Elenco notifiche

Computer architecture


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Informatica (Computer Engineering) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 62
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 18
Tutoraggio 15
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Montuschi Paolo Professore Ordinario IINF-05/A 62 0 0 0 15

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/05 8 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria informatica
The course presents the architecture of a basic computer system in all its components and features. It also provides highlights of the techniques for elementary hardware design as well as of assembly programming.
The course presents the architecture of a basic computer system in all its components and features. It also provides highlights of the techniques for elementary hardware design as well as of assembly programming. The course is organized and run such as to stimulate active participation and interactions among students and the class. It is NOT a Professors-teach-Students-listen-only course! The explanation of any topic is taken as an opportunity to start discussions, and therefore to open the mind and to go beyond the classical lecture models. Interactivity, continued study and in-person active participation are highly recommended to learn&understand the topics covered and, most important, to nurture the creativity and critical thinking qualities.
This course is a natural bridge between the first-year course “Computer Science” and the following courses on computer engineering, including “Operating Systems” and “Computer Networks”. Its role is therefore to smoothly and naturally complete the basic knowledge of a computing system acquired during the course “Computer Science” and, at the same time, to gently stimulate the Student to target at more complex issues such as the low level programming and a deeper understanding of the hardware and software interactions of the different components in a computer. By attending this course the Student is expected to increase her/his overview and knowledge of computer based systems, to become more aware of the issues related to the design and management of a computer, and to have one more opportunity to nurture the curiosity qualities that are at the basis of a future Computer Engineer. An important contribution to successfully meet the above expectations comes from the laboratory lectures, where the Students are provided with the possibility of studying and practically approach how to use physical hardware computer platforms to solve real problems.
This course is a natural bridge between the first-year course “Computer Science” and the following courses on computer engineering, including “Operating Systems” and “Computer Networks”. Its role is therefore to smoothly and naturally complete the basic knowledge of a computing system acquired during the course “Computer Science” and, at the same time, to gently stimulate the Student to target at more complex issues such as the low level programming and a deeper understanding of the hardware and software interactions of the different components in a computer. By attending this course the Student is expected to increase her/his overview and knowledge of computer based systems, to become more aware of the issues related to the design and management of a computer, and to have one more opportunity to nurture the curiosity qualities that are at the basis of a future Computer Engineer. An important contribution to successfully meet the above expectations comes from the laboratory lectures, where the Students are provided with the possibility of studying and practically approach how to use physical hardware computer platforms to solve real problems.
A deep and well-assessed knowledge and experience of the topics covered during the first-year course “Computer Science” is definitely highly recommended.
A deep and well-assessed knowledge and experience of the topics covered during the first-year course “Computer Science” is mandatory for a good understanding and active participation to the course. Students without a sufficient background knowledge of these topics are highly encouraged to fill the gap either by actively attending first the first-year course “Computer Science”, or to actively watch its previous years' videorecorded lectures (where available).
• Basics, examples and exercises of simple combinational and sequential circuit design and related issues, such as testing of the correct behavior, memory/area/speed tradeoff, energy consumption, delay and critical path; • The components of a microprocessor-based system and their interactions: CPU, cache memory, main memory, secondary memory, peripherals, Input/Output devices and related addressing and communication issues, buses and addressing modes; • Some “milestones” of Computer Engineering: virtualization, parallelization of operations, operating systems, reduced instruction set computers, configurable devices. • An introduction to the Assembly language.
• Basics, examples and exercises of simple combinational and sequential circuit design and related issues, such as testing of the correct behavior, memory/area/speed tradeoff, energy consumption, delay and critical path; • The components of a microprocessor-based system and their interactions: CPU, cache memory, main memory, secondary memory, peripherals, Input/Output devices and related addressing and communication issues, buses and addressing modes; • Some “milestones” of Computer Engineering: virtualization, parallelization of operations, operating systems, reduced instruction set computers, configurable devices. • An introduction to the Assembly language.
COMMON EXAM RULES (ANY MINOR CHANGES TO THESE POLICIES/PROCEDURES WILL BE TIMELY COMMUNICATED TO THE STUDENTS) ALL exams for ALL students, unless differently and explicitly specified, will be run in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) mode, using MOOC/remote-exams-like-tools such as the lockdown browser. The way all of this will be run, depends on the choice of the hw/sw tools that will be chosen by the professors in full compliance with Politecnico's policies and procedures; information about the technical way which will be used to run the remote written exam, will be shared, when available, through portale della didattica. This applies both to students attending in person and to students attending in remote mode. It is therefore mandatory that all students do have a working and well-configured laptop to run the exam, and a power adaptor. No paper and pencil exam will be possible. In addition, due to the extremely large number of students involved, it is impossible for professors to have any type of "ad-hoc" exams, i.e., outside the framework described here. It is also impossible for the professor, given the extremely large number of students enrolled, to have a distributed surveillance (i.e., in a different room than the one of the official exam) or the exam split into different rounds. All Students are therefore requested to check, well in advance to the calls, to have a personal computer which is properly working and configured to run the exam in BYOD mode in the room where it will take place. In this framework, the default option is that a proctoring software will be used for ALL students, in full compliance with Politecnico's policies and procedures. If available, proctoring software could be not required, by choice of the Professors, for students attending in person the exam. In general, exceptions to this "default" will be promptly communicated through "portale della didattica" in the "news section". • The exam consists of a written part plus a mandatory oral part, which will take place in the next days following the written part. Both the written and oral parts should be taken inside the same call framework. The oral part will be run either in remote or in-person mode at the only discretion of professors, who will timely communicate the chosen mode to the students. The default is the in-person mode. • The first part accounts up to 24 points. First parts which did not award at least 1 point in the first 4 “test-questions” and least 13 points in the overall written exam, will lead to a straight rejection (no oral exam). No correction will be made by Professors to written exams which did not get at least 1 point in the first 4 “test-questions”. • The oral questions following the program(s) discussion, can decrease by any amount the first part score, or add up to 9 additional points. Failure to respond in a sufficient way can at any time lead to a rejection, which has not necessarily to be communicated immediately, but in general will follow the general protocol to communicate the final results through portale della didattica or other similar systems. • As a general policy, no partial scores will be communicated to the students while in the middle of either the written or oral part. The final scores will be made available some days after the end of the last oral exam, through portale della didattica in the personal page of each student, as “temporary unconfirmed score”. A student can request the rejection of the score usually by 12 noon CET of the day after the partial scores have been published, or by the deadline communicated by the Professors in Portale della Didattica. Later requests will be not considered. Requests become effective only once they have been approved by the Professors. • As a matter of professional and respectful conduct, as the exam should not be perceived as a “collection” of points, but as an overall evaluation, a constraint applies to the possibility of obtaining the rejection of a final score. In case the score of the written exam has been communicated to a student before the beginning of the oral exam, a student’s request to reject the score will not be accepted if the final score has been obtained by adding 7 or more points of the oral to the written part. For example: written exam = 22, final score = 29  oral exam = 7  not possible to get a score rejection. • For ALL Students, the first part will be run in “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) Mode if in-person, or with “remote tools” if in remote-mode, by using Polito systems (please check the “flow” document for more details) for all students. • No paper and pencil exam will be possible. In addition, due to the extremely large number of students involved, it is impossible for professors to have any type of "ad-hoc" exams, i.e., outside the framework described here. It is also impossible for the professor, given the extremely large number of students enrolled, to have a distributed surveillance (i.e., in a different room than the one of the official exam) or the exam split into different rounds. All Students are therefore requested to check, well in advance to the calls, to have a personal computer which is properly working and configured to run the exam in BYOD mode in the room where it will take place. • Students have to actively book to the oral part, by some tight deadline, which will be communicated after the end of the written part, and by using the tools that will be communicated by the professors. Multiple bookings are not permitted and will receive penalties. Failure to book will void the exam. Not showing up at the beginning of the oral slot a student will be assigned to voids the exam. • For remote exams, each part will start with the identification of the students, through an ID, webcam and microphone; students who do no not have all these peripherals, plus a reliable computer system with a recent operating system matching the specifications of the software used by Polito and Zoom (and all other systems which could be used), unfortunately will not be admitted to the exam. For in-person exams, the ID check will be done by directly showing their ID to professors. • For remote exams, it is mandatory that students, not before 7 days but at least 48 hours before the beginning of the call (i.e. the written part) send from their institutional polito student email address to the address mn.polito.it@gmail.com the scanned one-page undersigned form which will be made available through portale della didattica, certifying the awareness of students about the ethic and anti-misconduct procedures to attend and run remote exams. The subject should be “student#, last name, first name, course name, date of the written call” and the attachment should of good quality and not larger that 0.5 Mbyte. In case this email is not received and/or does not meet the necessary requirements, the exam will be voided (even if in case the student shows up). Please not upload your ID, but only the scanned code of honor. Digitally signed forms are accepted and encouraged. • All exam parts will be recorded; students who do not want to be recorded unfortunately will not be admitted to the exam.
