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Electromagnetism and Circuit theory


A.A. 2024/25


Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the basic laws governing lumped electrical circuits, giving suitable and general methods for their analysis. In particular, the course provides fundamental tools to analyze dynamic circuits in the time and in the frequency domain. An introduction to automated circuit analysis via computer-based simulation is also provided. The theory is complemented by several practical classes.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

The course explains the fundamental laws of classical Electromagnetism, including the propagation of light considered as an electromagnetic wave.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the basic laws governing lumped electrical linear circuits, giving suitable and general methods for their analysis. In particular, the course provides fundamental tools to analyze resistive and dynamic circuits in the time and in the frequency domain. An introduction to automated circuit analysis via computer-based simulation is also provided. The theory is complemented by several practical classes.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

The course explains the fundamental laws of Classical Electromagnetism and of Electromagnetic Waves.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Knowledge of the basic laws governing electrical circuits. Knowledge of analysis methods for electrical circuits. Ability to compute and explain the responses of electrical circuits. Ability to use a modern computer program for Computer-aided Circuit Analysis (SPICE).

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

The goal is the acquisition of the basic principles, physical meanings and experimental evidences of the classical electromagnetism as described by the Maxwell’s equations (both in integral and differential form). Electrostatics, magnetostatics, induction and wave phenomena are treated. Expected outcomes: the ability to autonomously apply the acquired knowledge to the analysis and solution of stationary, time dependent electromagnetic problems is an important expected skill outcome. The fundamental applications of each law are presented to the aim of providing the student with a method for the interpretation of the physical phenomena at the basis of many engineering problems in ICT.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

The expected outcomes for this course are: - Knowledge of the basic laws governing electrical circuits. - Knowledge of analysis methods for electrical circuits. - Ability to compute and explain the responses of electrical circuits. - Ability to use a modern computer program for Computer-aided Circuit Analysis (SPICE).

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

The goal is the understanding of the basic principles, the physicallaws and the experimental evidences underpinning the classical electromagnetism as described by the Maxwell’s equations (both in integral and differential form). Electrostatics, magnetostatics, induction and wave phenomena are treated. Expected outcomes: the skills acquired by the student consist in the application of this knowledge to the solution of problems concerning electromagnetic phenomena in stationary and time-dependent regimes and the properties of electromagnetic radiation. The knowledge and skills acquired are preparatory to subsequent courses on the foundations and technologies of information and communication engineering (ICT).

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Physics: power and energy, basic electromagnetics. Mathematics: linear algebra and matrix analysis, first-order linear differential equations, algebra of complex numbers.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Good knowledge and mastery of the mathematical instruments learnt in the course of Mathematical Analysis I and II and of Geometry are required. Tools and concepts from the course of Physics I are an important prerequisite. In particular, Electrostatics in vacuum is treated in the Physics I course and must be already known, being fundamental for the comprehension of all the Physics II topics. However, a brief recap of electrostatic in vacuum will be offered at the beginning.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Physics: power and energy, basic electromagnetics. Mathematics: linear algebra and matrix analysis, first-order linear differential equations, algebra of complex numbers.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Understanding the course topics requires mastery of the mathematical tools introduced in Mathematical Analysis I and II and in Linear Algebra and Geometry, especially with the integral and differential calculus of the functions of one or more variables, algebra and vector calculus. Tools and concepts learned in the teaching of Physics I are a fundamental prerequisite.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

The course is structured in two parts: a ?basic? part (2 credits) and a ?core? part (5 credits). - Basic part (2 credits) Lumped circuits; voltage, current and power. Reference directions. Kirchhoff?s laws. Tellegen?s theorem. Basic circuit elements. Series and Parallel connection of the resistive one-port elements. Current and Voltage division rule. Millman?s theorem. Maximum power transfer. Nodal Analysis. - Core part (5 credits) 2.a. General resistive circuits (1.5 credits). Dependent sources, ideal operational amplifier. Network theorems: substitution theorem, Thevenin and Norton theorem, superposition theorem. 2.b Dynamic circuits (1.5 credits) Linear capacitors and inductors, series and parallel connection of inductors and capacitors. First order RC and RL circuits with constant sources and ideal switches. Second order circuits. Formulation and solution of the state equations. 2.c Sinusoidal steady state (2 credits) Circuit equations in sinusoidal steady state (AC), symbolic analysis and phasors, AC power. Network functions: impedance, admittance and transfer functions. Bode plots.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Stationary electric fields (~10 hours -1cr) A summary of: Coulomb's law, electric field and potential, motion of a charge in a uniform electric field. Discrete and continuous charge distributions. Electric dipole, force and torque on an electric dipole in an electric field. Gauss' law for the electric field. Capacity and capacitors. Energy of the electric field. Conductivity, Ohm's law, Joule's effect. Stationary magnetic fields (~15 hours-1.5cr) Magnetic force on a moving charge, Lorentz's force, motion of a charge in a uniform magnetic field. Magnetic force on electric currents, magnetic torque on rectangular and any shape circuits, magnetic dipole. Sources of magnetic field: Ampère-Laplace's law, application to rectilinear (Biot-Savart's law, forces between currents) and circular loops. Infinite and finite solenoids. Ampère’s law. Gauss' law for the magnetic field. Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral forms for static fields. Time-dependent fields (~15hours-1.5cr) Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's law, relative motion of conductor and magnetic field. Self-induction. Coupled circuits, mutual-induction. Energy of the magnetic field. Principle of conservation of charge, Ampère-Maxwell's law. Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral forms for time-dependent fields in vacuum. Electromagnetic waves (10 hours-1cre) Propagation of waves, a summary of elastic waves. Electromagnetic waves and wave equation (from Maxwell's equations). Energy, momentum, Poynting vector. Radiation pressure. Polarization of electromagnetic waves; oscillating electric dipole. Electromagnetic spectrum.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

The course is structured in two parts: a "basic" part (2 credits) and a "core" part (5 credits). 1. Basic part (2 credits) Lumped circuits; voltage, current and power. Reference directions. Kirchhoff's laws. Tellegen's theorem. Basic circuit elements. Series and Parallel connection of the resistive one-port elements. Current and Voltage division rule. Millman's theorem. Maximum power transfer. Nodal Analysis. 2. Core part (5 credits) 2.a. General resistive circuits (1.5 credits). Dependent sources, ideal operational amplifier. Network theorems: substitution theorem, Thevenin and Norton theorem, superposition theorem. 2.b Dynamic circuits (1.5 credits) Linear capacitors and inductors, series and parallel connection of inductors and capacitors. First order RC and RL circuits with constant sources and ideal switches. Second order circuits. Formulation and solution of the state equations. 2.c Sinusoidal steady state (2 credits) Circuit equations in sinusoidal steady state (AC), symbolic analysis and phasors, AC power. Network functions: impedance, admittance and transfer functions. Bode plots.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Stationary electric fields (~10 hours): Coulomb's law, electric field and potential, motion of a charge in a uniform electric field. Discrete and continuous charge distributions. Electric dipole, force and torque on an electric dipole in an electric field. Gauss' law for the electric field. Capacity and capacitors. Energy of the electric field. Conductivity, Ohm's law, Joule's effect. Stationary magnetic fields (~15 hours) : magnetic force on a moving charge, Lorentz's force, motion of a charge in a uniform magnetic field. Magnetic force on electric currents, magnetic torque on rectangular and any shape circuits, magnetic dipole. Sources of magnetic field: Ampère-Laplace's law, application to rectilinear (Biot-Savart's law, forces between currents) and circular loops. Infinite and finite solenoids. Ampère’s law. Gauss' law for the magnetic field. Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral forms for static fields. Time-dependent fields (~15hours): Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's law, relative motion of conductor and magnetic field. Self-induction. Coupled circuits, mutual-induction. Energy of the magnetic field. Principle of conservation of charge, Ampère-Maxwell's law. Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral forms for time-dependent fields in vacuum. Electromagnetic waves (10 hours) Propagation of waves, a summary of elastic waves. Electromagnetic waves and wave equation (from Maxwell's equations). Energy, momentum, Poynting vector. Radiation pressure. Polarization of electromagnetic waves; oscillating electric dipole. Electromagnetic spectrum.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

The course is organized into lectures and practical classes. Practical classes (approximately 30% of each credit) are aimed at applying the general circuit analysis methods presented during the lectures. During practical classis, active participation of the students is required. A few hours are dedicated to a basic introduction to computer-based circuit simulation programs (SPICE).

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

The course (5 credits) consists of class lectures (37.5 hours) and exercises (12.5 hours).

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

The course is organized into lectures and practical classes. Practical classes (approximately 30% of each credit) are aimed at applying the general circuit analysis methods presented during the lectures. During practical classis, active participation of the students is required. A few hours are dedicated to a basic introduction to computer-based circuit simulation programs (SPICE).

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

The course (5 credits) consists of class lectures (37.5 hours) and exercises (12.5 hours).

