Ricerca CERCA

17 - Progettazione di macchine rotanti e sistemi meccatronici

Development of a flexible V&V platform for Lithium Ion Battery Management Systems (MIL / SIL / PIL)

azienda Thesis in external company    

Reference persons ANGELO BONFITTO

Research Groups 17 - Progettazione di macchine rotanti e sistemi meccatronici

Description The candidate will take part in a team dedicated to the implementation of a flexible End to End (E2E) validation and verification (V&V) platform for Lithium Ion Battery Management Systems (BMS). The stream of works consists in the development of robust automation processes to configure and run Model-in-the-Loop (MiL), Software-in-the-Loop (SiL) and Processor-in-the-Loop (PiL) simulations.
The objectives are:
Identification and development of test scenarios for Lithium Ion Battery Systems
• Design of UI to configure simulations (MiL, SiL, PiL)
• Assure complete requirements traceability against test cases
• Implementation of automated test processes
The prerequisites are:
• Knowledge of Matlab, Simulink, Simscape
• Demonstrated interest in the Automotive and Electrification field (university projects, extracurricular activities..)
• Self-directed learning skills

See also  piano formativo2022_bms.pdf 

Deadline 22/03/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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