Elenco notifiche

Radio frequency integrated circuits


A.A. 2025/26

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Elettronica (Electronic Engineering) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/01 6 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria elettronica
The course is taught in English. Radio frequency integrated circuits (2nd year LM, 1st term) is a required course in the curricula: RF design, Integrated Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Technologies, Wireless System design. It provides the basis of radiofrequency analog circuit design, with particular attention to telecom applications, for both linear and quasi-linear or nonlinear subsystems. The relevant CAD tools are also introduced and exploited.
The course is taught in English. Radio frequency integrated circuits (2nd year LM, 1st term) is a required course in the curricula: RF design, Integrated Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices and Technologies, Wireless System design. It provides the basis of radiofrequency analog circuit design, with particular attention to telecom applications, for both linear and quasi-linear or nonlinear subsystems. The relevant CAD tools are also introduced and exploited.
- Knowledge of the most important building block present within RF and microwave Transceivers; - Knowledge of the monolithic and hybrid, active and passive, technologies for the realization of the radiofrequency part of a communication system; - Capability to analyze linear two ports in terms of power gain and stability, and to design the linear subsystems within the receiver of a RF and microwave communication system; - Capability to analyze the non linear blocks present in a RF and microwave communication system: power amplifiers, mixers, oscillators; - Usage of commercial CAD tools for the simulation and design of high frequency circuits both using linear and large signal strategies; - Capabilities to design up to the layout level a power amplifier for the receiver and transmitter chain of a RF and microwave communication system; - Knowledge of the most important figures of merit to evaluate the performances of a communication system, and to analyze and discuss their impact on the system level performances;
- Knowledge of the most important building block present within RF and microwave Transceivers; - Knowledge of the monolithic and hybrid, active and passive, technologies for the realization of the radiofrequency part of a communication system; - Capability to analyze the non linear blocks present in a RF and microwave communication system: power amplifiers, mixers, oscillators; - Usage of commercial CAD tools for the simulation and design of high frequency circuits using large signal strategies; - Capabilities to design up to the layout level a power amplifier for the transmitter chain of a RF and microwave communication system; - Knowledge of the most important figures of merit to evaluate the performance of a communication system;
Fundamentals of analog electronics, transmission line theory, scattering parameters basics, basics on random processes.
- Fundamentals of analog electronics, transmission line theory, scattering parameters basics, basics on random processes; - Capability to analyze linear two ports in terms of power gain and stability, and to design the linear subsystems within the receiver of a RF and microwave communication system;
Lectures: - Description of the most important functional blocks within a RF and microwaves communication system with focus on the RF part; Review on the enabling technologies and on the passive and active elements within the RF part of a communication system; (0,5 CFU) - Linear functional blocks: general characteristics and adopted models, maximum gain amplifiers, feedback amplifiers with, large band amplifiers, distributed amplifiers; (1 CFU) - Noise in electronic systems: low noise amplifiers; (0,5 CFU) - The non linear blocks: general characteristics and adopted models; (0,5 CFU) - Power amplifiers; class A, B, C, class D,E,F high efficiency amplifiers, issues on power amplifier linearization, advanced power amplifier schemes, e.g. the Doherty approach; (1 CFU) - Mixers, frequency multipliers and oscillators. (0,5 CFU) Cad labs: (2 CFU) - RF and microwave circuit small signal simulation using RF and microwave dedicated commercial CAD tools; - Non linear RF simulations using dedicated commercial CAD tools: mixer and power amplifier simulations. Laboratories and/or exercises
Lectures (4.5 CFU): - Description of the most important functional blocks within a RF and microwaves communication system with focus on the RF part; Review on the enabling technologies and on the passive and active elements within the RF part of a communication system; (0.5 CFU) - Linear functional blocks: general characteristics and adopted models, maximum gain amplifiers, feedback amplifiers with, large band amplifiers, distributed amplifiers; (0.4 CFU) - The non linear blocks: general characteristics and adopted models; (1 CFU) - Power amplifiers; class A, B, C, class D,E,F high efficiency amplifiers, issues on power amplifier linearization, advanced power amplifier schemes, e.g. the Doherty approach; (1.5 CFU) - Non linear simulation using the Harmonic Balance approach (0.4 CFU) - Mixers, frequency multipliers and oscillators. (0.7 CFU) Cad labs: (1.5 CFU) - RF and microwave circuit small signal simulation using RF and microwave dedicated commercial CAD tools; - Non linear RF simulations using dedicated commercial CAD tools: mixer and power amplifier simulations.
The course includes some CAD labs focused to learn how to use CAD tools for the analysis and optimization of linear and non linear analogical circuits at microwaves (MWOFFICE). The CAD labs will start with the analysis and design of simple passive circuits and through several steps will carry the students till the design of a hybrid or monolithic power amplifier. During the lecture hours several examples and numerical exercises will be proposed.
The course includes theory with exercises along. It includes 5 compulsory CAD labs focused on the use of RF CAD tools for the analysis and optimization of linear and non linear analogic circuits. The CAD labs will start with the analysis and design of simple passive circuits and through several steps will carry the students till the design of a hybrid or monolithic power amplifier.
The course material includes a full collection of slides shown during the lesson hours together with hints on the CAD labs development. The book from B. Razavi RF 'microelectronics' covers most part of the course. Power amplifiers can also be examined more closely in the book Elettronica delle Microonde authored by G. Ghione and M. Pirola, edited by Otto editore in 2002 and also available in electronic (pdf) format.
The course material includes a full collection of slides shown during the lessons together with hints on the CAD labs development. The recomended books are 1) Ghione "Microwave Electronics" 2) Razavi "RF microelectronics"
Lecture slides;
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova pratica di laboratorio;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Practical lab skills test;
... A collection of exercises and problems are at student's disposal. The final test includes a written test, together with the development of an individual project using MWOFFICE, and a presentation and discussion of the results obtained with the project.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Practical lab skills test;
The exam is aimed at ascertaining that the students have properly acquired all the expected course outcomes as well as the capability to apply theory and its methods to the solution of exercises. The exam is composed of 2 compulsory parts: 1) A CAD test (on the day scheduled for the exam) lasting 2 hours where the students will have to develop the design of a power amplifier. Students should preferably work on their own PC (Windows OS required, inform the teachers in advance in case if it is necessary to use a different PC). The CAD test is evaluated with a grade from 0 to 10 and it is considered sufficient with a minium of 5/10. The CAD grade will account for 35% of the final score. 2) An oral test of approximately 30 minutes (max. 40 min.) covering all the course topics. Only students who resulted sufficient in the CAD test can access the oral test in the same call (the schedule of the oral test will be agreed with the students). The oral test comprises 3 questions on both theory and exercises, each evaluated with a mark from 0 to 10. Students must answer all 3 question sufficiently (at least 4/10) to pass the oral test. Students who are not sufficent in the oral test, can keep their CAD grade for all future calls, taking again only the oral test. The final grade for the oral test is given by the average mark among the 3 questions and will account for 65% of the final score. Honors will be awarded only to students who get the maximum grade in all parts and also demonstrate a particularly complete and exhaustive knowledge of the topics as well as good exposition skills.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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