Ricerca CERCA

Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica


azienda TESI AZIENDA Data-centric AI: Dataset augmentation techniques for bias and data quality improvement  TORCHIANO MARCO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG  DAUIN - GR-22 - Nexa Center for Internet & Society - NEXA
Detecting the risk discrimination in classifiers with imbalance measures  TORCHIANO MARCO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG  DAUIN - GR-22 - Nexa Center for Internet & Society - NEXA
Developing a browser extension for tracking personal data transfers with a gamification-based approach  COPPOLA RICCARDO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG  DAUIN - GR-22 - Nexa Center for Internet & Society - NEXA
Developing experimental testing methods and tools for auditing online software systems for bias and discrimination  COPPOLA RICCARDO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG  DAUIN - GR-22 - Nexa Center for Internet & Society - NEXA
azienda TESI AZIENDA Implementation of 'fairness by design' principles and fairness metrics in AI systems  TORCHIANO MARCO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG  DAUIN - GR-22 - Nexa Center for Internet & Society - NEXA
azienda TESI AZIENDA Practical application of Agile methodology, DevOps automation and Cloud Native Architecture principles to Data API services  TORCHIANO MARCO  DAUIN - GR-16 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GROUP - SOFTENG  DAUIN - GR-22 - Nexa Center for Internet & Society - NEXA
Trade-offs in accuracy, privacy and fairness with generative AI-based synthetic data production  DAUIN - GR-22 - Nexa Center for Internet & Society - NEXA