Ricerca CERCA

Human-Robot interactions in the performing arts

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    



Gruppi di ricerca DAUIN - GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS

Descrizione In recent years, social robots have been widely adopted in different application domains due to the development of electronic hardware and artificial intelligence systems. Even in the context of public exhibitions and theatrical performances, several studies have focused on experiences that involve the interactions and/or collaboration between robots and the audience. Involving robots in this field opens to several research directions, such as: exploring novel interaction paradigms (e.g. based on voice or gestures) between humans and robots; making engaging and human-like robots’ responses to users’ inputs; studying the impact that robots can have on live performances from the point of view of the audience and the actors who interact with them; designing new experiences to complement the theatrical performance (e.g. to entertain the audience before and after the show), and leveraging the presence of the robots in the theater for edutainment.

The objective of this thesis, developed in collaboration with :-PINDARICA – Theatre Multimedia Edutainment company [1], is to design and develop an interactive application that includes human-robot interactions to be hosted or complement a theatrical show. The thesis may also include the design and development of chatbots that emulate theater characters and interact with the audience.

Suggested Reading:

- Jeon, Myounghoon, et al. "Making live theatre with multiple robots as actors bringing robots to rural schools to promote STEAM education for underserved students." 2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). IEEE, 2016.

- Schweppe, Marla, and Joe Geigel. "Live theater on a virtual stage: Incorporating soft skills and teamwork in computer graphics education." IEEE computer graphics and applications 31.1 (2010): 85-89.

- Umetsu, Kenya, Naoyuki Kubota, and Jinseok Woo. "Effects of the Audience Robot on Robot Interactive Theater Considering the State of Audiences." 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). IEEE, 2019.

- Jochum, Elizabeth, and Jeroen Derks. "Tonight We Improvise! Real-time tracking for human-robot improvisational dance." Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Movement and Computing. 2019.

[1] https://pindarica.net/

Scadenza validita proposta 03/11/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA