. and design, B/H ed., 2012.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Learning is mainly based on lecture slides provided by Professors and uploaded prior to the class on the course webpage, as well as on the students’ own notes. In addition, the following textbook is suggested for an in-depth study: W. D. Callister "Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction" – John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
The TMM teaching material is uploaded before each class on the polito portal course webpage in the form of powerpoint slides. Recorded videolectures from past academic years can be provided upon motivated student's request. Additional pdf-material can be uploaded upon request for in-depth studies. A list of about 200 questions, collected from all class lectures, are uploaded as a means for check individual understanding and training before the exam. Besides, the following textbooks are suggested to aiding understanding the theoretical and practical TMM topics: • M. Ashby – Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 4^ Edition, BH, 1st Ed., 2011. • M.A. Meyers, K.K. Chawla - Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2^ ed., Cambridge, 2009. • P.L. Mangonon, The Principles of Materials Selection for Engineeering Design, International Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000. • W.F. Smith - Structure and Properties of Engineering Alloys, McGrawHill, 2^ Ed., 2004.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Slides; Esercizi risolti;
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
Slides; Esercizi risolti; Strumenti di auto-valutazione;
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Lecture slides; Exercise with solutions ;
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
Lecture slides; Exercise with solutions ; Self-assessment tools;
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula);
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria;
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Exam: Written test;
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam;
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Students who pass either TMM or STM exam, are able to hold their score, until the other exam is passed, for a maximum time limit of one academic year. Only when both exams passed, the final mark, which results from the algebraic average of both exam marks, will be formally recorded on the student’s electronic "libretto". 18/30 is the minimum to pass each exam. 30/30 cum laude (L) is the maximum. Cum laude (L) is awarded to exceptionally good exams, exceeding the maximum, as a discretional decision of the evaluator. The STM the exam consists in a written test based on four questions and/or exercises similar to those done during STM lectures and covering all the STM program; it will last one hour, the end time will be written on the blackboard; use of internet, books and notes is not allowed, as well as any communication with other students, which will result with the end of the exam. It is possible to leave the room during the exam, but this means the exam cannot be continued. Exceptions due to proven health issues are allowed. Students are allowed to use their calculator. An identity card with picture must be kept on the desk during the exam, together with pens, ruler and calculator. The students are requested to write in an understandable way, not with pencils; no additional pages must be added to the provided ones. Bags and backpacks must be left at the room exit. Students willing to withdraw must write "withdrawn" on the first page, give the exam text back to the teacher, then exit the room. Results will be communicated on the course web page by the end of the exams’ session; students can see their revised exam: date and place will be communicated on the course web page. The TMM exam consists of two steps: a written test (three "semi-open" questions to be answered within 30 min) and an oral test (two questions for 10-15 min). The first step aims at assessing the acquired fundamentals of TMM. The oral test will start with an initial question, which may relate with the written test whereas the second question may require the solution of a case study, especially on applications of materials selection. "Semi-open" means that the questions will imply answers within a fixed number of and specific guidelines.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
Students who pass either TMM or STM exam, iare s able to hold their score, until the other exam is passed, for a maximum time limit of one academic year. Only when both exams passed, the final mark, which results from the algebraic average of both exam marks, will be formally recorded on the student’s electronic "libretto". 18/30 is the minimum to pass each exam. 30/30 cum laude (L) is the maximum. Cum laude (L) is awarded to exceptionally good exams, exceeding the maximum, as a discretional decision of the evaluator. The STM the exam consists in a written test based on four questions and/or exercises similar to those made during STM lectures and covering all the STM program; it will last one hour, the end time will be written on the blackboard; use of internet, books and notes is not allowed, as well as any communication with other students, which will result with the end of the exam. It is possible to leave the room during the exam, but this means the exam cannot be continued. Exceptions due to proven health issues are allowed. Students are allowed to use their calculator. An identity card with picture must be kept on the desk during the exam, together with pens, ruler and calculator. The students are requested to write in an understandable way, not with pencils; no additional pages must be added to the provided ones. Bags and backpacks must be left at the room exit. Students willing to withdraw must write "withdrawn" on the first page, give the exam text back to the teacher, then exit the room. Results will be communicated on the course web page by the end of the exams’ session; students can see their revised exam: date and place will be communicated on the course web page. The TMM exam consists of two steps: a 30 min written test (consisting of three "semi-open" questions) - the use of internet, books, notes, electronic devices, including calculators, is not allowed - and 10 to 15 min oral test, consisting of two questions. The first step aims at assessing the acquired fundamentals of TMM. The oral test will start with an initial question, which may relate with the written test whereas the second question may require the solution of a case study, especially on applications of materials selection. "Semi-open" means that the questions will imply answers within a fixed number of lines and following specific guidelines.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Exam: Written test;
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam;
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Science and technology of materials)
Consistently with the expected general learning outcomes, the STM exam aims at verifying the students’ learning of the theoretical and practical topics taught in the lectures and training classes, including their knowledge of materials properties, their capability of reading and using phase diagrams, as well as of solving numerical exercises on mechanical and thermal properties of materials. An identity card with clear picture together with the PoliTO I.D. card must be shown to the Professors prior to entering the exam room. The STM exam consists of an individual written test based on around 12 questions including open questions, multiple-choice questions and numerical exercises (similar to those solved during STM training classes), covering the overall STM program. The STM exam lasts around 45 minutes. Students cannot leave the room during the exam, except for proven health conditions or if they want to withdraw. In both cases, students must return the exam paper back to the Professor before leaving the room. Students willing to withdraw must write "withdrawn" on the first page, give the exam text back to the Professor, and then definitely exit the room. The use of internet, books and notes is forbidden, nor any verbal or electronic communication between students is allowed otherwise resulting in a failure of the exam. Students are only allowed to use their own calculator, pens and ruler; blank paper sheets for the exam are provided onsite by the teaching staff. The written test must be readable, written with pen (not pencils); no additional pages must be added to the regular ones. Personal bags and backpacks must be placed along the walls of the exam classroom. Results are notified on the STM course webpage by the end of the exam session. IMPORTANT NOTE: students passing only STM may hold their mark indefinitely, until TMM is passed too. After passing both exams, the final mark of STM/TMM is registered on the student’s electronic booklet ("libretto") as the average both exam marks. The score of 18/30 is the minimum threshold mark to pass each exam whereas 30 cum laude (30L) is the maximum one. The laude (L) may be awarded to top ranking students and always upon discretional decision of the evaluators.
Science and technology of materials/Technology of metallic materials (Technology of metallic materials)
Students passing the TMM exam, they can maintain their mark one academic year. Upon passing both exams, the final mark is formally recorded on the student’s electronic "libretto". The final mark results from the algebraic average of TMM ans STM exam marks; 18/30 is the minimum mark and 30/30 cum laude (L) is the maximum mark. The cum laude mark (L) is awarded at discretional decision of both teachers. The TMM exam consists of a 20-min written test (using a paper sheet) followed by a compulsory oral test (10-15 min) provided that the minimum mark of 18/30 is achieved in the written test. The written test includes 18 questions with four-choice answers and penalties in the case of wrong answer. The exam questions directly descend from the 200 assigned questions delivered during the TMM course at the end of each class. The oral test is primarily intended to clarify the consistency of the answers given as a whole by the candidate in the written test and/or to evaluate in more depth excellent candidates. The existence of severe inconsistencies between the oral test and the written test will result in a failure of the TMM exam. Any interpersonal communications by internet, wifi and bluetooth are forbidden, nor books, notes, electronic devices, including calculators, are permitted during the TMM exam.