Elenco notifiche

Entrepreneurship and start-up creation


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Gestionale E Della Produzione - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Informatica E Dei Sistemi - Torino
Doctorate Research in Energetica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Chimica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Fisica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali - Torino
Doctorate Research in Architettura. Storia E Progetto - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Meccanica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Bioingegneria E Scienze Medico-Chirurgiche - Torino
Doctorate Research in Urban And Regional Development - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale - Torino
Doctorate Research in Patrimonio Architettonico / Architectural Heritage - Torino
Doctorate Research in Design E Tecnologia. Persone, Ambiente, Sistemi - Torino
Doctorate Research in Scienze Matematiche - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 40
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Paolucci Emilio Professore Ordinario IEGE-01/A 17 0 0 0 9

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
Introduction to the course + I4C Presentation Prof. Paolucci Prof. Scellato Dr. De Marco Ecosystem for Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Prof. Paolucci Patent presentations from the inventor Ufficio Protezione Risultati della Ricerca + investors Intellectual Property Rights - Fundamentals of the economics of IPRs and patents - Patentability requirements and the extent of legal protection provided by patents - How and why reading a patent: technological classifications, claims and key dates of the patent filing process. - Examples and analysis of real cases. Prof. Scellato Patent databases and searching methods Databases, tools and techniques Prof. Scellato Prof. Caviggioli Dr. De Marco TTO office and entrepreneurial finance – PoC Dr. De Marco Middle term - Student presentation – Deliverable A: discussion and review of patent landscape analysis (each team has 8 minutes for presenting on-going work and open issues) Prof. Paolucci Prof. Scellato Dr. De Marco Final discussion of the first deliverable A: patent analyses Prof. Paolucci Prof. Scellato Dr. De Marco Canvas & Customer discovery Prof. Paolucci Entrepreneurial finance • Business Angeles and the Venture Capital • Evaluation methods • Alternative sources of finance Dr. De Marco IPR exploitation and valorization models • IPR valuation methods • Key elements of a licensing agreement • Discussion of real cases Prof. Scellato Discussion of the deliverable B – Student presentation Prof. Scellato Prof. Paolucci Dr. De Marco Economic and financial projections for startups Prof. Paolucci Final presentation of project work – Deliverable B. Prof Scellato Prof. Paolucci Dr. De Marco Deliverables of the III level course: “Entrepreneurship and start-up creation from University research” Deliverable A - Patent Landscape & valuation For all the students attending this course, the required final deliverable is based on a written report in Word and a presentation in Power Point analyzing the selected patent. The presentation of the analysis will be presented and discussed in front of the rest of the class. The patent office of Politecnico di Torino (brevetti.spinoff@polito.it) can provide additional information (if needed). The evaluation report of the patent must follow the points reported below to Annex A. The deliverables are composed of the following documents: 1. A detailed patent landscape & valuation on the selected technology (Word document. The document should address the issues mentioned in the following Annex A. The assessment of the technical value can also be based on scoring methods) – about 15 pages. Here you can find an example: link. 2. A synthetic PPT presentation of the results of the analyses performed that you will present at the end of the course – about 15 slides. Here you can find an example: link or link. Deadline: the deliverables will be discussed and evaluated in a meeting. Teams are required to send the deliverables (Patent landscape & valuation + synthetic PPT). Deliverable B - Business plan Only for PhD SCUDO (not for I4C students) a business plan including a description of the proposed product/services and of its value proposition, the relevant market, the entry strategies, the financial requirements and its staging, final recommendations on how to proceed with funding. The business plan must follow the points reported to Annex B. The deliverables are composed of the following documents: 1. A detailed Business plan on the selected technology (Word document) – about 15 pages. Here you can find an example: link. 2. A synthetic PPT presentation – about 15 slides. Here you can find an example: link. Deadline: the deliverables will be discussed and evaluated in a meeting. Teams are required to send the deliverables and upload in the course material (Business plan + synthetic PPT). Please send the Deliverable A (all the students) and the Deliverable B (not for I4C students) two days before the presentations. N.B. If it is possible, I4C students are kindly asked to create separate teams in order to finish their work with the Deliverable A while the other teams will work for Deliverable A and B. DELIVERABLE A: ANNEX A – Issues to be addressed in the evaluation of the patented technology NOTE: To address some issues, it could be helpful to contact the inventors or the patent office of Politecnico. 1. Patentability & legal robustness a. Output from the priority search - Results of the novelty search b. Analysis of the search report if it is available c. How broad and comprehensive are the claims? Estimate the industrial applicability 2. Dependencies d. The invention is created in collaboration with a University or Private Society? e. Is it a joint invention? Does the utilization of the technology depend on license agreement with third parties? 3. Technology positioning and readiness level f. Is the invention technologically superior to competing technologies? What are the advantages with respect to alternative technological solutions? g. What is the TRL of the patented technology? How much research is still needed before a prototype can be made? a. What costs are expected for the development to the finished prototype? 4. Market & exploitation a. Who are the potential firms interested in acquiring a license of the patent? b. What is the scope of the final market for the invention? Are there competitive or substitute products already in the market? c. Does the university / the inventor(s) have contacts with firms interested in the exploitation of the patent? d. Possible areas of application highlighting progress with respect to the "state of the art". DELIVERABLE B: ANNEX B NOTE: To address some issues, it could be helpful to contact the inventors or the patent office of Politecnico. 1. Problem statement a. What is the problem the technology related to the patent is trying to solve? b. What is your long term vision? 2. Patent description a. What are the main characteristics of your patent and the value it can create in solving the problem? 3. Technology a. What technology (based on the patent) are you developing in order to solve the problem? 4. Value proposition a. What is the value of this patent? Which “solution” offers this patent? b. What are the metrics for the value created by this patent? 5. Costumer a. Who is the customer? b. How big is the market? How much time is required? 6. Competitors analysis a. What are the competitors on the market? Are the competitors big or small? Where the competitors are located? What do the competitors offer? Why is your technology “superior”? b. Is it possible to turn competitors into allies? If yes, how? If not, why? 7. Go to the market a. What does this patent need to do before to go on the market? What are the stages needed to develop the technology? 8. Organization a. What activities will you develop b. How many people do you need? 9. Economic & Financial projection a. What are the assumptions? b. How much capital is necessary for each stage of development? c. What are the Cost and Revenue structure?
Introduction to the course + I4C Presentation Prof. Paolucci Prof. Scellato Dr. De Marco Ecosystem for Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Prof. Paolucci Patent presentations from the inventor Ufficio Protezione Risultati della Ricerca + investors Intellectual Property Rights - Fundamentals of the economics of IPRs and patents - Patentability requirements and the extent of legal protection provided by patents - How and why reading a patent: technological classifications, claims and key dates of the patent filing process. - Examples and analysis of real cases. Prof. Scellato Patent databases and searching methods Databases, tools and techniques Prof. Scellato Prof. Caviggioli Dr. De Marco TTO office and entrepreneurial finance – PoC Dr. De Marco Middle term - Student presentation – Deliverable A: discussion and review of patent landscape analysis (each team has 8 minutes for presenting on-going work and open issues) Prof. Paolucci Prof. Scellato Dr. De Marco Final discussion of the first deliverable A: patent analyses Prof. Paolucci Prof. Scellato Dr. De Marco Canvas & Customer discovery Prof. Paolucci Entrepreneurial finance • Business Angeles and the Venture Capital • Evaluation methods • Alternative sources of finance Dr. De Marco IPR exploitation and valorization models • IPR valuation methods • Key elements of a licensing agreement • Discussion of real cases Prof. Scellato Discussion of the deliverable B – Student presentation Prof. Scellato Prof. Paolucci Dr. De Marco Economic and financial projections for startups Prof. Paolucci Final presentation of project work – Deliverable B. Prof Scellato Prof. Paolucci Dr. De Marco Deliverables of the III level course: “Entrepreneurship and start-up creation from University research” Deliverable A - Patent Landscape & valuation For all the students attending this course, the required final deliverable is based on a written report in Word and a presentation in Power Point analyzing the selected patent. The presentation of the analysis will be presented and discussed in front of the rest of the class. The patent office of Politecnico di Torino (brevetti.spinoff@polito.it) can provide additional information (if needed). The evaluation report of the patent must follow the points reported below to Annex A. The deliverables are composed of the following documents: 1. A detailed patent landscape & valuation on the selected technology (Word document. The document should address the issues mentioned in the following Annex A. The assessment of the technical value can also be based on scoring methods) – about 15 pages. Here you can find an example: link. 2. A synthetic PPT presentation of the results of the analyses performed that you will present at the end of the course – about 15 slides. Here you can find an example: link or link. Deadline: the deliverables will be discussed and evaluated in a meeting. Teams are required to send the deliverables (Patent landscape & valuation + synthetic PPT). Deliverable B - Business plan Only for PhD SCUDO (not for I4C students) a business plan including a description of the proposed product/services and of its value proposition, the relevant market, the entry strategies, the financial requirements and its staging, final recommendations on how to proceed with funding. The business plan must follow the points reported to Annex B. The deliverables are composed of the following documents: 1. A detailed Business plan on the selected technology (Word document) – about 15 pages. Here you can find an example: link. 2. A synthetic PPT presentation – about 15 slides. Here you can find an example: link. Deadline: the deliverables will be discussed and evaluated in a meeting. Teams are required to send the deliverables and upload in the course material (Business plan + synthetic PPT). Please send the Deliverable A (all the students) and the Deliverable B (not for I4C students) two days before the presentations. N.B. If it is possible, I4C students are kindly asked to create separate teams in order to finish their work with the Deliverable A while the other teams will work for Deliverable A and B. DELIVERABLE A: ANNEX A – Issues to be addressed in the evaluation of the patented technology NOTE: To address some issues, it could be helpful to contact the inventors or the patent office of Politecnico. 1. Patentability & legal robustness a. Output from the priority search - Results of the novelty search b. Analysis of the search report if it is available c. How broad and comprehensive are the claims? Estimate the industrial applicability 2. Dependencies d. The invention is created in collaboration with a University or Private Society? e. Is it a joint invention? Does the utilization of the technology depend on license agreement with third parties? 3. Technology positioning and readiness level f. Is the invention technologically superior to competing technologies? What are the advantages with respect to alternative technological solutions? g. What is the TRL of the patented technology? How much research is still needed before a prototype can be made? a. What costs are expected for the development to the finished prototype? 4. Market & exploitation a. Who are the potential firms interested in acquiring a license of the patent? b. What is the scope of the final market for the invention? Are there competitive or substitute products already in the market? c. Does the university / the inventor(s) have contacts with firms interested in the exploitation of the patent? d. Possible areas of application highlighting progress with respect to the "state of the art". DELIVERABLE B: ANNEX B NOTE: To address some issues, it could be helpful to contact the inventors or the patent office of Politecnico. 1. Problem statement a. What is the problem the technology related to the patent is trying to solve? b. What is your long term vision? 2. Patent description a. What are the main characteristics of your patent and the value it can create in solving the problem? 3. Technology a. What technology (based on the patent) are you developing in order to solve the problem? 4. Value proposition a. What is the value of this patent? Which “solution” offers this patent? b. What are the metrics for the value created by this patent? 5. Costumer a. Who is the customer? b. How big is the market? How much time is required? 6. Competitors analysis a. What are the competitors on the market? Are the competitors big or small? Where the competitors are located? What do the competitors offer? Why is your technology “superior”? b. Is it possible to turn competitors into allies? If yes, how? If not, why? 7. Go to the market a. What does this patent need to do before to go on the market? What are the stages needed to develop the technology? 8. Organization a. What activities will you develop b. How many people do you need? 9. Economic & Financial projection a. What are the assumptions? b. How much capital is necessary for each stage of development? c. What are the Cost and Revenue structure?
Il corso si propone di sviluppare, in modo integrato e interdisciplinare, competenze individuali legate alla capacità di applicare i risultati della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, indirizzandole verso la creazione di nuove iniziative imprenditoriali in grado di creare impatto sull'economia e sulla società. In particolare, il corso affronterà concetti e strumenti fondamentali per la valutazione del valore economico e del potenziale di mercato delle innovazioni tecnologiche legate collegate a brevetti e spinoff accademici. Gli studenti lavoreranno in team multidisciplinari composti da dottorandi di diversi dipartimenti su un caso di creazione di impresa reale basato su uno specifico brevetto di proprietà del Politecnico di Torino con l'Ufficio Protezione Risultati della Ricerca. Gli studenti apprenderanno le tecniche per la ricerca brevettuale e applicheranno metodi per la valutazione tecnologica basati sul data mining brevettuale. Inoltre, durante lo sviluppo del loro caso, gli studenti condurranno attività di ricerca per la raccolta e l'elaborazione di dati per valutare le caratteristiche del mercato finale e per supportare la pianificazione strategica della nuova impresa in collaborazione con l'Ufficio Protezione Risultati della Ricerca e gli inventori dei brevetti o accademici spinoff. Nello sviluppo del loro progetto, gli studenti beneficeranno dei feedback degli inventori dei brevetti. Ci sarà una presentazione intermedia per fornire feedback sull'avanzamento dei progetti. Gli studenti presenteranno i risultati finali dei loro progetti a un panel di professionisti che includerà imprenditori, business angels e investitori istituzionali di intermediari finanziari. Il corso è offerto in collaborazione con l'Ufficio Protezione Risultati della Ricerca ed è aperto anche ai dottorandi coinvolti nel programma "Innovation for Change - I4C", che si sviluppa in collaborazione con CERN e con il CDI - College des Ingenieurs - Italia. Tali studenti non frequenteranno la seconda parte di questo corso, che sarà sostituita dalla partecipazione al programma I4C. Ulteriori informazioni su I4C 2025 saranno presto disponibili. Qui è possibile trovare una presentazione degli anni precedenti: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgCHuxnees0. Gli studenti I4C saranno selezionati tra gli studenti di questo corso di dottorato in base alla loro domanda ed ad un colloquio.
The course aims to develop, in an integrated and interdisciplinary way, individual skills related to the ability to apply results of scientific and technological research, targeting them toward the creation of new business ventures able to create an impact on economy and society. In particular, the course will address fundamental concepts and tools for the assessment of the economic value and market potential of technological innovations related to patents and academic spinoffs. Students will work in multidisciplinary teams composed by PhD candidates from different departments on a real business creation case based on a specific patent owned by Politecnico di Torino with the Ufficio Protezione Risultati della Ricerca. Students will learn techniques for patent searching and will apply methods for technology assessment based on patent data mining. Moreover, during the development of their case, the students will conduct research activities for the collection and elaboration of data to assess final market characteristics and to support the strategic planning of the new venture in collaboration with the Ufficio Protezione Risultati della Ricerca e the inventors of the patents or academic spinoffs. In the development of their project, students will benefit from feedbacks from the inventors of the specific patents. There will be an intermediate presentation to provide feedback on the advancement of the projects. Students will present the final results of their projects to a panel of practitioners that will include entrepreneurs, business angels and institutional investors of financial intermediaries. The course is offered in collaboration with Ufficio Protezione Risultati della Ricerca and it is open also to the PhD student involved in the Innovation for Change - I4C Program, that is developed in collaboration with CERN and CDI College des Ingenieurs - Italia. Such students will not attend the second part of this course, that will be substituted by the participation in the I4C program. More information on I4C 2025 will be available soon. Here it is possible to find a presentation from the previous years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgCHuxnees0. I4C students will be selected among the students of this PhD course based on their application and with an interview.
Modalità mista
Mixed mode
Presentazione orale - Sviluppo di project work in team
Oral presentation - Team project work development
P.D.1-1 - Novembre
P.D.1-1 - November
The course will start on 26/11/24. More information will be available on the course pages in the "Portale della didattica" in the "Materiali" section
ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND START-UP CREATION 2024-2025 Lectures for the period December 2024 – February 2025 Date Title Lecturer(s) Room 28.11.2024 9.30-11.00 Introduction to the course + Speech from a researcher who cofounded a Startup Prof. Paolucci Prof. Scellato Dr. De Marco I3P – Sala Agorà (Corso Castelfidardo30/a, Turin) 29.11.2024 9.15-12.15 Ecosystem for Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Prof. Paolucci I3P – Sala Agorà 5.12.2024 9.30-13.00 Patent presentations from the inventors TRIN Polito + inventors Digep B (Sede Centrale) 12.12.2024 8.30-11.30 Intellectual Property Rights: - Fundamentals of the economics of IPRs and patents - Patentability requirements and the extent of legal protection provided by patents - How and why reading a patent: technological classifications, claims and key dates of the patent filing process - Examples and analysis of real cases Prof. Scellato Digep B 16.12.2024 8.30-11.30 Patent databases and searching methods Databases, tools and techniques Dr. De Marco Digep B 10.01.2025 9.30-13 TTO office and entrepreneurial finance – PoC Entrepreneurial finance: - Business Angees and the Venture Capital - Evaluation methods Alternative sources of finance Prof. Scellato Digep B 31.01.2025 9.30-13.00 Middle term – Student presentation – Deliverable A: discussion and review of patent landscape analysis (each team has 8 minutes for presenting on-going work and open issues) Discussion of the first deliverable A: patent analyses Prof. Paolucci Prof. Scellato Dr. De Marco Digep B 7.02.2025 8.30-11.30 Business Model Canvas and Customer discovery Economic and financial projections for startups Prof. Paolucci Digep B TBD 8.30-11.30 Guest lecturer (entrepreneur) TBD Digep B TBD 10.00-13.00 Discussion of the second deliverable B: student presentations Final presentation of the project work: deliverable B Prof Scellato Prof. Paolucci Dr. De Marco TBD