Elenco notifiche



A.A. 2024/25

Lingua dell'insegnamento


Corsi di studio

Corso di Laurea in Design E Comunicazione - Torino

Organizzazione dell'insegnamento
Didattica Ore
Docente Qualifica Settore h.Lez h.Es h.Lab h.Tut Anni incarico
Pereno Amina   Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 art.24-B CEAR-08/D 0 0 0 0 2

SSD CFU Attivita' formative Ambiti disciplinari
*** N/A *** 12 F - Altre attività (art. 10) Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Le informazioni dettagliate sull’insegnamento tirocinio sono consultabili sulla GUIDA STUDENTI, sezione TIROCINIO, dell’anno accademico in corso.
Detailed information about the internship program can be found in the STUDENT GUIDE, under the INTERNSHIP section, for the current academic year.
The training is compulsory and allows the student to carry out professional activities with a keen professional content with a private and public organization working in the field of design and visual communication. To access the internship, the student must have already completed the course and obtained at least 100 CFU. The institutional period for the internship is, therefore, May/June, usually at the end of the 3rd academic year; However, students who have already completed the attendance of the courses can do it in different periods of the academic year, after the approval of the commission in charge.
Instructions on the platform through which students can insert their internship project and track/report the internship progress till its completion, can be found at: https://didattica.polito.it/pdf/Procedura_Lato_Studente.pdf
PROCEDURES FOR STARTING AND EXECUTING THE INTERNSHIP: During the academic year, the Internship Commission organizes meetings with all the students (who are going to accomplish the internship during the academic year), introduces them the meaning of the internship in their academic and professional career, the modalities of accomplishment, the role of the figures involved (in particular Academic tutor and Company supervisor) and the occupational areas where to engage the internship. Subsequently, the internship proposals are made available to students through the Materials section of the students portal, with detailed information on the company and any additional information on specific internships. NOTES FOR THE INTERNSHIP ABROAD If the student wishes to carry out an internship abroad, it is advisable to do so a while in advance of the institutional period of the internship because the agreement procedures may take longer and it may be necessary to submit additional documentation (e.g. visa). The student will have to check independently which documents are required according to the country where they intend to do the internship. At the same time, for administrative procedures, they can refer to the link below (https://careerservice.polito.it/studenti/tirocinio_all_estero). Moreover, in the case of internship in Europe, it is possible to apply for the annual Call for Applications Erasmus+ for Traineeship. ASSIGNMENT OF INTERNSHIP At the assignment meeting, about ten days after the sending of the list of available companies and one month before the actual start of the internship, the practical assignment is made for each student according to meritocratic criteria (average, number of exams passed and number of years of enrolment on the Program) taking into account his/her personal preferences After the assignment, the Commission establishes an Academic Tutor for each internship, according to on the preferences of the student, relevancy of the teacher to the internship and an equitable assignment due to the study course. The matching phase is followed by contact by the student of the assigned company to carry out the introductory interview and get a definitive answer from the company regarding the start of the internship. In case of a successful interview, the student proceeds with the compilation of the Training Project on its portal, which is mandatory for the start of the internship; the online procedure will send a notification for approval first by the company tutor and then by the academic tutor. In case of a negative interview, the student will have to contact the Internship Coordination of the Course of Studies (tirocini.design@polito.it) with the list of possible new companies where he would like to go in order of priority. BEGINNING OF THE INTERNSHIP After this phase, the student needs to fill out online on the Student Portal, the form called PROGETTO FORMATIVO (formative project), which is required for the correct start of the internship. Then, the Timesheet is to be completed online in the STAGE section of the training project. SUPERVISION OF THE ACTIVITIES During the internship student or academic tutor may organize meetings between them and the company supervisor, aimed to verify the development and the progress of the internship, the results achieved and any possible problems. In case a student wants to interrupt the Internship, he needs immediately to communicate this decision to “COORDINAMENTO STAGE (tirocini.design@polito.it)”, to his Academic Tutor and the Career Service office. END OF THE INTERNSHIP AND REGISTRATION At the end of the internship, to register it and to gain CFU, the student must: • Fill the online form called "Questionario di Valutazione Finale" (it can be found in the timesheet compilation section, or also in the upload attachments section at the end of the internship); • The company supervisor has to fill the online form called "Questionario Competenze Progetto Formativo." by clicking on the link that will be sent to him/her one week before the end of the internship; • Accomplish a final dissertation (report/portfolio) where you summarize and describe your activities; according to the format indicated below, and upload it online in the attachments section at the end of the Progetto Formativo (the section appears when the timesheet is declared finished); - upload online a copy of the signed Timesheet, in the attachments section at the end of the Progetto Formativo BOOK/Portfolio and REPORTING The BOOK (A4 horizontal format) must describe the professional experience of the internship through the presentation of drawings/pictures/caption lines. A journal or a portfolio of the activities carried out freely designed both in content and visual language. Protecting the privacy of the organization/company/agency/studio it is not interesting to show and evaluate the work carried out but rather the activities in which you were involved and the skills acquired, not forgetting that the project also consists of meetings with clients or in project teams, research phases, but also process management issues. The document must become an element to be annexed to your CV and professional portfolio. The REPORT should describe your internship period in text form, articulated in the following paragraphs: - "Cover", with data and indication of where and when the student did the internship - "Where", a short presentation of the company/enterprise/study, telling (in min 500 characters) the core business and the structure of the company that hosted the student - Activities carried out", a short description (also by points) of the activities carried out during the internship (min. 500 characters) - Tasks and tasks", a brief account of the tasks and duties assigned, any equipment provided or use of own resources (min. 500 characters) - "Knowledge", what skills and knowledge you acquired in the degree course you used during the internship (min. 500 characters) - "What I learnt": what the student learnt in this training period including both professional, methodological, practical activities, etc. but also behavioural and management activities (in min 500 characters). During the academic year, the person in charge of the internships (prof. Paolo Tamborrini) periodically sets exams sessions (please check the section “Booking Exams”, It is necessary to book the reservation and show up in person) for the registration of the Internship; students will discuss the activity carried out with the book/portfolio and report that they uploaded on the website. It is recommended to have a digital copy of the documents mentioned above.
Modalità di esame: Accertamento (esame senza voto);
Exam: Check;
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Check;
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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