Elenco notifiche

Final essay


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Architettura (Architecture) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A *** 3 E - Per prova finale e conoscenza della lingua straniera Per la prova finale
1) General description The final assignment of the Degree Programme in Architettura/Architecture (DPA), L-17, as prescribed in the DM 270, supplements the learning pathway with further training. Only students who passed all courses listed in the DPA study plan, which means students who accumulated at least 177 ECTS credits, are entitled to submit the final assignment. The final assignment accounts for 3 ECTS credits (corresponding to 75 hours of work). Students will individually and independently prepare the required materials in accordance with guidelines and procedures explained below. Outcomes of the final assignment drawn up by candidates to the Degree in Architettura/Architecture will be evaluated by the Committee of professors affiliated to the Collegio di Architettura and, upon this evaluation, the Committee will formulate the final graduation mark in line with standardized criteria of the Politecnico di Torino. The final assignment should be prepared and submitted either in Italian or English. The use of other languages will not be accepted unless previously authorised. 2) Important dates At the beginning of each Academic Year, students will find in their Student Guidebook relevant deadlines to register for the final evaluation. It will be possible to upload the portfolio in PDF format in order to allow the Committee to complete the evaluation
3) Objectives of the Final Assignments As the last stage of the DPA learning process, the final assignment is a meaningful opportunity that each student should approach with the objective to: • Resume the generic and subject-specific competences you gained and verify their mutual relations. • Demonstrate the autonomous capability you have to use knowledge, practical and technical skills in making a personal synthesis of your learning outcomes. • Convey your own potentials, attitudes and interests that are consistent with the DPA learning pathway. • Make competent use of adequate technical and academic language.
To have passed all the exams included in the study plan, for a total of 177 credits.
4) General Programme To fulfil the final assignment, students have to prepare a synthesis of their academic work complying with the directions at §5. In line with the previous objectives, students will select courses, design studios and other experiences attained during the 3-year DPA that characterize their career path. The selection should be consistent to a specific topic (e.g. the urban landscape) or to a discipline (e.g. the building restoration) in order to describing a comprehensive and unique experience and not a simple addition of single experiences carried out. This product assesses the student's competence and may be useful in other circumstances, such as applications to Master Degree Programme in Italy or abroad, job placements and internship positions with public or private employers. For this reason, the portfolio will be returned to the student after the graduation day. 5) Final Assignment contents The final assignment consists of two parts: - A short Curriculum Studiorum that follows the Europass template in which students describe the competences fostered during the 3-year DPA, including relevant extra-curricula experiences (such as design competition, professional internship, Erasmus+ mobility, intensive design workshop, supervised fieldtrip and the like), according to specific guidelines (see section Other Information/Altre Informazioni). - A Portfolio, compiled according to specific guidelines (see section Other Information/Altre Informazioni) and in line with the objectives at §3, that includes three selected learning outcomes to be presented as critically examining the disciplinary or thematic path carried out by the student; the three should be: One design studio that results from one of the atelier attended at the Politecnico di Torino or partner University in a student mobility programme. • One course outcome chosen among the course catalogue of the DPA study plan provided by the Politecnico di Torino or partner University in a student mobility programme. • One experience that results from credits of choice (“crediti liberi”), such as supplementary or elective courses, non-formal learning, extra-curriculum activities and work placements. If a student can not fulfill the above mentioned criteria he (or she) has the opportunity to replace the credits of choice with a design studio or with a course. The reasons for such substitution needs to be properly explained. The template to furnish the Portfolio can be downloaded at the official web-page “Portale della didattica” (Teaching Portal). The use of other formats will not be accepted. Please follow these rules: • The Curriculum Studiorum should not exceed 3500 characters excluding spaces. • The text of the Portfolio should not exceed 10,000 characters excluding spaces. • Images should be printed at minimum 200 dpi resolution. • The Curriculum Studiorum and Portfolio together should count between 10 and 15 pages.
The final essay must be individually prepared by the student.
Exam: Individual graphic design project; Individual essay;
6- Evaluation of the Final Assignment Prior to the Graduation Day, the Evaluation Committee verifies if the submitted document complies with requirements and fulfills the objectives listed at §3. The Committee, whose final decision is unquestionable, can allocate a maximum of 2 scores upon evaluation. The final graduation mark is assigned by the Committee according to Art.N.5 of the “Regolamento Didattico del Corso di Laurea di 1° livello in Architettura/Architecture”. The Committee will proclaim the final graduation mark for each student in an open graduation session. 7- Graduation Day The details of proclamation, including schedule and venue, will be notified via the official web-page “Portale della didattica” (Teaching Portal).
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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