Elenco notifiche

Safety assessment and retrofitting of existing structures and infrastructures


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Civil Engineering - Torino
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 30
Esercitazioni in aula 30
Tutoraggio 15
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Domaneschi Marco Professore Associato CEAR-07/A 30 0 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/09 6 D - A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente
The course aims at completing the education of structural engineers under the profile of the assessment and analysis of the existing structures and infrastructures and their strengthening and retrofitting according to National and International technical code provisions. Lectures will first deepen the issue of the acquisition of an adequate level of knowledge of existing structures through structural surveys and inspections aimed at the definition of proper modelling and analysis strategies. After the course will face nonlinear structural analysis and modelling of reinforced concrete and masonry structures subject to static and dynamic loads and the approaches to assess their performance before and after retrofitting interventions using traditional and innovative techniques. References will be finally made to structural health monitoring.
The course aims to enhance the education of structural engineers, focusing on the assessment, analysis, and strengthening of existing structures in accordance with National and International technical code provisions. Lectures will begin by exploring the acquisition of adequate knowledge of existing structures through structural surveys and inspections, which are essential for defining appropriate modeling and analysis strategies. The course will then cover nonlinear structural analysis and modeling of reinforced concrete and masonry structures subjected to static and dynamic loads. Additionally, it will address methods for evaluating their performance both before and after retrofitting interventions, employing both traditional and innovative techniques.
Upon successful completion of this course, the following knowledge and skills are expected to be acquired. Knowledge: Theory-based knowledge of static instabilities and seismic damage mechanisms. Code prescriptions to assess and retrofit existing structures. Theory-based structural assessment and design of structural retrofit. Theory and principles of nonlinear analysis of structures. Strength-ductility-reduction factor relationships. Skills: Static and seismic damage interpretation. Design of survey campaigns for reinforced concrete and masonry structures. Assessment of "knowledge levels" and "confidence factors" of existing structures. Static and seismic vulnerability assessments. Seismic classification of buildings. Evaluation of strength and deformation capacity reinforced concrete and masonry structural elements after retrofitting interventions. Nonlinear structural analysis and modelling of RC and masonry structures with a FE software.
Upon successful completion of this course, the following knowledge and skills are expected to be acquired: Knowledge: Theory-based understanding of static instabilities and seismic damage mechanisms. Code provisions for the assessment and retrofitting of existing structures. Theory-based approaches to structural assessment and the design of structural retrofits. Principles and theory of nonlinear structural analysis. Relationships between strength, ductility, and reduction factors. Skills: Interpretation of static and seismic damage. Design of survey campaigns for reinforced concrete and masonry structures. Assessment of "knowledge levels" and "confidence factors" for existing structures. Nonlinear structural analysis and modeling of reinforced concrete (RC) and masonry structures using Finite Element software. Conducting static and seismic vulnerability assessments of structures Design of retrofitting intreventions with traditional and innovative materials and systems Nonlinear finite element modellying and analysis of a 3D structure
Adequate knowledge of structural mechanics and structural engineering, design of concrete structures principles, definition of load conditions and load combinations, ultimate and service limit state analysis. Adequate knowledge of structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, modal analysis, modal participation factors, modal mass, elastic and inelastic spectrum, reduction factor, response spectrum analysis, capacity design principles. Basic knowledge of 2D and 3D structural modelling and analysis with a finite element software (elastic analysis).
ATTENDANCE OF THIS COURSE IS SUGGESTED AFTER COMPLETING OR IN PARALLEL TO THE EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING CLASS Other pre-requirements -Basic knowledge of 2D and 3D structural modelling and analysis with finite element softwares. -Adequate knowledge of structural mechanics and structural engineering, design of concrete structures principles, definition of load conditions and load combinations, ultimate and service limit state analysis. -Adequate knowledge of Structural Dynamics and a Earthquake Engineering with special focus on modal analysis, modal participation factors, modal mass, elastic and design spectrum, reduction factors, response spectrum analysis and capacity design principles.
-Analysis of static instability and seismic damage of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings. (3h) -Approach to the assessment of existing structures according to NTC 2018 and Circolare 2019. (6h) i) In situ and laboratory surveys and inspections for masonry and reinforced concrete structures, simulated design. ii) Definition of “knowledge levels” and “confidence factors” and individuation of allowed structural analysis methods (linear/nonlinear). iii) Definition of "safety retrofitting intervention", "safety improvement intervention", "local intervention". -Confined concrete models; material ductility, cross-section ductility, structural ductility; Brittle mechanisms and ductile mechanisms. Effect of corrosion. (6h) -Behaviour, modelling and verification principles of existing masonry structures. (6h) -Nonlinear static analysis (pushover) theory and application. N2-Method. ADRS representation. Risk index calculation (4.5 h) -Basic principles of nonlinear dynamic analysis (time history), ground motion selection and seismic fragility. (1.5h) -Retrofitting interventions for reinforced concrete structures: steel-jacketing; concrete-jacketing; CFRP, FRCM, CAM. (9h) i) Flexural retrofitting, shear retrofitting, ductility retrofitting of beams and columns. ii) Retrofitting of beam-column joints. Retrofitting interventions for masonry structures: Steel and GFRP reinforced plaster, CFRP, CAM. (6h) i) In-plane and out-of-plane retrofitting of masonry walls. ii) Retrofitting intervention aimed at reducing local collapses. -Modelling of nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete and masonry structures (lumped plasticity approach, fiber section approach) and nonlinear structural analysis examples. (4.5h) -Retrofitting interventions on bridges (strengthening interventions, base isolation interventions). (3h) -Retrofitting intervention using devices (base isolation, dampers, hysteretic bracing devices). (6h) -Dynamic identification and structural health monitoring principles. (4.5h)
1. Approach to the assessment of existing structures according to NTC 2018 and Circolare 2019. (9h) i) In situ and laboratory surveys and inspections for masonry and reinforced concrete structures, simulated design. ii) Definition of “knowledge levels” and “confidence factors” and individuation of allowed structural analysis methods (linear/nonlinear). iii) Definition of "safety retrofitting intervention", "safety improvement intervention", "local intervention". 2. Confined concrete models; material ductility, cross-section ductility, structural ductility; Brittle mechanisms and ductile mechanisms. (7.5h) 3. Analysis of static instability and seismic damage of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings. (3h) 4. Nonlinear static analysis (pushover) theory and application. N2-Method. ADRS representation. Risk index calculation (8 h) 5. Basic principles of nonlinear dynamic analysis (time history), ground motion selection and seismic fragility. (1.5h) 6. Modelling of nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete and masonry structures (lumped plasticity approach, fiber section approach) and nonlinear structural analysis examples. (4.5h) 7. Retrofitting interventions for reinforced concrete structures: steel-jacketing; concrete-jacketing; CFRP, FRCM, CAM. (12h) i) Flexural retrofitting, shear retrofitting, ductility retrofitting of beams and columns. ii) Retrofitting of beam-column joints. 8. Behaviour, modelling and verification principles of existing masonry structures. (6h) 9. Retrofitting interventions for masonry structures: Steel and GFRP reinforced plaster, CFRP, CAM. (4.5h) i) In-plane and out-of-plane retrofitting of masonry walls. ii) Retrofitting intervention aimed at reducing local collapses. 10. Retrofitting intervention using devices (base isolation, dampers, hysteretic bracing devices). (3 h)
The selection of this course is strongly suggested to all the structural engineers that want to complete their education under the profile of existing structures safety assessment, advanced nonlinear modelling, and retrofit design.
The selection of this course is strongly suggested to all the structural engineers that want to complete their education under the profile of existing structures safety assessment, advanced nonlinear Finite Element Modelling, and retrofit design.
The course will offer the following activities: Slides and blackboard lessons. Guided exercises and practical examples solved in the classroom. Structural FE modelling seminars. Attendance to laboratory tests (test of a RC beam with and without strengthening interventions). Blind competitions of student teams simulate experimental test results. Seminars by invited experts and company delegates.
The course will offer the following activities: Slides and blackboard lessons. Guided exercises and practical examples solved in the classroom. Structural FE modelling seminars. Seminars by invited experts and company delegates.
-G. Manfredi, A. Masi, R. Pinho, G. Verderame, M. Vona. Valutazione degli edifici esistenti in Cemento Armato, Collana di Manuali di Progettazione Antisismica, Vol. 5, IUSS Press. -Dipartimento Protezione Civile, ReLUIS. Linee guida per riparazione e rafforzamento di elementi strutturali, tamponature e partizioni. A cura di Mauro Dolce e Gaetano Manfredi. -S. Lombardo. Vulnerabilita' Sismica degli edifici esistenti in cemento armato. Dario Flaccovio Editore; -L. Cavaleri, V. Radice, Specificita' nella valutazione della capacita' delle strutture murarie di nuova costruzione, Aracne Editrice s.r.l., 2013. -L. Cavaleri, L. La Mendola. La verifica sismica degli edifici in muratura. Aracne Editrice s.r.l., 2008. -M. Vinci. Metodi di calcolo e tecniche di consolidamento per edifici in muratura. Flaccovio Editore, 2018. -M. Dolce, F.C. Ponzo, A. Di Cesare, G. Arleo, Progetto di Edifici con Isolamento Sismico Seconda Edizione, IUSS Press. -R. Pinho, F. Bianchi, R. Nascimbene. Valutazione sismica e tecniche di rinforzo per edifici esistenti in C.A. -DM II TT 17 gennaio 2018. "Aggiornamento delle Norme tecniche per le costruzioni". -CIRCOLARE 21 gennaio 2019, n. 7 C.S.LL.PP. "Istruzioni per l’applicazione dell’Aggiornamento delle “Norme tecniche per le costruzioni” di cui al decreto ministeriale 17 gennaio 2018. -Eurocode 8. -Notes and slides of the course provided at the end of the lectures.
- M. Fardis. Seismic Design, Assessment and Retrofitting of Concrete Buildings based on EN-Eurocode 8. Springer -A. Costa, A. Arêde, H. Varum (Editors). Strengthening and Retrofitting of Existing Structures (Building Pathology and Rehabilitation). Springer. -R. Pinho, F. Bianchi, R. Nascimbene. Valutazione sismica e tecniche di rinforzo per edifici esistenti in C.A. Maggioli Editore, 2019. -A. Ghersi, P. Lenza. Edifici esistenti in cemento armato. Valutazione e mitigazione del rischio sismico. Flaccovio, -G. Manfredi, A. Masi, R. Pinho, G. Verderame, M. Vona. Valutazione degli edifici esistenti in Cemento Armato, Collana di Manuali di Progettazione Antisismica, Vol. 5, IUSS Press. -Dipartimento Protezione Civile, ReLUIS. Linee guida per riparazione e rafforzamento di elementi strutturali, tamponature e partizioni. A cura di Mauro Dolce e Gaetano Manfredi. -S. Lombardo. Vulnerabilita' Sismica degli edifici esistenti in cemento armato. Dario Flaccovio Editore; -M. Mezzina, G. Uva. Edifici esistenti in muratura tra sicurezza e conservazione. Palazzo Carmelo a Cerignola. Città Studi -L. Cavaleri, L. La Mendola. La verifica sismica degli edifici in muratura. Aracne Editrice s.r.l., 2008. -M. Vinci. Metodi di calcolo e tecniche di consolidamento per edifici in muratura. Flaccovio Editore, 2018. -M. Dolce, F.C. Ponzo, A. Di Cesare, G. Arleo, Progetto di Edifici con Isolamento Sismico Seconda Edizione, IUSS Press. -DM II TT 17 gennaio 2018. "Aggiornamento delle Norme tecniche per le costruzioni". -CIRCOLARE 21 gennaio 2019, n. 7 C.S.LL.PP. "Istruzioni per l’applicazione dell’Aggiornamento delle “Norme tecniche per le costruzioni” di cui al decreto ministeriale 17 gennaio 2018. -Eurocode 8. -Notes and slides of the course provided at the end of the lectures.
Slides; Dispense; Libro di testo; Esercizi risolti; Video lezioni tratte da anni precedenti;
Lecture slides; Lecture notes; Text book; Exercise with solutions ; Video lectures (previous years);
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
... The final exam will consist of an individual oral interview starting from the discussion of an assigned project and specific homework which can be realized in a team. The project will concern the assessment of the static and seismic vulnerability of a masonry or reinforced concrete structure and the design of the retrofitting interventions according to the Italian Technical Code and Eurocodes. During the examination, the student will be asked to discuss the design choices illustrating the engineering motivations adopted to define the proposed solution. The student will also be asked to discuss theoretical aspects illustrated in the course showing adequate mastery of the subjects. The exam is passed with a grade of 18/30. The final grade will consider 35% the team project and the homework and 65% the individual oral exam.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
The final exam will consist of an oral interview divided in two parts: 1) A Group presentation and discussion of an assigned project and/or specific homework. The project will involve the assessment of the static and seismic vulnerability of either a masonry or reinforced concrete structure, as well as the design of retrofitting interventions according to the Italian Technical Code and Eurocodes. During the examination, the students will be asked to explain their design choices, providing the engineering rationale behind the proposed solutions and the obtained results. 2) An Individual interview where the student will be required to discuss theoretical concepts covered during the course, demonstrating a solid understanding of the topics. The exam will be graded on a scale of 18/30 or higher to pass. The final grade will be weighted as follows: 35% for the team project and homework, and 65% for the individual oral exam.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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