Ricerca CERCA

Area Engineering


Control and non-linear energy dissipation devices in pipeline systems for chemical plants  MATTA EMILIANO  Centre of Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems, Cranfield University, UK  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN XP-Resilience team  Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C) www.r3c.polito.it
Condition assessment of concrete spatial stuctures and vaulting systems  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C) www.r3c.polito.it
Damage thresholds for monitored historical structures: the Sanctuary of Vicoforte  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab
Discrete element model calibration of masonry structures  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Masonry Research Group of University of Leeds
Experimental and numerical analysis for structural behaviour and durability evaluation of historical cementitious composite elements  LENTICCHIA ERICA  TONDOLO FRANCESCO
Identification, Seismic Analysis ans Safety Assessment of Cultural Heritage Structures  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab
Modeling and calibration for the structural analysis of structural artworks belonging to the 20th century heritage  LENTICCHIA ERICA  MIRAGLIA GAETANO
Non-linear identification of structures and hybrid simulations  Computational Methods in Civil Engineering, University of Aarhus (DK)  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab
Object Oriented System Identification Software in Python\QT environment  laboratorio di dinamica e sismica
Structural Health Monitoring through video-processing technologies  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab
Structural models to support research on historical cultural heritage  MIRAGLIA GAETANO  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C) www.r3c.polito.it
Structural rehabilitation and seismic upgrade of a baroque church  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab
Use of satellite images for thermo-hygrometric characterization of the soil: applications to the structural monitoring of the Vicoforte Sanctuary.  MUTANI GUGLIELMINA