Ricerca CERCA

Innovative solutions in the field of photovoltaic roofs: technical-economic feasibility and scenario simulation


Reference persons ANDREA LANZINI

Research Groups M3ES


Description The thesis aims to analyze the technical-economic feasibility of the use of innovative solutions in the field of photovoltaic roofs, i.e. unconventional PV devices (such as photovoltaic tiles) applicable on roofs to residential buildings alongside the PV modules traditional. The use of these solutions can help ensure the cost-effectiveness of new photovoltaic systems to be installed in condominium buildings, with the use of energy produced in collective self-consumption by the condominiums themselves, benefiting from any incentives. The use of photovoltaic tiles or other "building added" photovoltaic elements can in fact allow to increase the useful installation surface, and consequently the installed power of the condominium system, extending the feasibility to a greater number of buildings.
The study will investigate the regulatory context and applicable incentives, and will verify through market analysis and direct contacts with developers, the availability, technical characteristics, cost and potential scalability of innovative products useful for increasing the installation surface of the system. The study will therefore evaluate whether the benefit brought by the use of the most promising products outweighs the economic disadvantage in terms of installation costs, identifying possible use cases for which it is possible to identify a sustainable business model, through the development of a technical-economic analysis.

Deadline 24/03/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA