Elenco notifiche

Communication networks


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Electronic And Communications Engineering (Ingegneria Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 42
Esercitazioni in aula 18
Tutoraggio 27
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Curri Vittorio Professore Ordinario IINF-03/A 42 6 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
B - Caratterizzanti
B - Caratterizzanti
Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni
Ingegneria informatica
This course introduces the mathematical foundations of modern communication networks, with particular emphasis on the architecture of Internet. Inside the general framework of the Bachelor degree in “Electronics and Communication Engineering” this is the fundamental course in the area of telecommunications, giving the basic foundations of both the physical and network layer of modern telecommunication systems. The course is fully given in English.
This course introduces the fundamental concepts of communication networks from a historical perspective, starting with early communication methods and networks and progressing to the modern Internet, which is based on digital communications. Without relying on specific backgrounds, the course covers the fundamental concepts of spectral analysis and electrical communications, as well as the two main physical channels: wireless and fiber optics. The course will then introduce the key operation in modern communications: the conversion from the real world, characterized by analog signals, to the digital world through analog-to-digital conversion. Additionally, it will cover the fundamentals of information theory, which enables us to measure the amount of information. Next, the course will describe the evolution of the Internet, including its protocols and architecture, alongside applications and hands-on lab exercises. Finally, the course will briefly cover the evolution of cellular networks, from early generations to 5G. Overall, this course presents the concepts in a simplified manner without requiring a specific background, aligning with the topics formally examined within the Bachelor's degree in “Electronics and Communication Engineering.” The course is fully offered in English.
The most important learning outcomes are: - knowledge of the general concepts of communication networks: network topologies, switching techniques (circuit and packet), multiplexing and multiple access techniques, service models (client-server, peer-to-peer), layered protocol architectures, traffic characterization, QoS, error recovery - knowledge of Ethernet and Wi-Fi protocols - knowledge of network and transport protocols in the Internet: IP, TCP/UDP - knowledge of the routing in IP networks - ability to design and plan an IP network - ability to configure an IP network and its routing
The most important learning outcomes are: - Telecommunications systems and networks - Basics of spectral analysis - Basics of modulation - Basics of physical channels: wireless and fiber optics - Analog-to-digital conversion - Basics of information theory - Internet evolution, architecture, protocols and applications - Basics of cellular networks
This course has tas prerequisites a good understanding of the mathematical topics presented in the first year courses.
This course has no specific prerequisites besides basic understanding of math-oriended courses offered in the first semester of the first year of the Bachelor degree program in “Electronics and Communication Engineering”.
• General concepts of computer networks: network classification based on the covered area, network topologies, switching techniques (circuit and packet), multiplexing and multiple access techniques, service models (client-server, peer-to-peer), layered protocol architectures, traffic characterization and QoS requirements (10h) • Error recovery and flow control techniques: ARQ window protocols, data-link layer protocols (4h) • Ethernet and Wi-Fi networks (10h) • Network protocols in the Internet: IPv4 and ICMP, IP addressing, ARP (14h) • Routing in the Internet: IP addressing, routing tables, NAT (12h) • Internet transport layer protocols (TCP, UDP) (6h) • Internet application layer protocols (SMTP, POP and IMAP, HTTP, DNS) (4h)
The most important learning outcomes are: -The evolution of telecommunications systems and networks -Fundamentals of spectral analysis -The concept of modulation -Fundamentals of physical channels: wireless and fiber optics -The concept of analog-to-digital conversion -Fundamentals of information theory -Internet evolution, architecture, protocols, and applications -The evolution of cellular networks towards 5G - 3 laboratory sessions (9h)
Theoretical lectures will be complemented by practice classes, which will be devoted to the solution of numerical problems on the course main topics.
Theoretical lectures will be complemented by application examples, including the solution of simple problems on the course's main topics, and by three laboratory sessions with hands-on exercises related to the topics covered in the lectures.
Books suggested as text reference: • A.Pattavina: “Reti di telecomunicazioni", Mc.Graw-Hill (in Italian) • J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross: 'Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach', Pearson (English) • J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross: 'Reti di calcolatori e Internet: un approccio top-down', Pearson Italia (in Italian) The exercises on network protocols and on the design of IP networks will follow: • A.Bianco, C.Casetti, P.Giaccone, Esercitazioni di reti telematiche, CLUT (in Italian)
Books suggested as text reference: • J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross: 'Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach', Pearson (English)
Slides; Libro di testo; Libro di esercitazione; Esercitazioni di laboratorio; Video lezioni dell’anno corrente; Video lezioni tratte da anni precedenti;
Lecture slides; Text book; Practice book; Lab exercises; Video lectures (current year); Video lectures (previous years);
E' possibile sostenere l’esame in anticipo rispetto all’acquisizione della frequenza
You can take this exam before attending the course
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova scritta in aula tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;
... STANDARD EXAM ADMINISTRATION: The exam will be written. Oral part is optional, according to the rules described below. The exam is based on: - 2-3 numerical exercises, similar to those that will be solved during the course. - 2-3 theoretical questions, requiring a free-text answer. The exam will last two hours and it will be scored on a full scale up to 30. The evaluation of the written exam is based on the correct development of the proposed exercises from the description of the symbolic-formula solutions up to the numerical results. The theoretical questions will be judged according to the completeness of the answers, but also on the ability of the students to reply in a concise way. This written exam is a “closed-book exam”. During the written exam the student can use only a pocket calculator (NO laptop, tablets etc. Any type of cellphone should be switched OFF). No other technical material is allowed (thus no books, handouts, old exercises, etc). The students who will get a score above 15/30 at the written exam can ask for an optional oral exam, where the questions will mostly regard the theoretical aspects of the course. The optional oral exam is always organized a few days after the written exams. The oral examination score ranges from -3 to +3 points that are added to the result of the written exam. EXTRAORDINARY EXAM ADMINISTRATION IN THE CASE OF COVID-19 CONTAINMENT MEASURES: The exam will consist of a written test and of a MANDATORY oral examination. The exam will be administered as follows: 1) a multiple choice test will be erogated through the "Exam" platform, with integration of automatic proctoring mechanisms (Respondus). The test may include both theoretical questions and short numerical exercises. The test score ranges from 0 to 30 cum laude. Students who receive a score >=18 will be allowed to take the oral examination. Students who receive a score lower than 18 will NOT be allowed to take the oral examination and MUST retry the multiple choice test in a successive exam call. 2) The oral examination will last approximately 30 mins and will include both theoretical questions and numerical exercises. The oral examination score ranges from 0 to 30 cum laude. It will be erogated using either the BBB platform or any other videoconferencing application previously agreed with the candidate. The schedule of the oral examinations will be made available after the publication of the results of the multiple choice test. 3) The final score will be computed according to this formula: round(0.2*(test score)+0.8*(oral examination score)).
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;
Exam rules a) Report as power-point (or similar sw) set of slides reporting and commenting the results of the 3 laboratory sessions (max 6 points) b) Written exam: 13 open questions on general concepts, duration 1h (max 27 points) To pass the exam at least 3 points from the report AND at least 15 points from the written exam are required.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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