Ricerca CERCA

04-Automazione e Robotica

Theses at Politecnico

Horse dynamometer

Reference persons WALTER FRANCO

External reference persons Paul Schmit, SmP - Schaff mat Päerd asbl (www.schaffmatperd.org)
Gabriella Lindgren - SLU - Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (www.slu.se)
Sven-Olof Salomonsson - BRUNTE - Brukshästorganisationernas Samarbetskommitté (www.brunte.nu)

Research Groups 04-Automazione e Robotica

Description This thesis consists of designing a contact-less dynamometer on rubber tracks to be used for a scientific research on the draft performance of different draft horse breeds.
The dynamometer, with a step less adjustable breaking power of 0 – 2,4 kW over a distance of 40 m, must feature a fully adjustable hitch device to meet all horse sizes

Required skills SolidWorks

Notes This thesis could be followed by a traineeship during the construction of the horse dynamometer in Luxembourg and the measuring trials in Luxembourg and Sweden

Deadline 05/02/2022      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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