Elenco notifiche

Transport innovation for a sustainable, inclusive and smart mobility


A.A. 2025/26

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Digital Skills For Sustainable Societal Transitions - Torino
Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Pianificazione Urbanistica E Territoriale - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/05 6 C - Affini o integrative A11
The course aims at training students to become capable of making the best and fastest use of digital technologies in the transport and mobility sector. Digital transformation of transport systems and mobility is proceeding fast and involves different aspects that will be analysed in the course, to allow students to acquire knowledge about: • infrastructures and services and their use; • traveller information, with specific attention to real time; • integrated transport, multimodal mobility and transport on demand; • new forms of mobility with attention to shared mobility; • Connected and Automated Transport; • Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and smart and integrated ticketing. Thus, the course aims to give a basic knowledge on the above topics, including economic and environmental implications, to give the necessary background to students to manage the data collection, communication and exchange to provide more sustainable and inclusive mobility services. The students will learn how using different methods, from traditional (surveys) to innovative ones (apps, sensors, etc.) that allow to connect things, to gather information, send information back, or both (IoT). Then, the course will provide the knowledge to treat and analyse data coming from several and different sources, with a particular attention to the aspect related to data security and privacy, making cybersecurity another element of the knowledge acquired in the course. The data security and privacy will be considered also under the lens of social and ethical implications. Definitely, the course aims to address the training needs of the transport sector that is evolving more and more towards digitalisation and increased connectivity, with attention to manage the digital transition in favour of a greater sustainability and inclusion. What we could synthesise in the concept of “smart mobility”. Case studies and examples of applications will allow students to transform knowledge in ability to create the competence to be spent in their professional life. To this end, students will be required to put into practice the lessons through exercises and case studies using methods of statistics, mathematics and information science as multivariate statistical analysis, probability, programming (e.g. python), data storage, data analytics, machine learning. Part of the course is devoted to the development of case studies applied to transport sector with focus on sustainability, accessibility, connectivity and inclusivity, where students are required to work as in a professional context to form their competence.
The course aims at training students to become capable of making the best and fastest use of digital technologies in the transport and mobility sector. Digital transformation of transport systems and mobility is proceeding fast and involves different aspects that will be analysed in the course, to allow students to acquire knowledge about: • infrastructures and services and their use; • traveller information, with specific attention to real time; • integrated transport, multimodal mobility and transport on demand; • new forms of mobility with attention to shared mobility; • Connected and Automated Transport; • Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and smart and integrated ticketing. Thus, the course aims to give a basic knowledge on the above topics, including economic and environmental implications, to give the necessary background to students to manage the data collection, communication and exchange to provide more sustainable and inclusive mobility services. The students will learn how using different methods, from traditional (surveys) to innovative ones (apps, sensors, etc.) that allow to connect things, to gather information, send information back, or both (IoT). Then, the course will provide the knowledge to treat and analyse data coming from several and different sources, with a particular attention to the aspect related to data security and privacy, making cybersecurity another element of the knowledge acquired in the course. The data security and privacy will be considered also under the lens of social and ethical implications. Definitely, the course aims to address the training needs of the transport sector that is evolving more and more towards digitalisation and increased connectivity, with attention to manage the digital transition in favour of a greater sustainability and inclusion. What we could synthesise in the concept of “smart mobility”. Case studies and examples of applications will allow students to transform knowledge in ability to create the competence to be spent in their professional life. To this end, students will be required to put into practice the lessons through exercises and case studies using methods of statistics, mathematics and information science as multivariate statistical analysis, probability, programming (e.g. python), data storage, data analytics, machine learning. Part of the course is devoted to the development of case studies applied to transport sector with focus on sustainability, accessibility, connectivity and inclusivity, where students are required to work as in a professional context to form their competence.
The knowledge acquired all along the course refers to innovation in transport systems and methods for data analytics. The collection and analysis of data (and big data) will allow obtaining useful information to provide original insights into, for example, the state of the transport market (transport demand), the travel behaviour, how to refine traveller experience strategies and so on. To this end, the students will be able to: - use tools to acquire data thanks to several channels: apps, sensors, etc. (IoT); - store data through the construction of databases; - process information thanks to advance statistical methods (e.g. multivariate statistical analysis) and data mining techniques, identifying correlations, patterns and trends in big volumes of data through neural networks, decision tree and analysis of associations; focusing on dedicated applications for transport sector, services (e.g. to customise technologies and successfully integrate them into existing systems) and infrastructural resources (computing capacity, storage, etc.). The capacity of data collection and analysis will be acquired together with the ability of ensuring data privacy and security to critically analyse the existing transport systems to make them progress towards a greater sustainability, also thanks to digital transition. The competence acquired will allow students to; • conceive an intelligent mobility system; • design and develop mobility services and solutions; • lead a "Digital Transition" project in the field of transport; or • conduct an "intelligent transport system" project in a company or a local authority; and to work in professional contexts as:  communities and transport authorities;  mobility service providers;  operators transporting people or goods;  infrastructure managers;  industrial manufacturers or automotive equipment manufacturers;  digital industry: IT services companies, software publishers, computer manufacturers, telecom operators and equipment manufacturers.
The knowledge acquired all along the course refers to innovation in transport systems and methods for data analytics. The collection and analysis of data (both normal and big data) will allow obtaining useful information to provide original insights into, for example, the state of the transport market (transport demand), the travel behaviour, how to refine traveller experience strategies and so on. To this end, the students will be able to:  use tools to acquire data thanks to several channels: surveys, sensors, etc. (IoT);  store data through the construction of databases;  process information thanks to advance statistical methods (e.g. multivariate statistical analysis) and data mining techniques, identifying correlations, patterns and trends in both normal and big volumes of data; focusing on dedicated applications for transport sector, services (e.g. to understand the best use of technologies and successfully integrate them into existing systems) and infrastructural resources (computing capacity, storage, etc.). The capacity of data collection and analysis will be acquired considering data privacy and security to critically analyse what is exploitable within existing transport systems to make them progress towards a greater sustainability, also thanks to digital transition. The competence acquired will allow students to; • conceive an intelligent transport system; • design mobility services and solutions; • lead a "Digital Transition" project in the field of transport; or • conduct an "intelligent transport system" project in a company or a local authority; and to work in professional contexts as:  communities and transport authorities;  mobility service providers;  operators transporting people or goods;  infrastructure managers;  industrial manufacturers or automotive equipment manufacturers;  digital industry: IT services companies, software publishers, computer manufacturers, telecom operators and equipment manufacturers.
The student must possess a good computer knowledge and the foundations of mathematics. It is also imperative that the student master the basic concepts of statistics. Regarding knowledge in transport discipline, it would be preferable for the student to have already acquired the basic of the discipline. For the development of the case studies, the student must have knowledge concerning the normal programming language, particularly of the Python language, and preferably data mining techniques as well.
The student must possess a good computer knowledge and the foundations of mathematics. It is also imperative that the student master the basic concepts of statistics. Regarding knowledge in transport discipline, it would be preferable for the student to have already acquired the basic of the discipline. For the development of the case studies, the student must have knowledge concerning the normal programming language, particularly of the Python language, and data mining techniques as well.
The course will be based on concept of learning by doing. Theoretical lectures (42h) will be followed by practical application with work on data (18h). INTRODUCTION TO TRANSPORT SYSTEMS Definitions and fundamentals of the discipline of transport. What are transport and mobility. Concepts of transport demand and transport supply. Characteristics of the transport demand (derived, not-derived, induced, latent) and of the transport supply (infrastructures and services). Impacts of the transport systems (economic, social, environmental). Analysis of the main trends in the mobility of people and goods and their main determinants. INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) Definition, technical and legal evolution; regulation. Fundamentals of ITS (standard and architecture) and application to innovation for transport systems, in mobility management, and in the definition of mobility patterns. Key underlying technologies of ITS for public transport management: a) Advanced Communications Systems (ACS); b) Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Systems; c) In-Vehicle Diagnostic Systems; d) Automatic Passenger Counter Systems; e) Traffic Counter Systems f) Electronic Payment Systems; g) Real time fleet management systems; h) Connected vehicles (V2V, V2I) and Autonomous vehicles. Communication and protocols. DATA COLLECTION AND INFORMATION PROCESSING Methods to identify and collect data from different sources will be covered. Methods ranging from traditional surveys to digital methods including: • use of smartphone apps as a collaborative tool for collecting mobility data; • data from smart cards; • sensors & IoT; • open data and real time data of transport systems and services. Standardisation of the collected data format where possible and use of data fusion techniques will also be covered. Other related topics that will be touched upon include data storage options, data privacy and security. Introduction to big data and big data analytics for transport sector. From data-driven models to decision intelligence and cognitive era. Use of big data analytics techniques to provide concrete applications for transport operators, to understand the state of the market, the transport demand, the travel behaviour and to better tailor the mobility services to improve user experience. Data analysis approach that is descriptive, predictive, prescriptive, i.e. exploiting big data analytics applications through which to generate 'insights', knowledge useful for decision-making processes (e.g. anticipating customers' needs by knowing their preferences and habits in real time). NEW MOBILITY SERVICES AND THE DIGITAL TRANSITION The new forms of mobility: shared, electric, automated. Technical and economical characteristics and general view about the transformations induced by the new mobility services carried by digital platforms. Actors, policies, legal aspects, cybersecurity. DIGITAL PLATFORMS AND MaaS (MOBILITY as a SERVICE) Digital platforms in the transport sector. Mobility as a Service: definition, ecosystem and typology. Benchmark of different MaaS across the world: limit and challenges. MaaS Stakeholders: roles and expectation. Business models of MaaS. CASE STUDIES (practical part) SHARED MOBILITY Collection of data from car sharing, bike-sharing, scooter sharing. Construction of data bases for analysing data to represent the transport demand, the travel behaviour and the effect on the territory in terms of land use, costs and impacts. CONNECTED AND AUTOMATED VEHICLES Definition of potential scenarios providing the introduction of automated vehicles, for passengers and for freight. Use of available data for studies or metadata. DIGITAL PLATFORMS AND MaaS Design of a MaaS and definition of the MaaS architecture using design techniques as service blueprinting. Definition of business model. The practical part will be held in the laboratories (LAIB) or, alternatively, the needed software will be usable also at home, being licensed to Politecnico and, in any case, mainly open source software and tools will be used.
The course will be based on concept of learning by doing. Theoretical lectures (42h) will be followed by practical application with work on data (18h). INTRODUCTION TO TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (1,5 hours) Definitions and fundamentals of the discipline of transport. What are transport and mobility. Concepts of transport demand and transport supply. Characteristics of the transport demand (derived, not-derived, induced, latent) and of the transport supply (infrastructures and services). Impacts of the transport systems (economic, social, environmental). Analysis of the main trends in the mobility of people and goods and their main determinants. INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (ITS) (6 hours) Definition, technical and legal evolution; regulation. Fundamentals of ITS (standard and architecture) and application to innovation for transport systems, in mobility management, and in the definition of mobility patterns. Key underlying technologies of ITS for public transport management: a) Advanced Communications Systems (ACS); b) Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) Systems; c) In-Vehicle Diagnostic Systems; d) Automatic Passenger Counter Systems; e) Traffic Counter Systems f) Electronic Payment Systems; g) Real time fleet management systems; h) Connected vehicles (V2V, V2I) and Autonomous vehicles. Communication and protocols. NEW MOBILITY SERVICES AND THE DIGITAL TRANSITION (3 hours) The new forms of mobility: shared, electric, automated. Technical and economical characteristics and general view about the transformations induced by the new mobility services carried by digital platforms. Actors, policies, legal aspects, cybersecurity. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS (18 hours) Methods to identify and collect data from different sources will be explained. Travel surveys will be analysed in detail showing the typologies of data needed to characterise the mobility patterns and understand travel behaviour. Examples of questionnaires will be shown with discussion in class to learn how to design a questionnaire for data collection, comparing those data with those obtained from digital methods. After that digital methods for data collection will be explained, including: • use of smartphone apps as a collaborative tool for collecting mobility data; • data from smart cards; • sensors & IoT; • open data and real time data of transport systems and services. Standardisation of the collected data format where possible and short account about the use of data fusion techniques will also be covered. Other related topics that will be touched upon include data storage options with mention to data privacy and security for both traditional travel survey and digital techniques (e.g. sensors). Considering different data sources (surveys and sensors), techniques suited for analysing those data will be shown, according to the size of the sample and the typologies of variables in the data base. Multivariate statistical analysis and big data analytics techniques will be used to provide concrete applications for transport operators, to understand the state of the market, the transport demand, the travel behaviour and to better tailor the mobility services to improve user experience. Data analysis approach that is descriptive, predictive, prescriptive, i.e. exploiting big data analytics applications through which to generate 'insights', knowledge useful for decision-making processes (e.g. anticipating customers' needs by knowing their preferences and habits in real time). SHORT OVERVIEW ON TRANSPORT MODELS (7,5 hours) The transport supply. The plan area and the study area: delimitation and relations with the outside world and vice versa. Zoning of the plan and study area. The zonal amplitude and the centroid concept. The concept of origin and destination. The transport network graph: nodes and arcs. The relationship between cost and arc flow: the route. The operational cost in transport. The generalised cost of transport. The transport demand and methods for quantifying it. Demand models. General structure of demand models. Stage models: trip generation, distribution, modal split and allocation models. Discrete choice or random utility behavioural models. DIGITAL PLATFORMS AND MaaS (MOBILITY as a SERVICE) (6 hours) Digital platforms in the transport sector. Mobility as a Service: definition, ecosystem and typology. Benchmark of different MaaS across the world: limit and challenges. MaaS Stakeholders: roles and expectation. Business models of MaaS. CASE STUDIES (practical part) (18 hours) TRAVEL SURVEY DESIGN (3 hours) Practical part on designing a questionnaire to collect mobility data. TRANSPORT DEMAND (4,5 hours) Analysis of the transport demand using multivariate statistical analysis using public data bases coming from travel surveys. SHARED MOBILITY (4,5 hours) Collection of data from car sharing, bike-sharing, scooter sharing. Construction of data bases for analysing data to represent the transport demand, the travel behaviour and the effect on the territory in terms of land use, costs and impacts. CALCULATION OF TRAVEL COST IN DIFFERENT SCENARIOS (3 hours) Calculation of generalised cost using different transport modes in different scenarios. DIGITAL PLATFORMS AND MaaS (3 hours) Design of a MaaS and definition of the MaaS architecture using design techniques as service blueprinting. The practical part will be held in the laboratories (LAIB) or in class. The needed software will be usable also at home, being licensed to Politecnico and, in any case, mainly open-source software and tools will be used.
Teaching sees frontal lessons alternating with practical application and exercises through the use of software and computers. Some topics will be also addressed by industry experts who will bring their expertise on some topics. The practical work will be done using the students' PCs that will be called to implement simple programs to collect, store, and analyse the data. Students will work in groups of three, and they will be required to write a report on some of the laboratory experiences. The contents of these will be indicated during lectures by the teacher. The above structure will be maintained both in case of physical and online lectures. Indeed, the software will be usable also at home, being licensed to Politecnico and, in any case, mainly open source software and tools will be used.
Teaching sees frontal lessons alternating with practical application and exercises through the use of software and computers. Some topics will be also addressed by industry experts who will bring their expertise on some topics. The practical work will be done using the students' PCs. Students will be called to implement programs to collect, store, and analyse the data. Students will work individually, and they will be required to write a short report on some of the laboratory experiences. The contents of these will be indicated during lectures by the teacher. The above structure will be maintained both in case of physical and online lectures. Indeed, the software will be usable also at home, being licensed to Politecnico and, in any case, mainly open-source software and tools will be used.
The nature of the course and the available references do not allow to have a textbook and the attendance to the course is fundamental for an effective learning process. During the course (at each time) the teacher will upload in the teaching portal a rich range of material, formed by reports, scientific articles, slides as well as open access software and manuals. There will be a section with material for the course and a section with additional material for whom interested to deepen the topics of the course for pure sake of additional knowledge.
The nature of the course and the available references do not allow to have a unique textbook and the attendance to the course is fundamental for an effective learning process. During the course (at each time) the teacher will upload in the teaching portal a rich range of material, formed by reports, scientific articles, books (or chapters), slides as well as open access software and manuals. There will be a section with material for the course and a section with additional material for whom interested to deepen the topics of the course for pure sake of additional knowledge.
Slides; Dispense; Libro di testo; Video lezioni tratte da anni precedenti;
Lecture slides; Lecture notes; Text book; Video lectures (previous years);
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato scritto individuale; Elaborato progettuale individuale;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual essay; Individual project;
... Exam: compulsory oral exam; group report for each case study. Students will have to prepare a report for each Case study (group report) whose content is indicated in the syllabus (practical part). The group reports have to be uploaded on the teaching portal in pdf format. The deadline for the upload of each report is fixed by the teacher after each Case study. It will not possible to register to the exam of not all the group reports have been uploaded at the moment of the registering for the exam. It is possible to upload multiple versions of the report, however only the last one will be considered. Each report will be corrected and the grade (maximum 30 and praise) will be proposed to the group. Once corrected, the reports can be changed/updated only if all students of the group agree to do so. The report will be valid for 2 years so that students that did not pass the oral exam do not have to prepare another report. Each student will then have an oral exam on the topics faced during the course for in-depth discussion of topics discussed in lessons and/or addressed during the case studies. During the individual oral exam, the student will have to answer up to four questions on the topics presented during the classes. During the oral exam, the student will also discuss the group reports by presenting some of the results he/she obtained and described in the report. The oral examination must be sufficient and over 18/30. The final vote will be given by the weighted average of the oral vote (80%) and the average of group's reports grade (20%). The maximum vote will be 30 cum laude.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Individual essay; Individual project;
Exam: compulsory oral exam; individual report for each case study. Students will have to prepare a report for each Case Study (individual report) whose content is indicated in the syllabus (practical part). The individual reports have to be uploaded on the teaching portal in pdf format. The deadline for uploading each report is set by the teacher after each Case Study. It will not be possible to register for the exam if not all the individual reports have been uploaded when registering for the exam (usually one week before the exam). It is possible to upload several versions of the report, but only the last one will be considered. Each report will be reviewed, and the possibility of taking the oral exam will be communicated to the student on the day of the oral exam. A grade will not be assigned to the report(s), but it will be indicated whether they are sufficient or not. If the scores of all the reports are insufficient (less than 18/30), the student cannot take the oral exam and has to revise the insufficient report/s. Once the student has reviewed the insufficient report(s), he/she can upload it/them back to the portal. The report/s will be re-evaluated by the teacher for the next call and the result of the evaluation will be communicated on the day of the exam. This applies for any call. Sufficient reports will be valid for 2 years, so that students who did not pass the oral exam do not have to prepare another report/s. Each student with a sufficient score in the individual reports will then take an oral exam on the topics covered during the course for in-depth discussion of individual reports and of topics discussed in the lectures and/or addressed during the case studies. During the individual oral exam, the student will have to pass two waves of questions: 1) one related to the practical part to discuss the individual reports and discuss some of the results obtained and described in the report; and 2) one consisting of up to four questions on the topics presented during the lectures. The student will be awarded a grade relating to the reports after the discussion and a grade relating to the oral part. The final grade will be given by the weighted average of the oral exam grade (80%) and the average of the individual report grades (20%), which will be assigned according to the discussion of the oral exam. The oral exam must be sufficient and above 18/30. The maximum score will be 30 cum laude.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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