Elenco notifiche

Knowledge and heritage active preservation


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 8
Esercitazioni in aula 12
Tutoraggio 12
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Molaschi Viviana
Knowledge and heritage active preservation (Administrative Law)  
Professore Associato GIUR-06/A 1 0 0 0 2
Tamborrino Rosa Rita Maria
Knowledge and heritage active preservation (History of architecture)
Professore Ordinario CEAR-11/A 8 12 0 0 5
Yaneva Albena Kostadinova
Knowledge and heritage active preservation (Territory and environment sociology)  
Professore Ordinario GSPS-08/B 8 12 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
The introductory seminar (mandatory for the first-year students of the LM MAP course) aims to lead students to a shared critical reflection on tangible and intangible cultural heritage, with a special focus on the built environment, including an extensive chronology in Europe and beyond. The ultimate goal is fostering CH understanding as a multilayered resource by considering its protection, enhancement, management, and promotion. The Seminar is aimed at providing approaches and methodologies for an aware rich overview of the current and past debate on cultural and natural heritage in societal and cultural developments, highlighting differences between active and passive heritage preservation, and the need of building shared understandings and collaborative/participatory programmes for the management and the enhancement of heritage. The seminar addresses these issues by dealing with theoretical readings suggested by the professors, and critical collaborative analysis of experiences developed by students to discuss how to define/redefine the field of action at the different scales.
Students will develop critical and interpretative skills on issues related to heritage, active protection, management, and legislation. They will acquire knowledge concerning in particular how to: • orient in specialist historiography on heritage studies and heritage-led research; • reach an articulated understanding of the relationship among contemporary society and memory, and heritage • understand the complex relationship among urban growth (linked to constantly changing needs), the architectural and urban heritage, and the memory of places • publicly present their critical thinking • discuss among peers based on an awareness gained on a scientific basis Students will acquire critical skills, also within each module: For the History of architecture module • ability to survey, identify and assess different kind of sources to shape a research question and elaborate a reasoned critical bibliography • skills to leverage web resources and create digital formats • ability to deal with a (digital) collaborative approach and methods in research For the Territory and environment sociology module: • knowledge of ethnographic techniques, interview techniques and visual mapping of controversial issues around heritage. They will learn to plan and conduct research using these methods. • skills of critical reading and analysis. The students will gain knowledge on 1) how to read critically relevant literature; 2) how to choose the right methods to approach their case studies and collect data; 3) how to analyse the collected data; 4) how to contextualise and analyse findings from the case studies within the context of the selected literature.” For the Administrative law module: • abilities in understanding of contemporary issues concerning cultural heritage law and landscape protection and ability to orient themselves among administrative law tools relating to public-private collaboration and partnerships in the field; • orient themselves in the contemporary debate and as to the regulatory framework of the subject Such knowledge and skills will be acquired during the workshop through different types of activities that will develop different kinds of skills: ex-cathedra lessons in a limited number and to be considered as methodological orientation, teamworking, specific research exercises, public presentation of the research and study activities carried out in groups, seminar discussions, individual study, reading of texts belonging to a recommended and possibly implementable bibliography, etc.
The knowledge of the history of modern and contemporary architecture is considered a fundamental prerequisite along with the basis of the theory of restoration. These disciplines are taught in the academic three-year basic cycle. Preconditions about urban sociology and administrative law are not required.
The seminar focuses on the notion of Cultural Heritage, the notion of active protection, the spatial-temporal dimension of heritage, its connections with the human and natural ecosystem, the concepts of place, and sustainable development. Cultural Heritage is a multifaceted notion that includes different readings and needs. It also requires various and integrated expertise. The course will address relevant topics to discuss specific key aspects with a focus on relationships between cultural heritage and social innovation. The workshop aims to provide some theoretical and analytical knowledge and tools on the heritage matter under the historical, sociological, and legal main perspectives. Theoretical heritage knowledge and methodological approaches will also explore the new active roles of communities and individuals in heritage preservation. For this purpose, the workshop deals with three modules. The historical path (2 Credits) focuses on Cultural Heritage understandings. Collaborative methods will enable students to a critical shared reflection on the past, the collective memories, multifaceted heritage in time and space, and its impacts on the current society. We will consider different kinds of heritage conceptualisations especially related to the built environment, cities, and territories developments such as heritage of industrialization, historical (urban/cultural) landscapes, trasnational heritage, heritage and gender, controversial heritage. Both tangible and intangible heritage will be included. The course also contains a sociological methodological component (2 Credits). It will introduce the students to sociological methodologies to approach heritage. We will cover a number of techniques including interviews, ethnographic methods and mapping controversies techniques. The students will learn how to choose the appropriate methodology to approach their case studies. The development of instruments of shared administration and the principle of horizontal subsidiarity will also be tackled. In particular, the topics covered will concern complex concepts such as territory, space and place, local development, participatory democracy and public participation, community action and cultural heritage, commons, and horizontal subsidiarity. The aim is to understand a territorial context starting from its observation and the voice of public and private subjects, associations, and individuals. Legislation relating to Cultural Heritage will be analysed to give future professionals of the territory and the environment a systematic basis of reference for orientation within the legal and institutional framework of the territory's government and, in particular, the legislation of cultural heritage and landscape.
The seminar includes intermediate choral discussions: therefore, attendance is recommended. Each group exercise must be produced following the deadlines given by the instructor during the semester
The workshop includes three modules that will provide parallel teachings and activities from historical, urban sociological, and legal perspectives on cultural heritage. The historical path (2 credits module) aims to build a knowledge baseline on Cultural Heritage characterisations, their understandings, and practices within cultural-spatio-temporal frameworks. It will link some main themes of societal challenges to heritage understandings to create the basis for a shared understanding of heritage in a critical and historical dimension. It will explore the past in many ways, including the interpretation provided by diverse cultures. Some lessons and basic bibliography will be provided as a starting point. The class will co-create a glossary of common terminology of cultural and natural heritage by considering diverse perspectives and backgrounds. We will investigate how we can shape sustainable heritage understandings. The urban sociology path (2 credits module) has the vocational goal of learning how to set up a collaborative process by which local actors could be able to take care of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Social innovation is primarily intended as an innovation of the administrative law in support of local communities active in taking care of cultural heritage from the perspective of the general interest. The legislation path (2 credits module) aims to present and comment on the main legal institutions for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage and landscape that are of educational and operational interest for students of Architecture courses, in the light of the complex institutional dynamics of relations in this field among State, Regions, local authorities on one side and formal and informal groups of active citizenship on the other side.
Specific bibliographical references will be provided by the teachers according to detailed topics. As a general reading suggestion framework: 1. UNESCO, Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972. Available at https://whc.unesco.org/en/conventiontext/. (Last accessed on September 30, 2021). 2. Ashworth G. J., and Graham, Brian (eds.), Senses of Place: Sense of Time, Routledge, London, 2016 3. Bandarin, Francesco and van Oers, Ron. The historic urban landscape: managing heritage in an urban century. John Wiley & Sons, Sussex, 2012. Available at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781119968115 (Last accessed on September 30, 2021). 4. Bollier D. and Helfrich S. (2019) The insurgent Power of Commons, New Society Publisher: https://eu.boell.org/sites/default/files/free_fair_and_alive_book.pdf 5. Ciaffi D. “Sharing the Commons as a ‘New Top’ of Arnstein’s Ladder of Participation” in Built Environment vol. 45, 2019 p. 162-172
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
Group compulsory oral exam (presentation of the group outcome); Oral test: 10% of the evaluation is based on the overall engagement and ability to interconnect themes and approaches from the diverse inputs. 30% for each 2 credits module group exercise outcome. Expected duration of the final interview: 15 minutes. The exercise assigned at the beginning of the course will be tackled in small groups (max three people). Consecutive deadlines will monitor and foster to improve the group outcome, the exercises in progress will be discussed in a seminar modality with the professor and the class’ collegues. Contributing to the final assessment is the evaluation of attendance at lectures, seminars, and other laboratory activities that are considered necessary conditions for the successful development of the planned activities. Even if part of the seminar activity may be carried out in groups, the final evaluation is individual and considers also revisions and discussions in itinere, intermediate evaluations, and individual participation during the whole duration of the seminar. The final interview and the evaluation of the exercise are aimed at verifying the acquired skills, critical skills, the dialectical ability to exposition a problem related to the program carried out in the classroom.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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