Ricerca CERCA

Area Engineering

Medical device optimization for PWV estimation


Reference persons DANILO DEMARCHI

External reference persons Irene Buraioli (irene.buraioli@polito.it)

Research Groups MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems)


Description Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in the world, accounting for about 17.9 million deaths per year, corresponding to 32 percent of total annual deaths. Early diagnosis and treatment of CVD can dramatically reduce the chance of premature mortality and ensure a normal life for those strongly related to Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV). Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) represents the speed of pressure wave propagation within arteries, and is usually assessed between the carotid and femoral sites. Specifically, it is calculated as the ratio of the distance between the two sites to the time elapsed to travel that length. PWV estimation is performed with instruments based mainly on applanation tonometry, but the high cost severely limits their use in clinical settings.
The research group in which this thesis will take place has developed a tool, already validated, for the assessment of this parameter (named ATHOS).
This thesis aims to optimize the Bluetooth data-sending protocol of the device in question by engineering the firmware part. The already patented algorithm will be migrated from the GUI interface to the microcontroller, increasing the integrity of the solution and the device itself.
The first part of the thesis will study the current approach to processing the acquired signals. Second, the migration to a microcontroller and its computational optimization will be continued. Finally, the new version of the device will be validated in a hospital environment.

Required skills Signal processing, Microcontrollers programming (C/C++)

Deadline 14/12/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA