Elenco notifiche

Design for climate resilience


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 10
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Tutoraggio 17,5
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Giordano Roberto
Design for climate resilience (Architectural technology)
Professore Ordinario CEAR-08/C 10 20 0 0 5
Costamagna Elisa
Design for climate resilience (Water engineering)  
Ricercatore L240/10 CEAR-01/A 10 20 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
The Design for Climate Resilience seminar is an interdisciplinary learning experience that tackles the causes and effects of climate change in different environmental and social scenarios, with a particular focus on strategies, technologies and tools at the urban and building scale. The seminar includes two disciplinary contributions that are integrated with the lectures. The contribution of Water Engineering provides the fundamentals of climatology and shows the origin and characteristics of natural and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Large-scale implications (e.g. rising sea levels, extreme weather events) are also presented, and issues related to water management – rainwater, stormwater, run-off water, wastewater - in urban areas will be studied. The Environmental and Technology Design lectures intend to explore some climate change effects related to the urban environment, describe different strategies and solutions concerning urban sites, including open spaces and constructions, and explain some methods and tools for quantifying and mitigating the greenhouse effect. The seminar focuses on Nature-Based Solutions and green technologies that improve the properties of plant species and mitigate some climate change effects, especially in anthropic habitats, such as those of contemporary cities. The seminar features theoretical lectures, expert presentations, and active student participation in practical and theoretical activities.
The seminar aims at a transfer of knowledge focused on: - Understanding the contemporary challenges related to the design and planning of urban spaces related to climate change. - Using advanced environmental design methodologies for water management and Urban Heat Island mitigation. - Using indicators to assess the greenhouse effects according to guidelines, regulations and technical standards. Students can enhance their skills through exercises, tests and role-plays. The attention given to the relationship between theories and the urban reference framework will make it possible to use strategies, methodologies and tools in subsequent academic experiences, especially project-based ones.
The student must have an appropriate personal background and knowledge derived from the architectural technology, materials science, and building physics exams, as foreseen in the Bachelor's Degree Courses in Architecture. Basic knowledge of ecology is to be considered helpful for the lectures attending. The following requirements will be considered: - Ability to analyse man-made spaces (avenues, streets, squares, etc.) - Ability to analyse the building systems (with particular reference to building skin solutions) - Ability to design the built environment according to the basic principles of bioclimatic and environmental design - Ability to use the representation and communication tools, including multimedia, to describe problems or problems requiring a multidisciplinary approach; - Ability to understand and use thermodynamic parameters; - Ability to understand and express oneself adequately, according to the disciplines involved.
The seminar is organised in the following thematic modules. Each module is organised both through lectures and through academic activities aimed at maximising the student’s engagement. M1. Greenhouse effect and climate changes (2 CFU) The first module aims to introduce the climate system, the carbon cycle and the mechanisms that control Earth's temperature. Within this section, the most relevant facts and figures will be introduced concerning the carbon dioxide emissions in the past and present days, their spatial distribution for different countries; the expected impact of climate change on temperature and water resources; the role played by some sectors (e.g., the construction sector); demographic changes and stresses on urban areas. Finally, this part of the seminar will be the opportunity to know the main global commitments assumed at a worldwide level: e.g. from the Kyoto Protocol (1997) to the Glasgow Conference of Parties (COP), passing through the Paris Agreement (COP 25, 2017). M 2. Urban Climates and Climate Change (2 CFU) The second module is devoted to exploring some urban effects related to climate change. During the lectures, the main urban physical parameters will be studied; afterwards, the Urban Heat Island (UHI) and the extreme weather events will be analysed, focusing on pluvial floods in cities. This section also includes lectures about general strategies for mitigating the effects of climate change at the urban and building scales and shows some climate change agendas. M 3. Nature-Based Solutions for the built environment (2 CFU) The third module explores the application of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) as technology and strategy to tackle climate changes in the built environment. A specific focus is the use of NBS for dealing with some environmental features, such as rainwater management, that are particularly impacted by expected climatic and demographic trends. Further benefits referred to the social dimensions and the people's well-being are highlighted. The module finally shows the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) typologies with regards to their use (e.g. NBS fit for urban planning and NBS to be used in buildings).
The seminar includes theoretical lectures as well as application and design exercises. - The lectures (30 hours) are organised according to the described modules in the programme and may be carried out by individual or joint lectures, depending on the specific topics dealt with. The class activity is organised by combining the lectures with external communications and sharing videos, interviews and other documents to foster the students' active participation. The presentations made during the lessons will be made available on the Polito web portal. - For each module, the course includes practical activities (30 hours), which, depending on the number of students, may be carried out in groups of 3 to 6 people. The exercise outcomes will be collected in a report and a poster that will be submitted via the Polito web portal before the end of the seminar. The report and the poster assessment will contribute to the final grade, along with a poster summarising the strategies and solutions developed by the groups. The poster will also be presented to 2-3 invited guests chosen among experts in the field. Additionally, the seminar will include a technical visit to buildings and sites with NBS applications in Turin or other cities.
The presentations provided during the lectures will be available regularly on the Polito web portal and will constitute a fundamental part of the exam preparation. The recommended texts are listed below: • Gartland, L. (2008). Heat Islands: Understanding and Mitigating Heat in Urban Areas. United Kingdom: Earthscan. • Dunnett N., Kingsbury N. (2005). Planting Green Roof and Living Walla. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press • Watson D., Adams M. (2011). Design for Flooding: Architecture, Landscape and Urban Design for Resilience to Climate Change. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken. Insights: • Managing Urban Runoff – Drainage Handbook 1st Edition: June 2013. PUB, the national water agency • Woods-Ballard, B., Kellagher, R., Martin, P., Jefferies, C., Bray, R., Shaffer, P. (2007) The Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) Manual, CIRIA, London
Lecture slides;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project; Individual essay;
The student's achievements and knowledge are assessed according to the following criteria: - Class participation: 10% - Activities carried out during the term (exercises, report and poster): 40% - Final examination: 50% Concerning participation, critical interest and active involvement in the topics dealt with in the lectures and exercises are assessed. The students submit the report and the poster with the exercise outcomes in .pdf format through the Polito portal following the deadlines given during the course. An assessment of up to 15 points is given for the report and poster. At the first call for exams, the groups are invited to present the poster content to lecturers and experts in the field; the latter will be asked to assess the posters, awarding a bonus score of 3 points to the three best posters. Each student must take an oral examination on the topics presented in the seminar. The examination time is estimated to be between 15 and 20 minutes. The oral examination is marked up to 15 points. In the case of excellence, an additional point may be awarded for the poster or the oral test.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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