COMMON EXAM RULES (ANY MINOR CHANGES TO THESE POLICIES/PROCEDURES WILL BE TIMELY COMMUNICATED TO THE STUDENTS) • The exam consists of a written part plus a mandatory oral part, which will take place in the next days following the written part. Both the written and oral parts should be taken inside the same call framework. The oral part will be run in in-person mode only. • The first part accounts up to 24 points. The following thresholds do apply all together: o It is necessary that for the student to respond to at least 2 out of the 4 first part “test-questions”; o It is necessary to receive more than 2 points (out of the 8 available) in the first 4 “test-questions”; o It is necessary to receive more than 13.5 points in the overall written exam. For if not, there will be a straight rejection (no oral exam). Kindly observe that no corrections will be made by Professors to written exams which did not get more than 2 points in the first 4 “test-questions” and/or did not respond to at least 2 “test-questions”. • The oral questions following the program(s) discussion, can decrease by any amount the first part score, or add up to 8 additional points but can also lead to a rejection. Failure to respond in a sufficient way, will imply a negative score for that question and the immediate termination of the oral exam, and can at any time lead to a rejection, which has not necessarily to be communicated immediately, but in general will follow the general protocol to communicate the final results through portale della didattica or other similar systems. • As a general policy, no partial scores will be communicated to the students while in the middle of either the written or oral part. • For ALL Students, the first part will be run IN PERSON ONLY in the rooms which have been reserved for the exam and in “Bring Your Own Computer Device” (BYOCD) mode; please check the “flow” document for more details. • No paper and pencil exam will be possible. In addition, due to the extremely large number of students involved, it is impossible for professors to have any type of "ad-hoc" exams, i.e., outside the framework described here. It is also impossible for the professor, given the extremely large number of students enrolled, to have a distributed surveillance (i.e., in a different room than the one of the official exam) or the exam split into different rounds. All Students are therefore requested to check, well in advance to the calls, to have a personal computer which is properly working and configured to run the exam in BYOCD mode in the room where it will take place. • Unless differently specified, students have to actively book to the oral part, by some tight deadline, which will be communicated after the end of the written part, and by using the tools that will be communicated by the professors. Multiple bookings are not permitted and will receive penalties. Failure to book, when requested, will void the exam. Not showing up at the beginning of the assigned oral slot a student, voids the exam. • Students showing a cheating conduct and, in general, trying to bypass the rules above and Politecnico’s policies, will be (at a minimum) reported to Politecnico. This includes any non-professional conduct, inclusive but not limited to undue pushing to Professors for any reason, such as (but not limited to): undue complaints about "personal technical problems" while completing the written exam, scholarship undue complaints, late arrivals to written or oral exams, undue requests to bypass the course’s & Polito’s policies, etc). • Please refer to the file "flow" for the detailed explanation about the policies and procedures. Addendum: In the rare event of remote exams, all exam parts run in remote mode (written and oral) will be video-recorded; students who do not want to be video-recorded unfortunately will not be admitted to the exam.
• Class lectures: about 62% of the course duration; • Class exercise time: about 20% of the course duration; • Assisted laboratories: about 18% of the course duration. Students are highly invited to interact with Lecturers, both at lecture and exercise times. In addition, Students are highly recommended to interact also by using the resources made available through the web pages of the Course, such as the Forum tools.
• Class lectures: about 60% of the course duration; • Class exercise time: about 20% of the course duration; • Assisted laboratories: about 20% of the course duration. Students are highly invited to interact with Lecturers, both at lecture and exercise times. In addition, Students are highly recommended to interact also by using the resources made available through the web pages of the Course, such as the Forum tools.
• Any general purpose textbook covering the topics of the course; • Optional additional material provided by the Lecturers. Additional reading (among all): • V.C. Hamacher et al., Computer Organization, McGraw-Hill, 2005 • M. Morris Mano, C. R. Kime, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4th edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2008
• Any general purpose textbook covering the topics of the course; • Optional additional material provided by the Lecturers. Additional reading (among all): • V.C. Hamacher et al., Computer Organization, McGraw-Hill, 2005 • M. Morris Mano, C. R. Kime, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 4th edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2008
Video lezioni tratte da anni precedenti;
Video lectures (previous years);
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta in aula tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;
... The written exam lasts about 45 minutes. The written exam (accounting up to 24 points) is composed of closed-ended and open-ended questions on the whole program of the course. An oral exam (accounting up to 9 more points) follows the written exam. The oral and the written parts cover the whole program of the course. In order to have access to the oral exam, it is necessary a minimum score of 12 points for the written part. Otherwise a rejection will be recorded. If the result of the written part is larger than or equal to 18, then the student can request the registration of the final grade of the exam. In all other cases, the student will (can) have an oral exam, consisting of at most three additional questions adding up to 9 more points. The three questions will span the full program and can also involve the discussion of the laboratory exercises. Failure to satisfactorily responding a question, will imply a negative score for that question and the immediate termination of the oral exam. If less than 18 points are obtained, a rejection will be registered. Professor(s) has (have) the right to ask at any time oral questions to get a better and more complete picture of the student's preparation. The final grade will be determined by adding up all the points collected by the student and rounding the numerical result. Laude will be granted to all students whose number of points exceeds or is equal to 31.5. Overall, the exam is targeted at evaluating the students both about their knowledge of basic computing systems architectures and their design. Several problems proposed as previous written parts will be made available to the students through the web page of the course.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;
(ANY MINOR CHANGES TO THESE POLICIES/PROCEDURES WILL BE TIMELY COMMUNICATED TO THE STUDENTS) ALL exams for ALL students, unless differently and explicitly specified, will be run in IN PERSON MODE ONLY and in Bring Your Own COMPUTER Device (BYOCD) mode, using MOOC/remote-exams-like-tools such as the lockdown browser. Kindly observe that only laptops (NO TABLETS) can be used for the exam. The Computer Device must carry a working webcam (to take pictures) and working hardware to connect in a stable way to Polito’s wifi. It is not possible to use external hotspots, and mobile phones/devices must be kept shut down (standby is NOT sufficient) and stored in the personal bag (=no desk, pockets, etc). In addition, no external keyboards, usb sticks and usb-connected peripherals are allowed without prior written consent by Professors. For example: Students wishing to use an external webcam, must send a written request at least 2 weeks before the call and get a written permission by Professors. The way all of this will be run, depends on the choice of the hw/sw tools that will be chosen by the professors in full compliance with Politecnico's policies and procedures; information about the technical way which will be used to run the remote written exam, will be shared, when available, through portale della didattica. It is therefore mandatory that all students do have a working and well-configured laptop to run the exam, and a power adaptor. No paper and pencil exam will be possible. In addition, due to the extremely large number of students involved, it is impossible for professors to have any type of "ad-hoc" exams, i.e., outside the framework described here. It is also impossible for the professor, given the extremely large number of students enrolled, to have a distributed surveillance (i.e., in a different room than the one of the official exam) or the exam split into different rounds. All Students are therefore requested to check, well in advance to the calls, to have a personal computer which is properly working and configured to run the exam in BYOCD mode in the room where it will take place. Therefore, the Students are fully responsible of the proper configuration of their Computer Device and its compliance with Polito’s and Course’s policies, rules and requirements. No professors’ support about the device’s configuration is provided either before or at the exam time. The Students are highly invited to check, prior the exam, the suitability and correct configuration, as no complaints are accepted due to Student’s Computer Device misconfiguration and other local reason. The written exam lasts from 40 to 45 minutes, inclusive of the time to take the pictures requested by the exam. The written exam (accounting up to 24 points) is composed of closed-ended and open-ended questions on the whole program of the course, to be responded in written form on the same paper with the text, which will be given to the students. A mandatory oral exam (accounting up to 8 additional points but can also lead to a rejection) follows the written exam, from a few hours to some days after the written exam. The oral and the written parts cover the whole program of the course. In order to have access to the oral exam, it is necessary a minimum score as clearly reported in the rules of the exam. The mandatory oral exam questions (usually, no more than 2) will span the full program and can also involve the discussion of the laboratory exercises. Failure to satisfactorily responding a single question, will imply a negative score for that question and the immediate termination of the oral exam, inclusive of a possible rejection. If less than 18 points are obtained, a rejection will be registered. The final grade will be determined by adding up all the points collected by the student and rounding the numerical result if it is larger-than/equal-to 18. Overall, the exam is targeted at evaluating the students both about their knowledge of basic computing systems architectures and their design. A document with the most up-to-date "flow" of operations related to exams will be made available to students during the course. Drafts of 2024-25 flow and rules are found at https://swiy.co/last-year-rules
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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