Ricerca CERCA

Towards Resilient Façades: from qualitative to quantitative buidling performance analysis for designing resilient building envelope systems

azienda Thesis in external company    estero Thesis abroad


Reference persons FABIO FAVOINO

Research Groups TEBE (http://www.tebe.polito.it/)

Description The thesis will development a framework for evaluating building envelope systems under the resiliency perspective, in particular to answer questions such as: (i) what does it mean to design a resilient building and building envelope? (ii) what are the specific requirements for a resilient facade? (iii) how to evaluate a building envelope system in respect to its resiliency to climate change? (iv) how to pass from a qualitative to quantitative evaluation?
The thesis will start with a literature review on (i) general resiliency concepts; (ii) regional and city scale resiliency framework; (iii) building envelope qualitative resiliency evaluation framework; (iv) aspects of climate change effect in buildings and its effect on building performance. In parallel the student will develop skills related to: (i) building performance simulation, which can be in tools such as Energyplus or in parametric tools such as HoneyBee (EnergyPlus and Radiance) for GrassHopper, depending on the student experience and attitude; (ii) climate change scenarios and related building performance evaluations (passive survivability, overheating, energy use / CO2 emission).
Depending on the thesis direction there could be two alternative or consequential activities:
(i) the adoption of the qualitative framework to evaluate resiliency of a number of real projects (past or ongoing), to identify and discuss common strategies and technological solutions;
(ii) the quantitative evaluation of the resilience against climate change of a specific building envelope case study case study (i.e. office reference building integrating alternative building envelope technologies / strategies, i.e. DGU, TGU, natural ventilation, thermal mass, solar shading).
There is the possibility to develop the thesis together with a facade engineering company in Italy (remotely) or abroad (UK or France), to be discussed.

Required skills Knowledge of Building Physics fundamentals and advanced concepts (at least 2 building physics courses completed during the BSc and MSc degree, one of them related to parametric design of building envelope systems, using GH tools); willingness and attitude for literature review and modelling work; Excellent Excel skills; Use of Grasshopper for Rhino and basic use of GH Honeybee and Bombyx plugins. Or alternatively use of Energyplus (or similar).

Deadline 05/01/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA