Elenco notifiche



A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Cybersecurity - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A *** 22 E - Per prova finale e conoscenza della lingua straniera Per la prova finale
The students can take the final exam by choosing either a 22 CFU Thesis or a 10 CFU Internship and a 12 CFU Thesis. The second year scheduling guarantees an adequate time to develop the final exam. The thesis (either 22 or 12 CFUs) typically aims to analyze, implement or apply an innovative project related to topics consistent with the educational objectives of the course of study, in which the candidate's individual contribution is clearly recognizable. If the student chooses a 10 CFU Internship and a 12 CFU Thesis as a final exam, the internship is meant to enrich the student's knowledge and experience in the context of an industry, research body, or public administration. The wide range of contacts the Departments have with industries, national and international research institutions, and public administrations guarantees a wide range of internship proposals. At the end of the thesis's work (either 22 or 12 CFUs), a final written document (called "Tesi di Laurea") and an oral presentation are required. The written document and the presentation must be in English.
The students can take the final exam by choosing either a 22 CFU Thesis or a 10 CFU Internship and a 12 CFU Thesis. The second year scheduling guarantees an adequate time to develop the final exam. The thesis (either 22 or 12 CFUs) typically aims to analyze, implement or apply an innovative project related to topics consistent with the educational objectives of the course of study, in which the candidate's individual contribution is clearly recognizable. If the student chooses a 10 CFU Internship and a 12 CFU Thesis as a final exam, the internship is meant to enrich the student's knowledge and experience in the context of an industry, research body, or public administration. The wide range of contacts the Departments have with industries, national and international research institutions, and public administrations guarantees a wide range of internship proposals. At the end of the thesis's work (either 22 or 12 CFUs), a final written document (called "Tesi di Laurea") and an oral presentation are required. The written document and the presentation must be in English.
The final exam represents an overall verification that the student has acquired both the knowledge of technical contents and organization, communication, and individual work skills concerning the development or the analyses of complex projects. The final exam typically requires applying what has been learned in several courses, integrating with additional elements, and proposing innovative ideas.
The final exam represents an overall verification that the student has acquired both the knowledge of technical contents and organization, communication, and individual work skills concerning the development or the analyses of complex projects. The final exam typically requires applying what has been learned in several courses, integrating with additional elements, and proposing innovative ideas.
At least 48 CFU.
At least 48 CFU.
The topic and activities related to the final exam are agreed upon with a professor of the Turin Polytechnic (called “Thesis supervisor”). The activities can also be carried out at other institutions or companies, in Italy or abroad, under the supervision of a lecturer from the Turin Polytechnic and a tutor from an external institution.
The topic and activities related to the final exam are agreed upon with a professor of the Turin Polytechnic (called “Thesis supervisor”). The activities can also be carried out at other institutions or companies, in Italy or abroad, under the supervision of a lecturer from the Turin Polytechnic and a tutor from an external institution.
Further information and deadlines can be found in the Student Regulations and the Student Guide. Diploma Supplement: In compliance with Paragraph 8, Article 11 of Minsterial Decrees No. 509/1999 and 270/2004, Politecnico di Torino issues the Diploma Supplement, an information document accompanying a higher education diploma (Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree – laurea specialistica/magistrale). It is designed to improve the transparency of international qualifications, as it provides the description of the programme of study successfully completed by the student. It helps employers to understand and evaluate new academic qualifications; it facilitates academic and professional recognition of Italian qualifications abroad and it boosts international free circulation of graduates. This certificate follows the European model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO – CEPES: it is issued in two languages (Italian-English) and it is composed of approximately 10 pages. The Diploma Supplement is not issued for qualifications obtained under the university systems which pre-date Ministerial Decree No. 509/99. https://didattica.polito.it/certificati_autocertificazioni/it/diploma_supplement
Further information and deadlines can be found in the Student Regulations and the Student Guide. Diploma Supplement: In compliance with Paragraph 8, Article 11 of Minsterial Decrees No. 509/1999 and 270/2004, Politecnico di Torino issues the Diploma Supplement, an information document accompanying a higher education diploma (Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree – laurea specialistica/magistrale). It is designed to improve the transparency of international qualifications, as it provides the description of the programme of study successfully completed by the student. It helps employers to understand and evaluate new academic qualifications; it facilitates academic and professional recognition of Italian qualifications abroad and it boosts international free circulation of graduates. This certificate follows the European model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO – CEPES: it is issued in two languages (Italian-English) and it is composed of approximately 10 pages. The Diploma Supplement is not issued for qualifications obtained under the university systems which pre-date Ministerial Decree No. 509/99. https://didattica.polito.it/certificati_autocertificazioni/it/diploma_supplement
Students who have acquired at least 48 credits can apply for the thesis topic online through a procedure available on their personal page of the teaching portal (in the section 'Thesis') by the deadlines available in the thematic calendar available in the Student Guide (in the section “thematic calendar”).
Students who have acquired at least 48 credits can apply for the thesis topic online through a procedure available on their personal page of the teaching portal (in the section 'Thesis') by the deadlines available in the thematic calendar available in the Student Guide (in the section “thematic calendar”).
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
... An oral presentation is mandatory. The activities relating to the preparation of the thesis and the related results must be presented and discussed publicly, in the presence of a commission of professors who express an evaluation of the work carried out and the presentation. The commission in charge of the final exam expresses its judgments taking into account the student's entire course of study, assessing his cultural maturity and personal intellectual processing capacity, as well as the quality of the work. The final mark is assigned to the graduation commission, which will examine the overall average of the exams based on 110. To this average, the commission can typically add up to a maximum of 8 points, taking into consideration the following: • the evaluation of the work carried out for the thesis (commitment, autonomy, methodological rigor, the relevance of the results achieved, etc.); • the presentation of the thesis (expository clarity etc.); • the excellence of the study program (for example, the number of honors awarded, the time taken to complete the studies, etc.). The honors label (i.e., "Lode") may be awarded upon achieving the overall score of 112.51 at the commission's discretion. Moreover, suppose the final mark is one hundred and ten with the honors label and the commission's opinion is unanimous on the excellence of the thesis. In that case, the commission can also assign "publication dignity" to the thesis document.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam;
An oral presentation is mandatory. The activities relating to the preparation of the thesis and the related results must be presented and discussed publicly, in the presence of a commission of professors who express an evaluation of the work carried out and the presentation. The commission in charge of the final exam expresses its judgments taking into account the student's entire course of study, assessing his cultural maturity and personal intellectual processing capacity, as well as the quality of the work. The final mark is assigned to the graduation commission, which will examine the overall average of the exams based on 110. To this average, the commission can typically add up to a maximum of 8 points, taking into consideration the following: • the evaluation of the work carried out for the thesis (commitment, autonomy, methodological rigor, the relevance of the results achieved, etc.); • the presentation of the thesis (expository clarity etc.); • the excellence of the study program (for example, the number of honors awarded, the time taken to complete the studies, etc.). The honors label (i.e., "Lode") may be awarded upon achieving the overall score of 112.51 at the commission's discretion. Moreover, suppose the final mark is one hundred and ten with the honors label and the commission's opinion is unanimous on the excellence of the thesis. In that case, the commission can also assign "publication dignity" to the thesis document.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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