Ricerca CERCA


Application of Approximate Computing Techniques in Large Language Models (LLMs)  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
AI-based Meta-Modeling of Whole-Cell Models  BARDINI ROBERTA  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
Biomimetic Design of Photonic Devices for Neuromorphic Computing  BARDINI ROBERTA  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
azienda TESI AZIENDA Continuos Integration e Unit Testing con Hardware-in-the-Loop per l'Ottimizzazione della Qualità del Software Embedded (in ARDUINO)  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Detezione di guasti utilizzando AI tramite monitoraggio dell’heap e stack di un programma  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Development and Optimization of a Hardware Security Module (HSM) in GEM5  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Diseases associations finding through deep learning algorithms​  BARDINI ROBERTA  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
Exploration of Fault Attack Mutations  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
Fine-Tuned Foundation Model for Automated Biofabrication Protocol Generation  BARDINI ROBERTA  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
azienda TESI AZIENDA Metodologie di Artificial Intelligence per il supporto al Production Testing in Piattaforme IoT/Edge (in ARDUINO)  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Modellazione di Physical Unclonable Functions in GEM5  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
Multi-Modal Single-Cell Neuronal Plasticity Analysis  BARDINI ROBERTA  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci - SMILIES
Teaching Neuromorphic Hardware Fault Resiliency  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci