Ricerca CERCA

GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS

A VR-based recommender system for educational material in the Metaverse


Reference persons FABRIZIO LAMBERTI

Research Groups GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS

Description Finding educational material that is required to complete the own set of possessed skills or those of a company's workforce is essential in today's knowledge society.

The IEEE Digital Reality has developed a tool, known as Knowledge as a Service or KaaS (https://kaas.ieee.org/) that can be used to describe a set of possessed skills based on the IEEE ontology and match it against the knowledge base of IEEE Technology Navigator, thus gaining access to the universe of information related to IEEE conferences, publications, standards, and articles.

The aim of this thesis is to create a virtual environment for letting users access the KaaS tool in an engaging manner.

It will be necessary to choose whether to use one of the existing VR-enabled Metaverse or Social VR platforms, or develop an hoc one, e.g., starting from a custom virtual environment recently developed by the GRAINS group and the VR@POLITO for similar purposes. A pleasant and appropriate immersive space will have to be created. Then, the virtual environment will have to be connected to KaaS using available REST APIs, and an effective (e.g., gamified) user interface will have to be developed.

See also  http://grains.polito.it/work.php

Deadline 30/04/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA