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RE-school, www.re-school.polito.it

RE2-School: re-rethinking school infrastructure - from building typologies to technologies and performance (energy and comfort) + possible internship


Riferimenti esterni Carlo Micono

Gruppi di ricerca FULL, RE-school, www.re-school.polito.it, TEBE group, www.polito.it/tebe

Descrizione RE-School v2: rethinking school infrastructure - from building typologies to technologies and performance (energy and comfort)

Starting from building typologies classifications (work that is already done), the thesis work aims to understand recurrent building technologies used and understand the building performance (in terms of energy for heating and lighting, thermal and daylight comfort and IAQ) for representative cases for current and future climate scenario. Finally a general refurbishment approach is investigated, for specific school building cases, by means of building performance simulation and by means of technological design and integration. The refurbishment approach is aimed at reduce energy uses to minimum extent (nearly Zero Energy Building), improve environmental comfort, and integrating passive strategies and building envelope technologies with innovative teaching layouts.

Conoscenze richieste Building Technologies; Building Physics; Building Performance Simulation for Energy and Comfort; Daylight; Passive Architecture and Passive Bioclimatic design strategies;

Scadenza validita proposta 25/03/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA