Ricerca CERCA

Sensory system for collaborative robotic applications


Reference persons MARINA INDRI

Description The objective if the thesis is the development of an algorithm leveraging ROS2 and an Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435. The computer vision algorithm should be able to identify human operators in an industrial scenario and their role within the plant (e.g., the operator can be trained for collaborative operations) and, depending on the identified role, a collaborative mode should be triggered in the robot, which approaches the human and performs tool detection to best choose the next task to be executed. The solution should be preliminary tested in a simulator and then on the real sensor system. If possible, the student shall apply the developed system on a real platform, e.g., the TurtleBot3 (Burger) mobile robot.

See also  thesis proposal robotics_at_det_n2.pdf 

Required skills See the attached documents

Notes Candidates must send their complete and updated CV by email to the contact persons indicated in the document.

Deadline 09/05/2022      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA