Ricerca CERCA

GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS

XR for training emergency medical personnel in invasive procedures




Research Groups GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS

Description This thesis will be developed in collaboration with Mauriziano Hospital / Università di Torino and will focus on the use of XR technologies in healthcare education and training. More specifically, in their clinical practice, emergency doctors often need to perform invasive procedures.
Among these, one of the most complex is the placement of a central venous catheter in a large-caliber vein (jugular, subclavian, femoral). The procedure involves several steps, some of which are performed under ultrasound guidance. Specifically, the doctor must identify the vessel to be punctured using ultrasound and manage the ultrasound probe with one hand while using the dominant hand to puncture the vessel. Another procedure presenting similar challenges is thoracentesis, a medical procedure performed to remove fluid or air from the pleural space (i.e., the thin gap between the lungs and the chest wall). Similarly, paracentesis is a medical procedure in which a needle or catheter is inserted into the peritoneal cavity to obtain ascitic fluid for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

The main difficulty of these procedures is developing good manual skills in simultaneously handling multiple instruments. This thesis proposal aims to study XR solutions that would allow emergency doctors to practice and improve their manual skills. It would be beneficial to conduct training using XR, because, currently, the only way to learn is by performing these procedures live with real patients. This approach comes with a range of issues, including risk to the patient, overcrowding in the emergency department, and the lack of necessary time to properly apply and execute the training on the procedure.
The literature has already confirmed the numerous benefits brought by the use of XR technologies for medical training. However, limited works have focused on aspects related to the improvements of manual skills. This is probably due to the challenges that come when integrating real tools within Augmented or Virtual Reality applications.

Suggested reads:
- Vaghela, K. R., et al. Active vs passive haptic feedback technology in virtual reality arthroscopy simulation: Which is most realistic? Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma (2021)
- Licona, A. R., et al. Applications of haptics in medicine. Haptic Interfaces for Accessibility, Health, and Enhanced Quality of Life (2020)
- Escobar-Castillejos, D., et al. A review of simulators with haptic devices for medical training. Journal of medical systems (2016)
- Bruno Tartaglino,Carolina Prevaldi. Manovre e Procedure - Medicina di Emergenza-Urgenza. C.G. Edizioni Medico Scientifich. ISBN / ISSN: 978-88-7110-233-7 (2010)

See also  http://grains.polito.it/work.php

Deadline 15/01/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA