Elenco notifiche

Building physics and energy system in architecture


A.A. 2025/26

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Energetica E Nucleare - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-IND/11 6 D - A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente
The disciplinary laboratory of Building physics and energy systems in architecture is inserted in the MSc in Architecture Building City and is aimed at providing students with knowledge of acoustical, lighting and energy topics applied to architectural projects. Another objective is that of making students conscious of the cultural richness, the requirements, the methodologies and the tools typical of building physics, in order to be able to carry out a disciplinary thesis on these themes. At the end of the program, students will achieve the ability to apply this knowledge in architectural design that is a complex context in which building physics requirements may sometimes conflict or heavily influence the design phase. Specifically, students will be able to understand design requirements, to consider regulations and technological restrictions, to use more appropriate numerical or analytical calculation tools, know parameters to evaluate and approve a building physics project, and have the ability to make choices that involve different aspects of a building project.
This teaching is aimed at providing architects with a basic knowledge of building physics phenomena linked to design process. Students acquire the knowledge required to dialogue with the various disciplinary skills, which operate in this process. During the teaching, students have the chance to test their achieved knowledge through a specific design activity. In particular, at the end of the program students will acquire the following: - Knowledge of physical concepts at the base of thermal fluid-dynamic, lighting and acoustic phenomena related to indoor environment; - Knowledge of building physics design requirements; - Knowledge of technical regulations and legislation related to building physics; - Knowledge of building physics properties of components and materials; - Knowledge of numerical and analytical methods for building physics and plant design; - Knowledge of methodologies for experimental verification of building physics requirements in laboratory and in the field; and abilities: - Identify building physics requirements, to be verified during the design process according to building use; - Define the shape and the rooms dimensions of a building according to building physics requirements; - Choose materials, envelope components and cladding materials, respecting building physics requirements; - Apply numerical and analytical methods for building physics design; - Critically review of various design solutions from a building physics point of view; - Choose the design solution that satisfies at the same time the various building physics requirements; - Apply some experimental verification protocols for building physics requirements in laboratory and in the field.
Students are requested to have the basic concepts of building physics applied to indoor environment (lighting, acoustics and air-conditioning), already achieved during the bachelor degree. In particular, the following knowledge is considered as achieved: - Basics of fluid-dynamics, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, lighting and acoustics; - Principles of thermal building-physics; - Principles of daylighting; - Principles of sound absorption and sound insulation; - Main materials and construction technologies used for keeping under control the above-mentioned phenomena. And abilities: - Ability to make conscious choices related to the building physics design; - Ability to calculate performance and to verify the main thermal-hygrometric, energy, lighting and acoustic requirements related to the building envelope and to the indoor environment.
Some building physics issues will be proposed to the students, which appear with frequency during design process. For each issue, professors provide a building physics interpretation of the topic and a methodology for an in-depth examination of the problem, in order to identify the best technological solutions according to regulations and indoor comfort requirements. In particular, the following topics are covered: ƒ{ Design requirements related to indoor air quality and thermal comfort; ƒ{ Building envelope thermal design; ƒ{ Techniques for natural ventilation and air-conditioning for indoor environment; ƒ{ Ventilation and air-conditioning systems; ƒ{ Building energy systems; ƒ{ Principles for nearly Zero Energy Building design; ƒ{ Cost optimal analysis for building design; ƒ{ Energy legislation and regulation for buildings . Considering the topics covered during the program, each student has to make evaluations related to building physics regarding an architectural project with the support of manual calculation or automatic tools. These evaluations represent design activities specifically related to energy efficient buildings and systems. Critical analysis on evaluation results demonstrates that students have achieved the ability to face building physics topics during the design phase; they will reach this goal in an autonomous way, consciously and with the competence typical of an architect.
The development of a specific design activity is required in order to apply the achieved knowledge. Design topics could be carried out as a teamwork, with three or four students, or by a single student. In order to help students with their design activity, professors provide numerical exercises on topics covered during the teaching. The teaching is a 6 credit program (60 hours). 35 hours are destined to lessons on theory, while about 25 hours are for the design activity (exercises given by professors and times dedicated to review design activity). For this teaching, the total study load range is between 150 and 180 hours (between 25 and 30 hours per credit), which includes attending lessons, design activity and study. Preferably, work reviews take place during lesson time, even though checks could be possible on other days and times, arranged with the professors, by appointment. Each work group has a maximum of three or four reviews, which will be concluded by the end of the lessons. Every group is required to write a report, where the following data are collected: design requirements, schemes and sketches representing the adopted solutions, calculations, results and conclusions. In addition, they have to create a power point presentation, where requirements, project solutions, results and conclusions are reported in a synthetic form. The power point presentation will be illustrated during the final exam. In the classroom there could also be a tutor to help the students. For particular situations, the professor will be at students¡¦ disposal for any clarification about lessons, only by appointment (e-mail). The use of EXCEL or MATLAB is recommended for calculations; the use of drawing tools is also required. By the end of the teaching, students will upload the design work on the teaching portal, on the dedicated page, in the section called ¡§Elaborati¡¨. By the first exam date, the project work will be corrected and it will be valid for more sessions. After the end of the lessons, no more reviews with the professors will be possible. In addition, if the number of attending students is compatible, technical visits to construction sites will be organized.
Usually, professors use ppt presentations, which are uploaded on the teaching portal, before the lessons. Extended documents on single topics, prepared by professors, form additional teaching material. Students who want to examine the topic in-depth, can refer to the following books (further and specific references in English will be provided during the lessons): o Rehva Guidebooks on HVAC Systems developed by Rehva (European Federation of Air Conditioning) o ASHRAE Fundamentals developed by ASHARE (American Society of Air Conditioning) o L.Stefanutti (a cura di), Manuale degli Impianti di Climatizzazione, Tecniche Nuove, 2007 o V.Corrado, E.Fabrizio, Applicazioni di termofisica dell¡¦edificio e climatizzazione, CLUT, 2009 (II edizione) o V. Corrado, S. Paduos, La nuova legislazione sull¡¦efficienza energetica degli edifici_Requisiti e metodi di calcolo, CELID, 2010 (II edizione) o S. Corgnati (a cura di), La procedura di certificazione energetica degli edifici in Piemonte_Guida pratica, CELID, 2010 o O. De Paoli, M. Ricupero (a cura di), Sistemi solari fotovoltaici e termici, CELID, 2007 o Posizione di AiCARR sul D.Lgs per gli aspetti riguardanti le rinnovabili termiche, AiCARR, 2011 (www.aicarr.com) For each topic covered during the lessons, the professors specify, on the teaching portal, which chapters of the reference books have to be examined in-depth. In addition, during the lessons, other bibliography related to technical literature, to regulations and to industrial production of technological components and systems, will be communicated. It is also suggested that the students visit the Documentation Centre ¡§Laboratorio di Analisi e Modellazione dei Sistemi Ambientali¡¨ (LAMSA), housed in Castello del Valentino.
The exam will consist of an oral test during which the design activity carried out by a group of students, or by a single student, together with knowledge of theory achieved during the lessons, will be discussed. In the event of a written test in place of the oral test, this will involve open format questions on theoretical contents; then, there will be an oral test related to the design activity carried out during the program. The final mark will take into account the value of design activity and the correctness of the given answers; in addition clarity, ability to synthesis, and the properties of language demonstrated during the conversation or in written tests will be considered. ______________________________
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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