Ricerca CERCA

Thesis in CASALE SA company - Innovative processes for ammonia production

azienda Thesis in external company    estero Thesis abroad



Research Groups Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO


Description Ammonia, synthesized for an immense range of applications (base for fertilizers, reagent for the synthesis of nitric acid and sodium bicarbonate, component for paints, cooling fluid, production of explosives, nylon and synthetic fibers), represents an indispensable molecule for our society. The production of ammonia with low-impact processes is therefore one of the main research lines worldwide, driven above all by the growing attention to the sustainability of materials and industrial processes, which make the traditional Haber-Bosch process obsolete and absolutely to be replaced.
Chemical and materials engineering is a key discipline in this sector.
The Electrochemistry Group at the Politecnico di Torino coordinates various industrial projects and collaborations on the production of ammonia by electrochemical processes powered by renewable sources. One of these activities concerns a collaboration with CASALE SA company, based in Lugano (Switzerland); it is a prestigious reality in the chemical industry field in Europe, in particular on the ammonia topic. The possibility is therefore open to carry out an experimental thesis working both in the laboratories of the Politecnico and in those of CASALE SA. If the candidate applies well in advance, it is also possible to receive a reimbursement of expenses for the period of activity carried out in Switzerland.

See also  https://www.casale.ch/

Required skills The Electrochemistry Group is a team of internationally renowned researchers in the field of energy and electrochemistry (see the recent achievements of the group at this link: https://www.facebook.com/ElectrochemistryGroupPoliTO). Those interested in this thesis proposed by the group must be in possession of these requirements:
- A maximum of 2 exams still to be passed;
- An average rank of at least 27/30;
- Ability to work in a team;
- Autonomy;
- Knowing how to present the results (graphs, slides, reports);
- Desire to work;
- Write the Thesis in English.

Notes The candidate will work on a work line currently active in the research team and in the company, gaining the experience of working in the field of applied research.

Deadline 17/02/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA