Ricerca CERCA

Experimental investigation of the CO2/N2 and CO2/CH4 gas mixture separation via chemical absorption with Ionic Liquid

Parole chiave CATTURA CO2


Riferimenti esterni Salvatore Cannone

Gruppi di ricerca M3ES


Descrizione Carbon capture technologies are expected to play a significant role in the energy transition, as a powerful tool for the decarbonisation of the already existing power stations and the hard-to-abate industrial sectors, and as part of biogas upgrading systems and blue hydrogen production processes. Ionic liquids (ILs) are emerging as a viable alternative to the aqueous amine solutions for post-combustion carbon capture processes. In this regard, recent studies show that choline proline ([Cho][Pro]) has very good potential, thanks to its ring structure and to the presence of amine functionalities in the amino acid moiety – which promote the physical and the chemical CO2 absorption, respectively. The work will provide insight into thermophysical properties and performance of [Cho][Pro]. All the tests will be performed on a test rig located in the CO2 Circle Lab (Environmental Park). There will be the opportunity to start an internship at Environmental Park and to collaborate with the IIT company that synthesizes the solutions.

Scadenza validita proposta 01/02/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA