Ricerca CERCA

03-Aerotermodinamica, Magnetofluidodinamica e dinamica dei plasmi

Numerical methods and physical models for hypersonic aerothermodynamics


Reference persons DOMENIC D'AMBROSIO

Research Groups 03-Aerotermodinamica, Magnetofluidodinamica e dinamica dei plasmi

Thesis type NUMERICAL

Description The thesis will focus on updating an existing in-house-built CFD code used for simulating high-temperature and high-speed (hypersonic) flow fields. This code has been developed in the past years by the thesis' supervisor. The updates will encompass various aspects, which may not necessarily be tackled in this order:
* Physical models for high-temperature reacting gas mixtures, including thermal non-equilibrium models, chemical non-equilibrium models, and diffusion models.
* Extension to 3D configurations.
* Input/output interfaces with mesh generators and post-processing (visualization) tools.
* Acceleration methods, such as multigrid (algebraic and/or geometric) and implicit integration techniques.
Each candidate will work just on one or two aspects mentioned above. Consequently, multiple students may apply for this general theme and then concentrate on a specific aspect.

Required skills Regardless of the specific aspect, the thesis presents an opportunity that calls for candidates to challenge themselves on computational, programming, and physical modeling aspects. We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a strong academic background in aerogasdynamics. Basic knowledge of Computational Fluid Dynamics methods, such as those covered in the course 'Fluidodinamica Computazionale' conducted by the thesis' supervisor or any other university-level CFD course, is required. Additionally, familiarity with the physical modeling of high-speed and high-temperature gas dynamics, as introduced in the course 'Fluidodinamica nel volo spaziale,' will be considered a plus.
However, we encourage candidates with sufficiently high average grades and a passion for aerodynamics to apply without feeling intimidated by the subject.

Deadline 02/08/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA