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Virtual simulations and human-computer interfaces for advanced air mobility

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    



Gruppi di ricerca GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS

Descrizione Several thesis proposals are available in the context of the "Centro Nazionale Mobilitą Sostenibile" ("National Center for Sustainable Mobility"), in particular of the project "Air mobility" funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). These proposal will concern the design and development of virtual simulations and human-computer interfaces for advanced air mobility, and could be developed in collaboration with the other project partners.

One of these proposals will concern the creation of a simulation environment for flying vehicles. Starting from existing software, an immersive environment capable to simulate, both visually and physically, the cabin/cockpit of a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) aircraft (manned or un-manned) will be created. The physical simulation will leverage a motion platform available at VR@POLITO. Typical tasks for VTOL aircrafts like passenger transport, emergency medical services, or search and rescue (SAR) will be considered.

Another proposal strictly related to the previous one will concern the design and evaluation of interfaces capable to enhance the situational awareness of pilots of manned aircrafts. In particular, since the two main human-vehicle communication channels, i.e., the visual and aural ones, are typically overloaded, the aim is to investigate how to leverage the haptic channel. In particular, by using a commercial haptic suit, the plan is to investigate the effectiveness of a multi-sensory stimulation combining the above channels with the haptic one by means of full-body touch stimuli.

Another proposal will concern the use of spatial audio in immersive VR simulations to investigate the acoustic experience in flying vehicles. Though a collaboration with the DIMEAS department, acoustic simulations of the the vehicle's mechanical structure and motors will be generated. By means of a VR simulation, users will be immersed a synthetic environment and will be allowed to evaluate different configurations based on their acoustic impact.

Vedi anche  http://grains.polito.it/work.php

Scadenza validita proposta 31/07/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA