Ricerca CERCA

Area Engineering


azienda TESI AZIENDA Audio Synthetic Data for Machine Learning  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
Design and development of a Power Management Unit for energy harvesting systems  TURVANI GIOVANNA  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
azienda TESI AZIENDA Design of Digital Demodulators for PowerReceiver-to-PowerTransmitter communication in Wireless Power Transfer systems  TURVANI GIOVANNA  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
Design of a Portable Device for Early Detection of Carotid Artery Stenosis  GRAZIANO MARIAGRAZIA  MEIBURGER KRISTEN MARIKO  TURVANI GIOVANNA  ZAMBONI MAURIZIO  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Development of a methodology using software defined radios for magnetic measurement setups  GRAZIANO MARIAGRAZIA  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
Enhancing Qubit Control and Readout: FPGA RTL Adaptation on the QICK Platform for Superconducting Quantum Experiments  GRAZIANO MARIAGRAZIA  TURVANI GIOVANNA  ZAMBONI MAURIZIO  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
Environmental dashboard for bees monitoring  TURVANI GIOVANNA
FPGA-based HW Design for Digital Signal Processing for Advanced Audio Beamforming  TURVANI GIOVANNA  ZAMBONI MAURIZIO  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
Machine learning platform for smart agricolture  TURVANI GIOVANNA  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
Tiny Machine Learning for IoT systems  TURVANI GIOVANNA  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
azienda TESI AZIENDA Video Synthetic Data for Machine Learning  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)