Ricerca CERCA

Telecommunication Networks Group

Theses at Politecnico

Machine Learning for Quality of Experience of real time communications


Reference persons PAOLO GARZA, MICHELA MEO

Research Groups Telecommunication Networks Group

Description The activity is part of a larger project, involving, 5 other researchers. Focusing on improving through machine learning techniques the quality of service of video conference tools, some specific thesis activities are possible:
- transfer learning: transferring ML models obtained by training on a specific application to other applications
- analysis and characterization of the the traffic generated by the BBB tool of Politecnico

The integration and interaction with a large team is requested.

Required skills Very good skills in
- Python language
- Machine learning
Good knowledge of
- networking

Notes Average score of the exams 28 or above.

Deadline 03/02/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA