Ricerca CERCA

Area Ingegneria

Intelligent virtual humans

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    


Gruppi di ricerca GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS

Descrizione Virtual humans (or digital humans) are simulations of human beings on computers, which are considered today a kind of commodity in movies, video games and the entertainment domain in general. In fact, virtual humans are getting commonplace in various industries and domains, from medicine, to film, fashion, education, automobile, telecommunications, etc. Depending on the application, various level of realisms might be needed.

A medical application requires an exact simulation of specific internal organs or of human emotional states; an education or a cultural heritage application requires effective communication/storytelling and interaction abilities to effectively deliver the intended contents and manage dialogues; the film industry requires extremely pleasant appearances, as well as natural movements and expressions; ergonomic studies, like clothing applications, require faithful body proportions, realistic locomotion, etc.; the metaverse require social behavior to be replicated in a credible way via easy-to-use interfaces.

The research domain of virtual humans is concerned with their representation, movement and behavior, and is addressing related challenges through a multi-disciplinary approach that encompasses, among others, computer graphics, computer animation, computer vision and artificial intelligence.

The aim of this thesis is to explore possible methods and tools for the creation and the control of intelligent virtual humans that can be used in different projects currently ongoing at the VR@POLITO lab.

In particular, activities could concern:

- the creation of digital avatars for virtual visits being created for cultural institutions in Piemonte and in Italy (in collaboration with DAD and DISEG departments);
- the development of empathic avatars of patient and doctors to support training in the medical domain in collaboration with OntarioTech university (Ontario, Canada);
- the implementation of conversational agents that can be used in customer service-oriented applications;
- the comparison of consumer technologies that can be exploited to enable a smooth transfer of the user's movements (body posture and gait, as well as facial expression) onto his or her virtual avatar.

Depending on the domain, the thesis can be carried out either in collaboration with a company, as a thesis at Politecnico di Torino or even as a thesis abroad in a foreign university.

Vedi anche  http://grains.polito.it/work.php

Scadenza validita proposta 31/07/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA