Ricerca CERCA


Air transport of freight: methods, air carriers, organisation of flows  Trasporti
Analisi della catena energetica complessiva per diverse tipologie di combustibili e vettori energetici utilizzabili nei trasporti terrestri.  Trasporti
Analisi della catena energetica complessiva per diverse tipologie di combustibili e vettori energetici utilizzabili nei trasporti terrestri.  Trasporti
azienda TESI AZIENDA Analysis an assessment of performance and range autonomy if electric vehicles operated for public transport  Trasporti
Analysis of issues related to long and heavy freight trains
azienda TESI AZIENDA Analysis of operational and design issues for the construction of ropes to be installed on ropeways and handling systems
Analysis of the evolution of maritime transport, with related container ships, terminals and connections with inland
Analysis of the evolution of maritime transport, with related container ships, terminals and connections with inland  CABALLINI CLAUDIA
azienda TESI AZIENDA Analysis of theeffect of traffic-light priority on urban traways.
azienda TESI AZIENDA Application of vehicle-infrastructure communication systems for traffic control  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Application of wireless sensor networks in freight villages or logistic centres aimed at traffic monitoring and previsions.
azienda TESI AZIENDA Automated passenger counting (APC) on buses  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Calculation method for the catenary function in a rope installation
Capacity supply of Italian road infrastructures in relation with the traffic evolution and the demand mobility  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Choice models in the alternatives among motor vehicles with internal combustion, diesel, CNG, electrical, hybrid traction.  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
azienda TESI AZIENDA Comparative analysis and simulation of traffic control strategies  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Convogli ferroviari per il trasporto merci con sistemi innovativi di frenatura
azienda TESI AZIENDA Crash reconstruction in road accidents on a base of real data  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Daily capacity of the metropolitan rail network of Turin
azienda TESI AZIENDA Development of enhanced signaling systems for railways
Distribution network for oil-derived fuels used for motor vehicles vs. electric charging network for plug-in vehicles: analysis of the overall effects on queues at national level.  CABALLINI CLAUDIA  Trasporti
Double rail gauge on the same rail track equipment: outcomes on the operation of trains
Effects of economic aspects and consumptions following a road transport with hybrid traction or natural gas prolusion  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Effects on road safety of inter-vehicle communication and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication systems.
Engineering and design of a funicular railway (cable railway): method and calculation; with related stage in a company
azienda TESI AZIENDA Engineering and design of new typologies of rope transport systems: chairlift and ski-lifts
Engineering and technical design of rope installations with the Italian and European technical rules: differences and results.
Environmental contraints and actions concerning transport and mobility
Environmentally protected areas: implementation of specific rules and interface for the automated updating by City towns  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Evaluation of comfort and vibrations on vehicles operating on rope installations
Freight ropeways (telpherages): engineering and operation
azienda TESI AZIENDA Freight transport energy efficiency: consumption, emissions and tests  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Guidelines for the engineering and design of public transport installations based on rope traction (APM)
Hypothesis, simulations and possible applications of positive train control (PTC) systems on trains and national railways
Impacts on mobility and traffic of interventions on the territory  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO  Traspporti
azienda TESI AZIENDA Intelligent transport systems for on-board preventive safety in road transport  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
azienda TESI AZIENDA Introduction of a signalling system with automatic control of train operation.
Magnetic levitation transport systems
Management of urban transport: services, parameters and measurement of quality
Methods and models for automatic incident detection with wireless sensor networks  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
azienda TESI AZIENDA Mobility as a servici and mobility management  CABALLINI CLAUDIA
Modal choice in road-rail transport of goods  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO  DIANA MARCO
Motionless communications systems and motorised mobility: analysis of substitution and generation of transport demand  CABALLINI CLAUDIA  Trasporti
Operation of the rail network in critical situations or emergency: residual capacity and planning of the service
Possible applications of the ATO on regional railways through the use of ERTMS with impacts on the braking curve and the braking system architecture
Practical methods for calculating the catenary function and optimisation approach for the positioning of towers along ropeways
Queuing theory: applications related to new transport prolems
azienda TESI AZIENDA Real-time optimization of traffic signals in urban networks  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Relationships among the motoriosed mobility and motionless communications: macro-cycles in rail transport, urban transport by metro and ITS
Risk analysis of ADAS and IVC technologies  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
azienda TESI AZIENDA Road network of Piedmont: correlation between traffic data and accident data  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO  Trasporti
azienda TESI AZIENDA Road network of Piedmont: correlation between traffic data and accident data  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO  Trasporti
azienda TESI AZIENDA esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Road traffic monitoring systems  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO
Simulation of intermodal terminal and handling techniques in road-rail combined transport
Simulation of railway lines
Sviluppo di sensori in fibra ottica per il monitoraggio del traffico stradale e del peso dei veicoli in movimento.  VALLAN ALBERTO  Low frequency measurement group
Techniques for reconstructing traffic flows through distributed sensor networks
azienda TESI AZIENDA The resistance of splicing and end-fixings for rope transport installations (ropeways)
The role of hydrogen in the future of transport  Trasporti
Transport energy efficiency
Transport energy efficiency: consumption and emissions
Unconventional transport services (sharing, pooling, micro-mobility): a juridical survey  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO  Trasporti
Unconventional transport services (sharing, pooling, micro-mobility): a juridical survey  DEFLORIO FRANCESCO PAOLO  Trasporti
azienda TESI AZIENDA Urban rope transport systems and related market potentials
Use of bicycles for urban transport: use, market, production and perspectives