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Reference textbook: Clayton R. Paul, Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Analysis, Wiley 2001. Additional texts: Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. Kuh, Basic circuit theory. McGraw- Hill, 1969 R. Perfetti, Circuiti elettrici, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2003. M. Biey, M. Bonnin, F. Corinto, Esercitazioni di elettrotecnica, CLUT, Torino, 2012. M. Biey, Spice e PSpice: introduzione all'uso, CLUT, Torino, 2001. Besides the above references, all learning material, including an exercise book, are available for download from the course web page. The exercise book is the reference material for all practical classes. The course web page is the official communication channel of the course.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Reference text for lectures and exercises: P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, Fisica, Elettromagnetismo - Onde, vol. II, EdiSES, Napoli, 2010. Beside the many problems/exercises contained in the reference text indicated above, supplemental material as well as text and solutions of the classroom exercises will be made available online.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Reference textbook: Clayton R. Paul, Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Analysis, Wiley 2001. Charles K Alexander and Matthew Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 6Th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education. M. Biey, M. Bonnin, F. Corinto, Esercitazioni di elettrotecnica, CLUT, Torino, 2012. M. Biey, Spice e PSpice: introduzione all'uso, CLUT, Torino, 2001. Additional texts: Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. Kuh, Basic circuit theory. McGraw-Hill, 1969. R. Perfetti, Circuiti elettrici, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2003. Besides the above references, all learning material, including an exercise book, are available for download from the course web page. The exercise book is the reference material for all practical classes. The course web page is the official communication channel of the course.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Reference text for lectures and exercises: P. Mazzoldi, M. Nigro, C. Voci, Fisica, Elettromagnetismo - Onde, vol. II, EdiSES, Napoli, 2010. University Physics with Modern Physics -Young and Freedman Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics -D.C. Giancoli Fundamental University Physics -Vol. II ; Alonso-Finn Beside the many problems/exercises contained in the reference text indicated above, supplemental material as well as text and solutions of the classroom exercises will be made available online.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Slides; Libro di esercitazione; Esercizi; Esercizi risolti; Video lezioni tratte da anni precedenti;

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Slides; Libro di testo; Esercizi risolti; Video lezioni tratte da anni precedenti; Strumenti di simulazione;

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Lecture slides; Practice book; Exercises; Exercise with solutions ; Video lectures (previous years);

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Lecture slides; Text book; Exercise with solutions ; Video lectures (previous years); Simulation tools;

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova scritta in aula tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta in aula tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Exam: Written test; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;


Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

The knowledge and the abilities gained in this course will be verified during the final examination, which is structured in a written test, followed by an optional oral test. The written part has a duration of 90min (1h and 30min). The test includes three elementary multiple-choice questions each of which has only one correct answer (duration 15min up to 6 points) and circuit analysis problems with open questions (duration 75min, up to 24 points). A correct answer to a multiple-choice question gives 2 points. An incorrect answer gives a penalty of 2 points. There is no penalty for blanks. The exam is graded iff the candidate gets at least 2 points from the multiple-choice questions. During the text, it is possible to use a scientific calculator; no texts, books and notes are admitted. The written test is passed with at least 18/30. The oral test can be requested by students with a mark of the written part larger than 24/30 or can be imposed by the examination board in case of difficulties in assessing the written test of the candidate. The basis for the final mark is provided by the score of the written test, which can be increased (or decreased) based on the possible oral test (optional). Important: A single final mark is registered for the Electromagnetics and Circuits course (12 CFU). The grade will be determined by a weighted average of the grade obtained in both modules (i.e., Electromagnetics (5 CFU) and Circuit Theory (7 CFU)). The examination of the two modules must be taken in the same academic year.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Written exam in the classroom via PC using the university platform; Type of exam: Computer test; Compulsory oral exam; Reservation required. The exam evaluates the knowledge and understanding of the topics listed in the official program, together with their application and the solution of numerical and symbolic problems. Reservations are required in order to take the exam and must be made through the University Portal, strictly respecting the procedures and deadlines established by the Segreteria Didattica. During the tests, it is not allowed to use books, notes or other didactic material related to the course program. The use of personal calculators is not allowed. The use of the calculator on the LAIB computers is available. The exam is divided into the following parts: 1) multiple choice test, lasting half an hour, with 15 questions relating to both theoretical and applicative topics. The test is passed with a score of at least 15/30. The maximum score achievable in the test is 30/30. The test grade is obtained by assigning 2 points to each correct answer; 0 points for each answer not given; -2/3 to each wrong answer. 2) oral exam, which can only be accessed by students who have passed the multiple choice test referred to in point 1). The maximum grade achievable after the oral exam is obtained by also taking into account the test grade and is equal to 30/30. Exceptionally, a grade of 30 cum laude will also be assigned. The oral exam must be taken in the classroom according to the provisions in force for safety and distancing. The oral exam must be taken in the same session in which the test was passed, under penalty of forfeiture of the validity of the test itself, and may include the discussion of the test. The Electromagnetics exam is passed with an overall mark (test + oral) equal to 18/30. Important: A single final mark is registered for the Electromagnetics and Circuits course. The grade will be determined by a weighted average of the grade obtained in either module (ie Electromagnetics and Circuits). The examination of the two modules must be taken in the same academic year.

Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

Exam: Written test; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Circuit Theory)

The exam for the course "Electromagnetism and Circuit Theory" (12 CFU) aims to verify the knowledge acquired by the student in both the "Physics II" module (5 CFU) and the "Circuit Theory" module (7 CFU). The student who intends to take the exam for "Electromagnetism and Circuit Theory" (12 CFU) must register for both the Physics II and Circuit Theory modules. In one exam session, it is not possible to take the exam for a single module only. ************************************************************************* The exam consists of: - PC TEST (in the classroom or LAIB): - WRITTEN TEST (in the classroom or LAIB); The PC TEST includes 15 multiple-choice questions on the content of the Physics II module and lasts 30 minutes. Each question is scored as follows: correct answer = 2 points; incorrect answer = -0.66 points; unanswered = 0 points. The score V_TF of the PC TEST is obtained by summing the points for each multiple-choice question. The maximum value of V_TF is 30 points. Only students with V_TF of at least 15 points can proceed to the WRITTEN TEST. The WRITTEN TEST lasts 90 minutes and includes: - 6 multiple-choice exercises for the Circuit Theory module (4 exercises worth 2 points each and 2 exercises worth 3 points each). Each multiple-choice exercise is scored as follows: correct answer = exercise points; incorrect answer = -1/3 of the exercise points; unanswered = 0 points. The score V_E1 for the 6 multiple-choice exercises of the Circuit Theory module is obtained by summing the points for each short exercise. The maximum value of V_E1 is 14 points. - 1 problem on the content of the Circuit Theory module worth 5 points. The maximum score V_E2 for this problem is 5 points. - 1 problem/question on the content of the Physics II module worth 5 points. The maximum score V_F for this problem/question is 5 points. Books and/or notes cannot be used during the entire exam, but the use of a scientific calculator is allowed. *************************************************************************** The overall score V for the PC TEST and the WRITTEN TEST is obtained by summing the points according to the following criteria: V=0.3*V_TF+V_F+V_E1+V_E2 The maximum value of V is 33 points, of which, based on the CFU assigned to each module of the "Electromagnetism and Circuit Theory" course (12 CFU), 14 points are related to Physics II module (5 CFU) and 19 points are related to Circuit Theory module (7 CFU). The exam for the course "Electromagnetism and Circuit Theory" is considered passed if V is greater than or equal to 18 points. The grade recorded for the exam "Electromagnetism and Circuit Theory" is: - rounded to the nearest whole number if V is less than 29.5; - 30/30 if V is greater or equal to 29.5 and less than 31.5; - 30L/30 if V is greater or equal to 31.5.

Electromagnetism and Circuit theory (Physics II)

Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Written exam in the classroom via PC using the university platform; Type of exam: Computer test; Compulsory oral exam; Reservation required. The exam evaluates the knowledge and understanding of the topics listed in the official program, together with their application and the solution of numerical and symbolic problems. Reservations are required in order to take the exam and must be made through the University Portal, strictly respecting the procedures and deadlines established by the Segreteria Didattica. During the tests, it is not allowed to use books, notes or other didactic material related to the course program. The use of personal calculators is not allowed. The use of the calculator on the LAIB computers is available. The exam is divided into the following parts: 1) multiple choice test, lasting half an hour, with 15 questions relating to both theoretical and applicative topics. The test is passed with a score of at least 15/30. The maximum score achievable in the test is 30/30. The test grade is obtained by assigning 2 points to each correct answer; 0 points for each answer not given; -2/3 to each wrong answer. 2) oral exam, which can only be accessed by students who have passed the multiple choice test referred to in point 1). The oral test generally consists of two questions. An application type question (solution of a problem) and a theoretical type question. The maximum grade achievable after the oral exam is obtained by also taking into account the test grade and is equal to 30/30. Exceptionally, a grade of 30 cum laude will also be assigned. The oral exam must be taken in the same session in which the test was passed (otherwise the test must be repeated), and may include the discussion of the test. The Electromagnetics exam is passed with an overall mark (test + oral) equal to 18/30. Important: A single final mark is registered for the Electromagnetics and Circuits course. The grade will be determined by a weighted average of the grade obtained in either module (ie Electromagnetics and Circuits). The examination of the two modules must be taken in the same academic year.

In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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