Ricerca CERCA

26- MUL2

Theses abroad

Multi-scale analysis and modelling of cork-based composites for aeronautical applications

estero Thesis abroad


External reference persons Anita Catapano (Bordeaux INP)

Research Groups 26- MUL2

Description Cork composites and agglomerates are used in many industrial fields. The low thermal conductivity of this material makes it an excellent choice for thermal insulation applications. Indeed, over the last years cork agglomerate have been employed for thermal protection of aerospace structures (see f. ex. the thermal shield fabricated using cork agglomerates, integrated to the EXOMARS capsule in 2016 and realised by the French society Liège HPK).
Taking into account these special applications of cork agglomerates, the proposed internship will deal with the problem of analysing and modelling a semi-realistic material mesostructure of cork-based composite structures with the aim of optimising the performances of the resulting composite. To meet this goal the research work will be separated into the following steps:
 Bibliographic review on cork-based composites and their applications;
 Development of meso-scale multi-physic finite element and analytical models reproducing the material mesostructure (characterised by cork particles embedded in a polymeric matrix) taking into account the mechanical, thermal and acoustic properties of both cork particles and matrix phases;
 Multi-scale analysis an evaluation of the mechanical, thermal and acoustic properties of the resulting composite by taking into account the shape of the particles, their size and and non-linarites linked to un-perfect particle/matrix interfaces, non-linear behaviour of both particles and matrix phases;
 Design/optimisation of the mesostructure of the agglomerate.

Industrial partners:
 Liège HPK: specialised in the fabrication of cork-based agglomerates for aeronautical and space applications;
 Safran Power-Units: specialised in the design of turbo-engines for aeronautical applications

See also  stage-2019 catapano_public.pdf 

Required skills Application form:
 CV
 Motivation letter
 Transcript of record for Bac+4 (M1)
 List of courses attended during Bac+5 (M2)

Deadline 31/03/2019      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino, ITALY