Elenco notifiche



A.A. 2025/26

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Automotive Engineering (Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A *** 20 E - Per prova finale e conoscenza della lingua straniera Per la prova finale
La tesi di laurea magistrale può essere svolta presso un Dipartimento oppure presso un’azienda. Nel caso di tirocinio in azienda i venti crediti previsti possono essere suddivisi in una tesi da dodici crediti e un tirocinio da otto. Su richiesta dell’azienda, a questi otto crediti possono essere aggiunti ulteriori dieci crediti e scegliere un tirocinio da diciotto crediti. Il tirocinio viene usualmente svolto presso centri di ricerca o imprese del settore autoveicolistico e offre agli allievi la possibilità di effettuare una esperienza aziendale che sarà assai utile al momento del loro inserimento nel mondo del lavoro. In questa loro esperienza gli studenti sono seguiti sia da un tutore aziendale sia da un docente del Corso di studio che ha avuto la responsabilità di un modulo. Il tema da affrontare nell’ambito del tirocinio e la sede di svolgimento vengono scelti dall’allievo fra quelli messi periodicamente a disposizione dalle aziende del settore autoveicolistico e del suo indotto, da centri di ricerca e da associazioni di categoria e consiste nello svolgimento di uno studio originale di carattere tecnico o scientifico o di un progetto. La preparazione e la discussione della tesi di laurea magistrale costituiscono il punto conclusivo della formazione universitaria di secondo livello. Esse offrono all’allievo l’opportunità sia di dimostrare il livello di competenze raggiunto, sia di venire a contatto con realtà in grado di offrire concreti sbocchi occupazionali. La tesi può essere svolta sia in Italia che all’estero. La qualità della tesi e della sua esposizione è oggetto di valutazione da parte della Commissione di Laurea Specialistica; tale valutazione concorre, con i risultati degli esami di profitto di tutti i moduli, a determinare il voto finale di laurea magistrale.
Specialist degree work placement concludes second level university education and can also be considered as an important reference for drawing up specialist degree thesis. Work placement usually takes place at research centres or motor vehicle companies and offers the students the possibility to have some business experience that will be very useful once they will enter the world of work. During this experience, students are under the guidance of both a company tutor and a professor belonging to their Course of Study, who was responsible for one module. Work placement subject and seat will be chosen by the students from among those periodically offered by motor vehicle companies and allied industries, research centres, trading associations. Corporate work placement can be replaced with departmental work placement. At the end of this work , whose term is about three months, each student under the guidance of his company tutor and academical referent has to prepare a report which will contribute to grading this formative activity and which will possibly represent a reference for drawing up magistral degree thesis. Preparing and discussing magistral degree thesis is the final stage of second level university education. It gives the student the opportunity both to demonstrate the achieved expertise level and to come into contact with realities able to offer job opportunities. The Specialist degree thesis consists in carrying out either an original technical or scientific study or the study of a project, under the guidance of a Professor belonging to the Course of Study. Drawing up may take place in Italy or abroad, either at university institutions or at companies or research bodies belonging to motor vehicle industry. Regulations for carrying out, discussing and marking of the degree thesis are fixed by the Educatonal Area-Board. The Specialist Degree Commission will evaluate the quality and exposition of the thesis; this evaluation contributes, together with examination marks of all the modules, to determine specialist degree result.
Specialist degree work placement concludes second level university education and can also be considered as an important reference for drawing up specialist degree thesis. Work placement usually takes place at research centres or motor vehicle companies and offers the students the possibility to have some business experience that will be very useful once they will enter the world of work. During this experience, students are under the guidance of both a company tutor and a professor belonging to their Course of Study, who was responsible for one module. Work placement subject and seat will be chosen by the students from among those periodically offered by motor vehicle companies and allied industries, research centres, trading associations. Corporate work placement can be replaced with departmental work placement. At the end of this work , whose term is about three months, each student under the guidance of his company tutor and academical referent has to prepare a report which will contribute to grading this formative activity and which will possibly represent a reference for drawing up magistral degree thesis. Preparing and discussing magistral degree thesis is the final stage of second level university education. It gives the student the opportunity both to demonstrate the achieved expertise level and to come into contact with realities able to offer job opportunities. The Specialist degree thesis consists in carrying out either an original technical or scientific study or the study of a project, under the guidance of a Professor belonging to the Course of Study. Drawing up may take place in Italy or abroad, either at university institutions or at companies or research bodies belonging to motor vehicle industry. Regulations for carrying out, discussing and marking of the degree thesis are fixed by the Educatonal Area-Board. The Specialist Degree Commission will evaluate the quality and exposition of the thesis; this evaluation contributes, together with examination marks of all the modules, to determine specialist degree result.
Specialist degree work placement concludes second level university education and can also be considered as an important reference for drawing up specialist degree thesis. Work placement usually takes place at research centres or motor vehicle companies and offers the students the possibility to have some business experience that will be very useful once they will enter the world of work. During this experience, students are under the guidance of both a company tutor and a professor belonging to their Course of Study, who was responsible for one module. Work placement subject and seat will be chosen by the students from among those periodically offered by motor vehicle companies and allied industries, research centres, trading associations. Corporate work placement can be replaced with departmental work placement. At the end of this work , whose term is about three months, each student under the guidance of his company tutor and academical referent has to prepare a report which will contribute to grading this formative activity and which will possibly represent a reference for drawing up magistral degree thesis. Preparing and discussing magistral degree thesis is the final stage of second level university education. It gives the student the opportunity both to demonstrate the achieved expertise level and to come into contact with realities able to offer job opportunities. The Specialist degree thesis consists in carrying out either an original technical or scientific study or the study of a project, under the guidance of a Professor belonging to the Course of Study. Drawing up may take place in Italy or abroad, either at university institutions or at companies or research bodies belonging to motor vehicle industry. Regulations for carrying out, discussing and marking of the degree thesis are fixed by the Educatonal Area-Board. The Specialist Degree Commission will evaluate the quality and exposition of the thesis; this evaluation contributes, together with examination marks of all the modules, to determine specialist degree result.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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