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Applied electronics


A.A. 2025/26

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Informatica (Computer Engineering) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/01 8 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria elettronica
This course completes the basic electronic elements addressed in the previous "Electronic systems, technologies and meaurements” course, providing detailed analysis of medium-complexity electronic systems, with major focus on digital units, and introducing some design issue. The course includes the fundamental concepts of Analog to Digital interfacing, considering the circuits that must interface with sensors and actuators.
Ability to analyze circuits with input either analog or digital signals, including ADC and DAC. Understanding the characteristics of electronic devices and integrated circuits, ability to use the data sheets. Ability to define the characteristics of functional blocks, and to design blocks of limited complexity using integrated commercial components. Knowledge of issues and techniques for interfacing and communication between modules, basic protocols, design of simple interfaces. Knowledge of the different manufacturing techniques and design flow for electronic systems, with related parameters (speed, power consumption, cost) and features. Ability to design interface circuits with sensors and actuators, using their typical parameters.
Analysis of electrical networks and characteristics of signals in the time and frequency domains. Models and characteristics of diodes, MOS Transistors, operational amplifiers. Behaviour, parameters and models of operational amplifiers and basic logic circuits. Tools and techniques for basic measurements (voltage, current, spectral analysis); quantitative analysis of measurement errors.
Combinatorial digital circuits (10h) - Functional specifications. - nMOS, pMOS and CMOS technologies. - Electrical and interfacing features. - Experimental laboratories. Complex logic circuits: (10 h) - Review on basic sequential logic circuits; - Programmable logic circuits, PLA, FPGA. - Memory Bus and interconnections (18 h) - Review of transmission lines behaviour, reflections, termination, crosstalk. - Layered model for interconnections, topologies, taxonomy. - Synchronization protocols for reading and writing, master-slave protocols, multi-master, arbitration. - Examples of standard protocols. - Techniques for the distribution of clock signals and power. Data acquisition systems (18 h) - Conversion systems, sampling and quantization. - Techniques and circuits for A / D to D / A. - Signal conditioning, multiplexers, Sample / Hold. - Systems Analog / Digital, an example of complex system with microporous / DSP or FPGA. Power Systems and Power Supplies (8 h) - Energy management: Power supply, Battery Charger; - Single and full wave rectifiers; - PWM regulation. - Dissipative and switching voltage regulators; examples of integrated devices. Sensors and Actuators interfacing (8 h) - Interface circuits with basic sensors and actuators. - Instrumentation amplifiers Electronic drivers for main actuators (8h) - Switching use of MOSFETs. - Resistive and inductive load driving. - Half-bridge and bridge circuits.
The course includes theoretical lessons, classroom exercises (18 hours) and a experimental laboratory part (15 hours). Classroom exercizes consist in the analysis of circuits and electronic systems and small projects, related to the topics of the lectures. The experimental laboratory part is carried on at the education laboratories LED and consists in the mounting of simple circuits, characterization of their perfomance by electronic measurements and comparison with theoretical prediction. In case of limited or impossible access to the lab due to the pandemic situation the laboratory part will be replaced with a Virtual Laboratory. Virtual Laboratory experiments (15 hours) are carried out by students using the circuit simulation tool LTSPice and the assistance of a professor. The laboratory part (either in presence or virtulal) addresses: Characterization of simple combinational logic and sequential logic circuits Digital interconnections, reflections, termination ; D/A and A/D converters; Logic circuit design
F. Maloberti: Understanding Microelectronics: A Top-Down Approach; Wiley, December 2011, ISBN: 978-0-470-74555-7. N. Storey, “Electronics: a system approach”, Pearson, Fourth edition
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam;
The final assessment is based on a written test and a optional oral examination. The written test includes numerical exercises and questions related to the topics of the course. The time slot for the written examination is 2 hours. The written part consists in: 10 mandatory quiz with multiple choice answers, 4 mandatory problems and 3 optional questions on the laboratory part. Final score is maximum 27/30 + max 3 points for the correct answer to the 3 optional questions on the lab part. Oral exam (colloquim of 15-20 minutes) is not mandatory and can be requeted by the stundent or by the professor (if the professor has doubts on the fair behaviour of the student during the exam). Points for the oral part: from -3 to maximum +3 Course notes, books or anyother resource are adimitted during the exam. The use of calculator is admitted AFTER the EXAM: the student will have the possibility to see his/her own work with the corrections and the solutions, ask questions to professor for understaning the corrections.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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